2017년 3월 21일 화요일

Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S 63

Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S 63

Again, if it be the making of a harbour, the student must first
thoroughly examine the nature of the locality, that is, its geographical
position and geological character. As regards the former, whether the
harbour is to be at the mouth of a river, whether that river discharges
its waters into a bay, or through a projecting exposed line of coast
where the main tidal currents run continuously and rapidly past it. With
regard to the latter, whether the adjacent coasts be flat and alluvial;
or elevated, but still composed of soft alluvial or sandy and calcareous
soil, easily abraded or worn away by the passing currents; or whether
they be composed of the harder or primary rocks. He must also carefully
consider the strength and the direction of the currents. All these
various conditions must be carefully weighed before coming to a decision.
In constructing close harbours, the same observations must be made. Each
of these cases requires a totally different kind of treatment, and the
correct method can only be ascertained by a thorough investigation and
knowledge of the local circumstances, such as winds, tides, currents,
coasts, &c., so that the harbour when constructed may afford every
facility for ingress and egress, safety when within, and not be liable to
any deposit.
In order to give the requisite supply of water to canals it is imperative
that sufficient reservoirs should be established chiefly at the high
level if possible, also at each intervening ascent and descent; but
it is most desirable that there should be only one high level, and
generally speaking this may obtained; but when, from particular local
circumstances, this cannot be done, then the high levels, even at
considerable extra expense, should be reduced to as few as practicable.
The same may be said with regard to railways, but in the case of canals
it is always absolutely necessary that there should be reservoir space
to supply the greatest amount of lockage that may be required during
the season when there is the least quantity of rainfall. The rainfall in
any given district may always be ascertained by proper rain gauges; and
whenever it has been found that there is no probability of obtaining a
sufficiency of water to pass the amount of trade that may be expected
over any given length of canal, then the high level must be lowered
sufficiently to obtain the required supply. When, from peculiar local
circumstances, this cannot be done, then it will become necessary to
erect steam engines of the requisite power to pump back the water from
the lower to the higher levels. But as a rule it will be found, that by
laying out a canal properly, and by storing sufficient water to answer
all the required lock supply at proper places, pumping back will only be
necessary in extreme cases. This, however, is a question of detail that
will be governed by the local circumstances of each particular case.
With regard to the construction of canals, that must be regulated by
the quantity of trade to be passed, and the charges that it will bear;
but, within certain limits, the larger the canal the better. In the case
of ship canals for seaborne vessels, it is advisable to construct them
wherever they can be made at a reasonable cost, and there is traffic
enough to pay a fair interest upon the capital.
In the drainage of extensive districts of lowlands, whether bordering
upon rivers or otherwise, it is the better plan, with some exceptions,
to divide the lowland from the highland waters, and to discharge them by
separate outfalls; because if they are both discharged by one outfall,
the highland water, coming from a higher level, and naturally having the
greatest velocity, will force its way first to the outfall, and until
it is discharged the lowland water cannot get off, but will accumulate
upon and inundate the adjacent lands. Again, if only one outfall be
provided, a much more extensive system of main and interior drains
will be required, as these latter must serve as reservoirs to contain
both waters until they can be discharged by the common outfall; but by
keeping them distinct from each other, the highland water may readily be
discharged into the upper part of the rivers or watercourses, whilst the
lowland water may be made to discharge itself at the lowest point the
outfall will admit of, and will get off before the highland water can
reach it. Moreover, the highland water, being discharged so much higher
up the watercourses or rivers, will scour out their channels as well as
the outfall, prevent them from filling up, and preserve them in the best
state both for drainage and navigation. These catchwater drains for the
highland waters will also be found very useful for supplying the lowland
districts with fresh water for cattle, domestic purposes, and irrigation
during the summer and dry seasons, when fresh water is so much needed for
the lowlands. This system was first introduced by my father, in 1805, in
the drainage of the extensive district of lowlands bordering upon the
river Witham, between Boston and Lincoln, amounting to about 150,000
Generally speaking, before attempting to improve the interior drainage of
any lowland district, it is necessary, in the first place, to examine the
state of the outfall, and how far it is capable of improvement; before
this is ascertained it is impossible to lay down any effectual plan. In
order to make the outfall effective it should be improved to the greatest
extent practicable, so that the low-water line or level may be reduced
to the lowest point. Having done this, the interior drainage may be laid
out accordingly. When this is combined with the catchwater system above
described, the drainage may be rendered as complete as possible, as far
as it can be upon the natural principle of gravitation. When the water
cannot be discharged from the outfall at all times by gravitation, we
must enlarge the main and tributary drains, so that they may serve as
reservoirs to contain the drainage water during the time that the outfall
sluice is closed in consequence of the water in the river or the sea,
where the outfall sluice may be placed, being higher than the level of
the water in the main and interior drains. No land can be considered as
properly drained unless the surface of the water in the adjacent drains
can be kept from 2 to 3 feet below the surface of the adjacent lands
at all times. There must be no stagnation of water; at the same time
there must always be the means, as far as practicable, of supplying the
land with that proper degree of moisture necessary for nourishing the
soil, either from the direct rainfall or from the water discharged into
the catchwater drains from the adjacent highlands; and if these be not
sufficient, then they may be supplemented by reservoirs of the proper
dimensions attached to them. The best mode of arranging this is, of
course, a matter of detail, keeping always in view the great principle of
a thorough drainage and an ample supply of fresh water. The system that I
have above explained is based upon the soundest principles of theory and
practice, and therefore I feel no hesitation in recommending it.
With regard to the sewerage and drainage of towns, the same principle
may be adopted, modified according to local circumstances. The drains
here will require greater fall or inclination. The sewage should not
be discharged into the watercourses, but into separate depôts at a
proper distance from the dwellings. These depôts should be thoroughly
ventilated, and the sewage deodorized by mixing it with earth, or some
other suitable substance, that will not impair its value, and then it may
be sold for manure; and thus instead of becoming a nuisance it may be
turned to profitable account.
All rivers in densely populated countries should have their flood waters
stored in capacious reservoirs, with proper sluices, in the main or
adjacent subsidiary valleys, so that during the dry seasons there may
be always an ample supply of good water for domestic and agricultural
purposes, irrigation, and navigation. The reservoirs will also be
advantageous in preventing the too frequent inundations and consequent
devastation caused by floods.
In waterworks gravitation should be adopted wherever practicable, so
that the source of supply shall be placed at such an elevation that it
may command the highest part of the buildings to be supplied, thus all
artificial power for pumping will be avoided. But in most cases, except
where natural lakes can be found, it will be necessary to make settling
or filtering reservoirs, from which the water when sufficiently pure
may be delivered into the supply reservoirs, and both of these should
be capacious enough to contain a sufficient supply for a month, more
or less, according to the particular local circumstances. Last, but
not least, the quality of the water for the proposed supply should be
thoroughly tested chemically, in order to ascertain its purity; it should
be as soft as possible, and be free from vegetable as well as all other
matter prejudicial _to health_; and it must be obtained in sufficient
quantity to guarantee a supply of thirty gallons a day to each inhabitant
of the town, with the means of augmenting the supply at the same rate for
any increase of inhabitants. The conduit which is to supply the service
reservoir should be covered throughout, as well as the service reservoir,
which of course should be occasionally cleansed; the other, or settling
reservoir, near the fountain head, need not be covered if made large
enough; that also should be cleansed as often as is necessary.
Where the water cannot be supplied by means of gravitation, then the
artificial method of pumping by steam engines or water-wheels, or other
means, must be adopted; but in this case also settling, filtering,
and service reservoirs must be employed, as already described. It is
unnecessary to remark that in all cases the reservoirs and conduits
should be made thoroughly water-tight and impervious to any drainage
water from the adjacent districts.
Docks may be divided into two classes, viz. floating and dry docks; the
former may be designated as enclosed spaces filled with water, penned up
to such depth as may be required for floating vessels of all classes.
These docks or basins must be rendered water-tight, and in most cases it
is necessary to surround them with nearly vertical walls, to economize
space and to enable vessels to come alongside and discharge and receive
With regard to the situation of these docks and designing the plans for
them, this depends upon the local circumstances and the requirements of
the particular class of vessels that they are to accommodate, and the
trade that is to be carried on in them. Without a thorough knowledge of
all these circumstances it is impossible to give anything like a correct
opinion as to their dimensions, mode of designing them, or any other
particulars. I may say generally, however, that as these docks are always
situated contiguous to some river or harbour, either with or without the
tidal ebb and flow, the position and direction of the entrances to the
docks become of the greatest importance, in order that they may not be
too much exposed, and that vessels may be enabled to enter and depart
with the greatest facility; and in such part of the river or harbour
where there is the greatest depth of water and the best channel outwards
and inwards. There should also, as far as possible, be the means of
supplying the basins with clear water, in order to diminish the amount
of deposit within; there should also be a smaller or entrance basin
adjoining the outer lock, the level of water in which can be more readily
adjusted with that of the adjacent river or harbour, so that vessels may
be taken into the docks with the greatest despatch out of the reach of

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