2017년 3월 6일 월요일

Luck and Pluck 30

Luck and Pluck 30

"You've no idea how I miss you, old fellow. All the hard parts in
Virgil and Xenophon come to me now. I don't enjoy studying half so
much now that you are away. If I were you, I'd give old Huxter the
slip some fine morning. I only wish you could come and stay at our
house. Wouldn't it be jolly? I know father would like it; but I
suppose people would talk, and Mrs. Oakley would make a fuss.
"Well, it's time for me to go to studying. Keep up a stiff upper lip,
and never say die. Things will be sure to come round. One thing, you
must be sure to write to me as soon as you can. Tell me all about how
you're getting along with the _monstrum horrendum informe_. Of course
I mean old Huxter."
"Your affectionate friend,
John felt much better after reading these letters. He felt that,
whatever might be the hardships of his present lot, he had two good
friends who sympathized with him. He read over the lawyer's letter once
more. Though he didn't expressly advise him to leave Mr. Huxter, it was
evident that he expected him to do so. John himself had no doubts on
that point. He felt that he would be willing anywhere else to work for
his living; but to remain in his present position was insupportable.
He could feel neither regard nor respect for Mr. Huxter. He witnessed
daily with indignation the manner in which he treated his poor wife,
whom he sincerely pitied. But it was not his business to interfere
between man and wife. No, he could not stay any longer in such a house.
To-morrow morning he would rise early, and, before Mr. Huxter woke, bid
a silent farewell to Jackson, and start on his journey to Wilton.
When he reached his boarding-place, it was already four o'clock in the
afternoon. Mr. Huxter had come home just drunk enough to be ugly. He
had inquired of his wife where John was. She couldn't tell him.
"What business has he to leave the house without permission?" he
"He is old enough for that, surely," said Mrs. Huxter.
"Shut up, Mrs. Huxter! What do you know about it?" said her husband.
"The boy needs a good flogging."
"I'm sure he's a very good boy," said Mrs. Huxter. "He is quite a young
"He is altogether too much of a young gentleman," said Mr. Huxter. "He
puts on too many airs for me."
"You are not just to him, Mr. Huxter."
"How many times, Mrs. Huxter, must I request you to mind your own
business?" said her husband, coarsely. "Do you know what I am going to
"What?" asked his wife, with apprehension.
"I'm going to cut a stout stick out in the orchard, and give the young
gentleman a lesson when he returns. That's what I'm going to do."
"Oh don't, Mr. Huxter!" implored his wife, clasping his arm.
But Mr. Huxter was in one of his ugly fits, and shaking off his wife's
grasp, went out into the orchard, taking out his jack-knife. He
returned in a few minutes with a thick stick in his hand, which boded
no good to poor John.
Mrs. Huxter turned pale with apprehension, and earnestly hoped John
would not return until her husband had forgotten his resolution. But
this was not to be. She heard a step upon the threshold, and John
entered by the back way. Mr. Huxter tightened the grasp upon his stick,
and smiled grimly.
"Where've you been, Oakley?" he demanded, abruptly.
"I have been over to Milbank," said John, quietly, not knowing the
intention of the questioner.
"What did you go over to Milbank for?" asked Huxter.
"I didn't know there was any objection to my going," said John.
"What business had you to go without asking my leave?"
"I didn't suppose there was any need of my asking you whether I could
go or not."
"You're an impudent young rascal!" exclaimed Mr. Huxter.
"What reason have you for calling me that?" asked John, calmly. He
saw that Mr. Huxter had been drinking, and did not wish to get into a
dispute with him.
"You needn't think you can put on any of your airs here. I won't stand
it!" vociferated Huxter, gradually working himself up into a rage.
"I don't want to put on any airs, Mr. Huxter," said John.
"Do you mean to contradict me?" demanded Huxter, glaring at John.
"You had better go out," said Mrs. Huxter, in a low voice.
"He shan't go out! He shall stay," roared Huxter. "I'll thank you not
to interfere, Mrs. Huxter. I'm going to flog the young jackanape."
He seized his stick and made a rush at John. Our hero, knowing he could
not cope with him, and besides not wishing to get into a fight in the
presence of Mrs. Huxter, dodged the angry man. This made Mr. Huxter,
whose blood was now up, all the more eager to get hold of him. John,
however, succeeded in eluding him once more. This time, however, Mr.
Huxter was unlucky. Mrs. Huxter had been washing, and the tub full of
quite warm water had been temporarily placed upon the floor of the
kitchen. Mr. Huxter, whose motions were not over-steady, slipped, and,
falling backward, sat down in the tub.
He gave a yell of pain, and John, taking advantage of the accident, ran
out of the door. But Mr. Huxter was in no condition to follow him. The
water was not hot enough to scald him; but it certainly made him feel
very uncomfortable.
"The young rascal has killed me," he groaned. "I'm scalded to death,
and I suppose you're glad of it, Mrs. Huxter. You put the tub there on
Mr. Huxter took off his clothes and went to bed, swearing at his poor
wife, who he declared was in league with John.
"There's no help for it now," said John to himself. "I must leave this
house to-morrow."
"To-morrow I will leave Jackson," thought John, as he undressed
himself, and jumped into bed.
His spirits rose as he made this resolution. It had been very
irksome to him to feel that he was under the control of such a man
as Mr. Huxter,--a man for whom it was impossible for him to feel
either respect or regard. Under any circumstances it would have been
disagreeable for him to remain, but off from the studies in which he
had taken delight, the time passed heavily; he felt that he had no
longer an object in life. But the petty persecutions to which he was
subjected made it intolerable, and he was satisfied that the accident
which had befallen Mr. Huxter would only make matters worse.
Meanwhile Mr. Huxter, on his bed below, cherished thoughts the reverse
of agreeable concerning our hero.
"I'll come up with the young rascal," he muttered. "He'll find it's a
bad day's work he's done for himself."
"It wasn't his fault, Mr. Huxter," said his wife, who wanted justice
"Why isn't it his fault?" said her husband, looking at her with a frown.
"He didn't know you would slip into the tub."
"And I shouldn't wonder if you put it there, Mrs. Huxter. It was a
regular trap."
"I put it there just for a few minutes. I was going to move it."
"Yes, after you had accomplished your object, and got me scalded."
"You ought not to say such things, Mr. Huxter. You know I was innocent
of any such intention."
"Oh, of course nobody was to blame! That's always the way. But it isn't
much comfort to me."
"I don't see how anybody was to blame."
"Well, I do," said Mr. Huxter, savagely. "As soon as I get up, I'll
give Oakley such a flogging as he never got before."
It was a great disappointment to Mr. Huxter that he could not carry out
his benevolent design at once; but he felt too uncomfortable for that.
"I wish you had never brought him here," said Mrs. Huxter. "I am sure
he cannot enjoy himself much here."
"I don't care whether he enjoys himself or not," said her husband. "We
get six dollars a week for his board,--that's the main point. And next
week, when I set him to work in the shop, we'll make a pretty good
thing out of him."
"I don't believe he will be willing to work in the shop. He knows that
you get paid for his board."
"I think I can persuade him with the horsewhip," said Mr. Huxter,
At that moment John's steps were heard as he ascended the attic stairs
on his way to bed.
A new thought came to Mr. Huxter about an hour later. He reflected that
it was in John's power to elude his vengeance by escaping, and this he
had no intention of permitting.

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