2017년 3월 10일 금요일

Charlie Codmans Cruise 9

Charlie Codmans Cruise 9

"There was one little difficulty in the way of my doing that."
"He doesn't know he is going."
"Ah ha!" said the Jewish dealer, putting one scraggy finger to the side
of his nose with a knowing look; "that's it, is it?"
"I see you comprehend. Now tell me what shall we do about fitting him?"
"If I could only see him----"
"You could judge by your eye what would be likely to fit him. Is that
what you would say?"
"And how long would you require to look at him?"
"Two minutes would answer."
"Very well; I will call with the boy in the course of an hour or two.
By the way, I shall want a small chest to put the articles in. You keep
them, of course?"
"A great variety."
"I dare say you will suit me. A very plain one will answer. Have your
bill made out for the other articles, and I will discharge it."
With a profusion of bows and thanks, the trader dismissed his customer.
The mate now betook himself to the hotel where he had engaged Charlie
to meet him at eleven o'clock. Charlie, who was always punctual to his
appointments, had already arrived, and was looking over a newspaper in
the reading-room.
"So you are on hand, my boy," said Randall, in a friendly manner.
"Yes, sir."
"I am glad to find you punctual. Are you ready to set out?"
"Yes, sir, quite ready."
Rather to keep up the boy's delusion as to his designs, Randall
suffered Charlie to guide him to one or two places of public interest,
with which he was already more familiar than his guide, and then
suddenly proposed that they should go down to the wharves.
"You must know, my lad," said he, "that I am a sailor."
"I thought so, sir."
"What made you think so?"
"I don't know, sir; but I can generally tell a sailor."
"Perhaps I haven't got my sea-legs off. However, as I was saying, I am
an officer on board a ship lying at the wharf, and I have just thought
of a bundle I want brought from the ship. If you will go with me and
fetch it, I will pay you at the same rate I promised you for going
about with me."
Of course Charlie had no objections. In fact, although he had been on
board ships at the wharf, he had never been in company with an officer,
and he thought it possible his companion might be willing to explain to
him the use of some parts which he did not yet understand. Accordingly
he gave a ready assent to the mate's proposition, and together they
took their way to Long Wharf, at which the ship was lying.
The shop kept by the Jew was, as a matter of convenience and policy,
located near the wharves. It was not a general clothing-store, but
specially designed to supply seamen with outfits.
"I have a little errand here," said Randall, pausing before the shop of
Moses Mellen.
"I can stop outside," said Charlie.
"You had better come in. You will see where we sailors get our
Not suspecting any sinister design in this invitation, Charlie
accepted it without more ado, and followed Randall in. He looked about
him with some curiosity, not observing that he too was an object of
attention to the Jewish dealer, whose quick eye detected their entrance.
He went forward to meet Randall.
"You see the boy, do you?" asked the mate, in a low voice.
"Is that the one?"
"Yes. Do you think you will be able to fit him?"
"No doubt about it, though he is a little smaller than the boys we
usually fit out."
"Never mind if the clothes are a little large. He'll be sure to grow to
them, and a precise fit isn't quite so important on the quarter-deck as
it might be on Washington Street. We are not fashionable on board the
Betsey, Mr. Mellen."
The dealer laughed, showing some yellowish tusks, which were evidently
not supplied by the dentist.
"Have you made out my bill?"
"Here it is."
"While I am looking over it, will you pick out such clothes as the boy
will need?"
Darting a hasty glance at Charlie, to make sure of his size, the dealer
hurried to the rear of the shop, and commenced selecting articles which
he laid away in a small blue chest.
The task was soon completed, and again he came out to the front part of
the store.
"All ready!" he said, in a low voice to Randall.
"You have been quick. Here is the amount of your bill. As to the chest,
you may send it on board the Bouncing Betsey without any unnecessary
"It shall be done, Mr. Randall. Have you no further commands for us?"
"I believe not, to-day."
"You will remember our shop when you are round again?"
"I won't forget you."
"You needn't accompany me to the door, nor allude to my voyage," said
Randall, in a low voice, to the dealer. "Remember, I have _him_ with
Moses winked in a manner which by no means improved the __EXPRESSION__ of
his not very agreeable features.
"Now, my lad," said Randall, "we'll go on board the vessel. Have you
ever been on board a ship?"
"Yes, sir, a good many times by myself, but I never had any one to tell
me the different parts."
"I'll promise, then," said the mate, in a tone whose significance was
lost upon our hero at the time, though he afterwards recalled it, "that
you shall know more about a vessel before you leave this one."
"I thank you," said Charlie, considering the offer a kind one.
They ascended the ladder and jumped upon the deck of the vessel, which,
though Charlie knew it not, was to be his home for many a weary day.
At the close of the last chapter we had got our hero fairly on board
the Bouncing Betsey, on what he supposed to be a brief visit, but
which his companion had resolved should be far otherwise.
Randall did not at first undeceive his youthful attendant. He felt
that it would hardly be polite, as the ship was lying at the wharf
surrounded by other vessels, and the disturbance and vigorous
resistance which Charlie would be apt to make when told what was in
store for him might attract a degree of attention which might prove
fatal to his plans.
They had scarcely set their feet upon deck, when they encountered
Captain Brace.
The mate glanced significantly at the boy by his side, and carelessly
put his finger to his lips in token of silence, at the same time
saying, "A lad whom I have promised to initiate into some of the
mysteries of seamanship."
"He may find the knowledge useful to him some time," said the captain,
with a grim smile. "Do you think you should like going to sea, my lad?"
"No, sir," returned Charlie, promptly, "I don't think I should."
"Why not?"
"I should get tired of seeing the sea all the time."
"You would get used to it."
"I never should like it so well as the land. Besides, I should not like
to leave my mother."
"Well, my lad, if you should ever change your mind," said the captain,
with a wicked glance at Randall, "I hope you'll give me the first offer of your services."

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