2017년 3월 10일 금요일

Charlie Codmans Cruise 16

Charlie Codmans Cruise 16

Mrs. Codman sat down to the piano and played two pieces, one slow in
movement, the other rapid, showing a nice touch and easy execution.
"Thank you," said Mr. Bowman. "I am inclined to think that I shall be
glad to avail myself of your services. Should you be willing to engage
for three months at first, to see how we are mutually pleased with each
other? The pupil I have to offer you is a little addicted to mischief,
and I don't know how you may like her."
"I am quite willing to enter into such an arrangement," said Mrs.
Codman; "and in reference to the last point, I am quite sure I shall
like my pupil. I begin to like her already."
"Do you?" said Bert, with much satisfaction, rising from the ottoman,
and unceremoniously dropping the black kitten, who turned a somerset,
and ran off shaking her head.
In answer, Mrs. Codman held out her hand with a smile.
Bert hurried across the room, and placed her own in it confidingly.
"I am so glad you do," said she. "You won't make me study my eyes out,
will you?"
"That would, indeed, be a pity," said Mrs. Codman, looking at Bert's
bright eyes, sparkling with fun and mischief.
Mr. Bowman observed these signs of agreement between Bert and her new
governess with pleasure, and hastened to say, "In regard to business
arrangements we will speak by and by. I think I can promise that they
will be satisfactory to you."
It may be mentioned here, that Mr. Bowman, who was by no means disposed
to deal parsimoniously with those in his employ, fixed Mrs. Codman's
salary at six hundred dollars a year, which was four times as much as
she had ever been able to gain by her needle.
"When may we expect you?" he asked. "You have, doubtless, some
preliminary arrangements to make, for which you will please take
whatever time you may require. Meanwhile, accept this sum in advance."
He drew from his pocket-book a fifty-dollar note, which he handed to
Mrs. Codman. She could not feel any embarrassment in accepting a sum
so tendered, and bowing her thanks, intimated that she would make her
appearance on the following Monday, it being now Thursday.
The advance payment proved very acceptable to Mrs. Codman, as with it
she was enabled to replenish her wardrobe, a step rendered necessary by
her residence in Mr. Bowman's family. She was busily engaged for the
remainder of the week in supplying its deficiencies.
No one could be more overjoyed than was the humble washer-woman at
the success of her friend, of which she felt sure from the first,
knowing Mrs. Codman to be a _rale lady_. The latter, feeling that she
owed her present good fortune mainly to the zealous recommendation of
her friendly neighbor, purchased a neat dress, which Mrs. O'Grady was
prevailed upon to accept, on being convinced she would not thereby be
distressing herself, a fact of which she was assured on being told of
Mr. Bowman's liberality.
Yet there was, as the reader well knows, one thought which contributed
to diminish the joy which Mrs. Codman would otherwise have felt at
being restored, in a measure, to the mode of life to which she had been
accustomed, and relieved from the necessity of unremitting labor in
order to sustain life. This was, the thought of Charlie, her own brave,
handsome boy, who had been the joy and life of her little household,
now gone,--she knew not whither. The uncertainty as to his fate cost
her many a sleepless night. She was sustained, however, by a strong
confidence that he was yet living, and had little doubt that the
suggestion of Peter Manson was correct, that he had been carried off by
the captain of some vessel short of hands. Of course, she did not for
an instant harbor the suspicion that Peter himself had had anything to
do with his disappearance, being quite unaware that any motive existed
powerful enough to tempt the old man to such a crime.
"I shall hear from him; I shall see him again," she said, with earnest
conviction. "He is under the eye of Providence, wherever he may be, and
no harm shall befall him."
Still, even with this strong feeling of trust, there was an
uncertainty about the time when her wishes could be realized, which
could not fail to weigh upon the mother's heart. Then there was the
constant longing for his bright and enlivening presence, greater,
because he was her only child, and she was a widow.
The furniture which Mrs. Codman had in her rooms she was enabled to
dispose of without a very great sacrifice. She reserved a few articles,
endeared to her by association, which she stored in the room of her
friendly neighbor.
With her, also, she left a sum of money, sufficient to pay for her
month's rent, which would not be due for a fortnight after her removal
to the house of Mr. Bowman. Peter Manson was not a little surprised
and disappointed when, on visiting his tenant,--prepared to witness
her distress and hear entreaties for a reduction of her rent,--to find
her already gone, and to hear that she had obtained an advantageous
situation, though where, he was unable to ascertain, as Mrs. O'Grady,
with whom he was no favorite, was not disposed to be communicative.
Leaving Mrs. Codman thus comfortably provided for, we must now follow
the fortunes of our young hero, Charlie, whom we left securely bound in
the forecastle of the Bouncing Betsey.
When the Bouncing Betsey was fairly out to sea, Captain Brace,
anticipating, with the malicious delight which a petty tyrant feels in
the sufferings of those subject to him, the grief and terror of our
young hero, ordered Charlie to be released from his bonds and brought
before him.
This order the mate chose to execute in person.
The pressure of the cords, with which he had been bound, had chafed his
limbs, and the constraint of his position had made them ache.
As the mate busied himself in unbinding him, Charlie inquired, with a
glimmering of hope, "Are you going to let me go?"
"Where?" asked Randall.
"On shore."
"Perhaps you don't know that, by this time, we are at least forty miles
from Boston."
"Could you send me back?" asked Charlie, his heart sinking within him.
"I suppose we might turn the ship about, and go back for your
accommodation," said the mate, with a sneer; "but I don't think Capt.
Brace would consent."
"Is there no way?" implored Charlie. "Couldn't you put me on board some
ship going back?"
"You can speak to the captain about that. He has sent for you. Come
along, and don't be all day about it."
Charlie stretched himself with the intent of gaining some relief from
the stricture he had suffered, and prepared to do what he knew there
was no means of evading, he followed Randall to the presence of Capt.
"Well, Jack," said Capt. Brace, showing his teeth in an unpleasant
manner, "how do you like life on shipboard?"
"My name is not Jack," was our hero's reply.
"Indeed! Perhaps you will do me the favor to tell me what is it."
"My name," said our hero, not liking the captain's tone, "is Charlie
"So you pretend to be wiser than your uncle," said Capt. Brace, looking
towards the mate.
"He is not my uncle," said Charlie, boldly. If he had felt it to be
prudent, he would have added that he had no desire for a relationship
to Randall, but he knew that it would not be wise.
"Do you dare to contradict my first officer?" demanded the captain,
with a frown.
"I am only telling the truth," said Charlie, undauntedly.

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