2008년 6월 20일 금요일

영어 숙어 신촌이미지한의원

Idiom 특강

시험에 출제되는 관용표현들 중 50%에서 80% 정도는 글자의 뜻을 하나씩 엮어 보고, 앞 뒤 문맥을 생각하면 의미를 추측할 수 있는 것들입니다. 많은 이디엄 및 구동사(phrasal verbs)를 구성하는 전치사 및 부사들의 핵심 개념을 갖고 있다면, 옳은 추측의 가능성은 더욱 높아질 수 있습니다. 이디엄을 모두 모아서 외우려고 하는 방법은 절대적인 한계가 있습니다. 본 강의는 (1) 전치사의 기본 개념을 익히는 것으로 시작해서, (2) 전치사의 해석이 선행될 때 보다 쉽게 이해될 수 있는 구동사 연습, 그리고 이 두 가지 주요 기본 사항을 바탕으로 시험에 자주 출제되고, 글자만 가지고는 쉽게 해석이 어려운 (3) 관용표현들을 상황별로 모아 연습합니다. 상황별 이디엄의 마무리로 (4) TOEIC에서 주로 문제가 되는 상황과 이디엄들을 묶어서 봅니다. 고시의 상황은 정치 경제 인문을 두루 걸친 내용들이고, 그 중 이디엄은 실제적인 쓰임이 많은 정치/경제와 관련한 것들이 많기 때문입니다.
많은 이디엄들을 다루려기 보다, 핵심을 확실히 다져서 응용범위를 확대하려는데 초점을 맞추었습니다. 기본적으로 관용적 표현은 실제로 말하는 사람들의 느낌과 감정을 이해하는 것이 가장 필요한 영역이기 때문에, Short talk을 반복해 소리내 읽고 공부하면서 어감을 익힌다면 더욱 좋은 공부가 될 것으로 생각합니다.

1. A: Why do you hate him?
B: I'm sick of his bossing us _______ like that. Who does he think he is? (변리사 01)
(a) around (b) against (c) with (d) in (e) up

boss somebody around ; to order somebody this and that 이것 저것 시키다
eg) I was bossed around all day, and now I want to do it my way. 정답: (a)

AROUND 어떤 것을 빙 둘러싸고 있는 것, 어떤 공간의 여기 저기에, 대략
① following a boundary, in a circular direction
eg) We walked around the block.
The earth spins around on its axis as it travels around the sun.
The teacher drew a circle around each mistake.
The rancher put a rope around the cow's neck.

② (All) around means in all areas of some place or in many random directions
eg) There is crime all around this city.
Those teenagers just hang around the mall with nothing to do.

- give someone the runaround--avoid taking action by giving long explanation 빙 돌려 말하며 상황을 피하다
eg) When I tried to return my broken air conditioner, the store manager gave me the runaround.

2. Mary was so carried away by John's remark on her new hairdo that she couldn't sleep at all. (기술고시 95)
(a) excited (b) annoyed (c) satisfied (d) influenced (e) humbled

carried away--filled with strong feelings or excitement, especially so that you behave unreasonably 지나치게 흥분하다
eg) I got carried away and bought three pairs of shoes instead of one. 정답: (a)

AWAY 어떤 곳으로부터 멀리 있거나 멀어져감. 끝나고 사라질 때까지 계속, 꾸준히 힘들여.
eg) The prisoner broke away from the guards.
The policeman ran after him, but the thief ran away in the dark.

3. George knew all the ins and outs of the case. (행시 99)
(a) strengths (b) weaknesses (c) methods (d) details (e) answers

the ins and outs-----all of the details (상세한 세목들)
eg) After owning a restaurant for twenty years, he knows all the ins and outs of the business.

the ups and downs---the good things and bad things (좋은 일과 나쁜 일들)
eg) He learned how to cope with the ups and downs of life. 정답: (d)

IN 용기(container)의 안쪽에 있는 모든 것. 줄지어 나란히 있는 것 가운데 어떤 것. 상황, 감정, 언어나 의미 등이 주인공을 둘러싸는 container로 여겨지기도 함.

1. in no time--very soon 곧
eg) He will be here in no time.
2. up in the air--undecided, uncertain 공중에 뜬 상태인, 불확실한
eg) I don't know what Sally plans to do. Things were sort of up in the air the last time we
3. tongue-in-cheek--sarcastically, not seriously 진심이 아니라 농담처럼 마음에 없는 소리를 하다
eg) All the nice things he said about her were said tongue-in-cheek.
4. to be in--to be in fashion 유행하는
eg) High-heeled shoes are in again this season.
5. to be in hot water--to be in trouble 곤란한 처지에 놓이다
eg) She has been late three times, and now she's really in hot water with the boss.
6. to be in the black--to be out of debt 빚을 다 갚은 상태(흑자)가 되다
eg) We have paid off all our credit cards; we are finally in the black.
7. to be a pain in the neck--to be annoying 목에 가시처럼 짜증스러운 것이다
eg) Her little sister is eight years old, and she's a pain in the neck.
8. in the dark--ignorant of the facts 까맣게 모르는
eg) My colleagues kept me in the dark about their plans to leave the company.
9. in good hands (with)--well-served, being well cared for 잘 보살펴지는
eg) I know I am in good hands with my lawyer.

4. One of the similar accidents is the 1997 crash of a Boeing 737 over Indonesia. In that case, investigators tentatively determined that the pilot committed suicide. Even, so, officials are wary of jumping to the conclusions. (00 세무사)
(a) regardless of (b) anxious about (c) cautious of (d) eager for (e) weary with

wary of--aware; on guard against harm or danger; careful 조심하는
eg) The mail carrier was wary of dangerous dogs.
weary sb with sthg--to cause someone to become tired with sthg ~을 가지고 피곤하게 하다
eg) Bill wearied his friends with his boring stories. 정답: (c)

OF 주인공(전치사의 주어)이 기준점(전치사의 목적어)에 속해있는 부분이며, 밀접한 관계가 있는 것(소유격 ~으로부터 온). 주인공이 기준 사실에 대하여 어떤 감정 상태를 갖고 있는 것, 기준점에 속해 있던 주인공을 떨어뜨린 다는 것(off ~으로부터). 전치사 중에 가장 많이 쓰임.
① belonging or connection
a. part of a larger thing or group eg) the pages of the book
b. works with their author eg) the works of Shakespeare
c. special member of a group eg) the coordinators of the program
d. a person's area of specialization eg) a professor of mathematics
e. connection with a period of time eg) the music of the sixties
f. Of can name another noun eg) They established the city of Los Angeles.
g. a number or proportion/fraction eg) Three of the girls are our daughters.

Of can identify abstract nouns by their source
eg) Sound: I heard the cry of a baby. Force: We all need a breath of fresh air.
Sight: The blue of her eyes was the color of the ocean.
Sensation: The smell of bread baking was wonderful.
Expression: He shouted words of anger. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Of can indicate material of composition
eg) My new bag is made of leather.
Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. (Up is used with natural phenomena)

② contents or topic and an attitude toward something
eg) I dreamed of you. They often talked of their youth.
(Related verbs: complain, dream, hear, learn, sing, speak, talk, think)
She informed me of my appointment. (Related verbs: advise, inform, remind, tell)
eg) They are respectful of the environment.
(Related adjectives: ashamed, aware, certain, conscious, disrespectful, envious, fond, inconsiderate, mindful, proud, repentant, respectful, sure, suspicious, trusting, uncertain, wary)

③ absence or separation
eg) The lack of funds is our biggest problem.
(Related nouns: absence, dearth, necessity, need, lack, paucity, scarcity)
He was cured of cancer. The dog died of old age.
They tried to relieve her of pain. The new ruler rid the city of its corrupt officials.
They are independent of their parents.

④ 사람의 태도에 관한 형용사 다음 to 부정사의 의미상의 주어로, 그리고 사람의 자질을 밝히는 경우
eg) It was kind of Sally to help us. It was cruel of him to ignore her.
(Related adjectives: bad, careless, conscientious, crazy, crude, cruel, delightful, evil, good, hateful, ignorant, irresponsible, kind, mean, nice, responsible, rude, selfish, sweet, thoughtful, thoughtless, typical)
eg) She is a woman of honor. They are people of integrity.
(Related nouns: dignity, faith, few words, good intentions, honor, integrity, high(low) morals, strength, wisdom)

- to get rid of--to remove something or someone you no longer want. 제거하다, 치우다
eg) I got rid of my old car.
- right of way--the legal right to proceed before another person 도로 통행 우선권
eg) The accident was the other driver's fault because I had the right of way.

5. She must be highly self-conceited, since she kissed off such a good offer. (세무사 98)
(a) accepted (b) delayed (c) dismissed (d) reshaped (e) made

kiss-off--informal a rude way of telling sb that they are no longer wanted
이 표현에서 의미의 중심은 off에 있다. Separation을 의미하는 것을 생각해서 dismiss로 답할 수 있다. 정답: (c)

OFF 기준점에 붙어 있다가 멀지 않은 곳으로 떨어짐, 출발. 출발된 것이 잘 진행되어감.
Movement from one place to another, separation, connected to or not far from
eg) It's late, so we must be off. (to leave)
eg) She cut off her beautiful long hair.
eg) Our street is off Main Street.
The children are off school today. I'm glad your cousin finally went off drugs.
Please keep the dog off the grass.
Please turn off the radio

- to be off course--to be going (or thinking) in the wrong direction 길을 헤매다
eg) We got lost, and were off course for about three hours.
They got off course while doing the research, and wasted a lot of time.
- off the record--not official or public 비공식적인, 비공개적인
eg) This is off the record, but I heard that our friends got married last week.
- off-the-wall--strange, often in a funny or interesting way 이상하고 특이한
eg) I'm sorry, but your ideas are really off the wall.
- be well off--to have few problems, be wealthy 잘 사는, 잘 지내는
eg) Now that she has retired, she is pretty well off.
She is a lot better (or worse) off than she was before.

6. Historians can tick off the revolutions in warfare: the invention of the stirrup; the bow; gunpowder; the airplane; the combination of the internal combustion engine and the radio. The next step is already underway: microelectronics will make 20th-century warfare obsolete. (00 세무사)
(a) show with marking (b) disregard (c) force (d) scold (e) dispose

tick off--1. to mark something with a check or other mark. 체크 등으로 표시하다
eg) I ticked off the names of those on the list as they entered the room.
2. to make someone angry 건드려서 화나게 하다
eg) She's lost her temper once today. Don't tick her off again. 정답: (a)

7. There is more concern about the costs of the recruiting people, training them, and then the cost of laying them off if production slacks off. (행시 94)
(a) becomes slow-moving (b) picks up
(c) is discounted (d) halts (e) continues to boom

slack off--to be lazy; to work only when absolutely necessary. 축 쳐지다, 게을리 하다
eg) While the guard slacked off, a thief entered the building. 정답: (a)

8. Now that remark should be off the record. (입법 96)
(a) that remark is familiar to many people.
(b) the remark is so important that you should keep it in a record.
(c) that remark is not official and not intended to be made known.
(d) that remark should be written on the paper to be published.
(e) that remark should be kept on the record for the future generation.

off the record--unofficial and intended to be known only in private 비공식적으로
eg) He told us off the record that the firm was going to go bankrupt. 정답: (c)

9. I've been on edge ever since I got her letter. (행시00)
(a) bored (b) nervous (c) serious (d) tired (e) sick

on edge--nervous or worried 전전긍긍하는, 걱정하는 정답: (b)

ON 주인공이 기준점의 표면 위나 가장자리에 접촉하고 있는 것. 기준점의 표면 위로. ~을 수단이나 지지대로 삼고. 어떤 주제에 관해 꼼꼼하게. 부사로 쓰일 때는 시간이라는 표면을 따라 지속적으로.
① location higher than something and touching it; on top of
eg) Please sign your name on the dotted line.
She rides her bicycle on the sidewalk.
That is the only place on earth where she feels safe.
She put the bracelet on her wrist. wearing
She goes to work on the bus. travel in vehicles (in which one can walk)
They went on the train to Philadelphia.
The child leaned on his father. He laid the sick child on the bed.
He relies on me to pay his rent. She is dependent on her husband.
② On indicates movement to something; onto
eg) She poured water on the plant. He sprinkled salt on the meat.
③ On means by means of
eg) The car runs on diesel fuel. They survive on very little food.
I bought the furniture on credit. He wrote his paper on the computer.
④ a topic
eg) We have a good book on gardening. He wrote a long article on the economy.
⑤ continuation
eg) They told us to move on. He was tired, but he drove on.

- to be on one's side--to support in spirit (정신적으로) 지지하다
eg) They are my friends; I'm sure they are on my side.
- on hand--available 이용가능한
eg) He is always on hand to help us.
- on one's own--independently 독립해서, 스스로
eg) He is twenty-one and he should live on his own.
- on the spot--to be forced to make a difficult decision 어려운 결정을 해야 할 입장에 서다
eg) The young man was on the spot when his two best friends had an argument.
- on the fence--to be undecided 결정을 미루고 있는
eg) The congressman hasn't decided which way to vote; he is on the fence.
- on the air--to be broadcasting on the radio or television 방송중인
eg) The news is on the air at six o'clock.
- on the bench--to be the judge in court 재판석에 앉은, 판사로 있는
eg) Do you know who is on the bench at her trial?
- on the blink--to be broken (기계에 대해서) 망가진, 깜박거리는
eg) We can't copy it; the copier is on the blink.
- on the condition that--if 만약
eg) You can go on the trip on the condition that you pay for it.
- on the house--paid for by the management of the restaurant 가게에서 무료로 내는
eg) The drinks are on the house.
- to have a crush on sb--to have a frivolous romantic interest in ~에 들뜨고 경솔하게 빠지다
eg) The young boy had a crush on his teacher.
- to lay hands on--to attack 손을 대다, 공격하다
eg) If someone lays hands on you, call the police
- on time--at the expected time 정시에, 예정된 시간에
eg) Mary is always on time for class
- on the tip of my tongue--almost remembered, but not quite well 입에 맴돌다
eg) I can't remember his name, but it's right on the tip of my tongue.

10. The harbor redevelopment was put through in record time. (사시 00)
(a) designed (b) financed (c) measured (d) completed (e) entertained

put through--1. to connect someone by telephone to the person that they want to talk to
eg) If you'll just hold in line for a minute, I'll put you through to Mr Brown.
2. to make someone suffer something unpleasant
eg) I don't want to put you through all that distress and anguish again. 정답: (d)

THROUGH 어떤 시간적 혹은 물리적 공간에 들어가서 통과해 나오기까지 계속. 그 공간 안쪽의 모든 장소와 모든 시간에. 어떤 지점에 도달하기 위해 거치는 과정, 수단으로.
①passage within something
eg) The children drank their milkshakes through straws.
The highway was closed, and we had to come through the city.
The window is so dirty that I can't see through it.
They have to work from Monday through Friday.
I have to get through school before I can get married.
② All parts of a place; during an entire event or period
eg) They distributed flyers all through the neighborhood.
She cared for her father through his illness.
③ By means of
eg) We heard the news through friends.
They bought that apartment through an agency.

- see through somebody--to detect insincerity 속셈을 알아채다
eg) That woman pretends to be nice, but I can see right through her.
- to go/look through something--to look at all the contents of something hoping to find something (~을 찾기 위해) 샅샅이 뒤지다. 꼼꼼히 찾다
eg) I looked through my papers, but I couldn't find the certificate.
- to go through--to experience something difficult (어려운 일을) 겪어내다
eg) He is going through a divorce.
- to go through with something--not to give up (포기하지 않고) 계속하다
eg) I can't believe you are still going to go through with your plans.
- to see something through--to stay with something until it is finished 끝까지 지켜보다
eg) Don't worry, we will see your project through.
- to see somebody through--to stay with sbdy until he is out of trouble 끝까지 ~와 함께 하다
eg) I will see you through this problem; I promise.
- to hear something through the grapevine--to get news unofficially 소문으로 듣다
eg) We heard about your engagement through the grapevine.

11. There is nothing like education for bringing ______ light the essential inequality between one mind and another. (변리사 00)
(a) at (b) off (c) over (d) on (e) to

bring sth to some place--to cause something to enter into a different state.
bring sth to light--(전에는 어두운 채로 있었던 것을) 밝히다. 알려지게 하다
eg) Let's bring this matter to an end. 정답: (e)

TO 동사나 명사의 도달지점. 어떤 제시된 것에 주어지는 긍정적이거나 부정적인 반응. 어떤 목표지점에 미치는 불리하거나 유리한 상황.
① The destination of a verb or a noun
eg) They ride to school on the bus. We wanted to go on a cruise to the Caribbean.
(To 다음에 관사를 쓰지 않는 명사들: bed, breakfast, church, dinner, jail, lunch, school, work)
He mentioned her plans to me.
(Related verbs: bring, carry, deliver, distribute, donate, explain, give, hand, introduce, lend, mention, pass, present, read, recommend, reveal, send, shout, show, sing, speak, submit, suggest, take, tell, write)

② An agreeing or disagreeing reaction
eg) She responded to my letter right away. I hope you don't object to my offer of help.
(Related verbs: adapt, admit, agree, appeal, consent, listen, object, pay attention, prefer, react, relate, reply, respond, revert, subscribe)
She has an allergy to that medicine.
(Related nouns: allergy, answer, appeal, aversion, consent, objection, preference, reaction, relation, reply, response)

③ A problem or solution
eg) The strike is a threat to our survival. She knows the secret to success.
(Problems: barrier, obstacle, threat
Solutions: answer, antidote, boost, clue, directions, guide, instructions, key, secret, solution)

- A comparison of value
His work is comparable to hers. Your car is similar to mine.
She is of medium height, but compared to her sister, she is tall.
- 감정 상태에 대해. ~하게도!
To their delight, the campaign was a great success.
- ownership, membership, connection
The book belongs to me. Your comments are not pertinent to this topic.
- the accompaniment of sound
We danced to the rhythm of the music. I wake up to the noise of the city.
- leading to an extreme condition
He tore the paper to pieces. He drives her to distraction
- an upper limitation of an approximation
It is two to two-and-a half feet long. He is thirty-eight to forty years old.
- a (close) relationship between the subject and the object
The new theater is adjacent to the mall. (location)
The score was three to two. (the score of a game)
He gets thirty miles to a gallon on the highway in his new car. (ratio)
- restriction
We limited him to three meals a day, with no snacks.

12. Since he had his stroke, the wife and the daughters kept him boxed up in the house every day of the week. (입법고시 98)
(a) treated (b) pleased (c) confused (d) depressed (e) confined

box up--1. put something into a box: to wrap something up in a box 상자에 포장하다, 넣다
eg) I boxed up the dishes for the move. 정답: (e)
2. be boxed in의 emphatic expression; if you are boxed in, you are unable to move from a particular place because you are surrounded by other people or cars.
UP 기준점에 부착 보다는 떨어져서 위에 있는 것. 좋은 것이 생겨나는 것. 동사의 내용이 심하게 일어나는 것.
① movements to a higher place
eg) She always walks up the steps to the fifth floor.
The balloon is up.
I'm up every day by eight o'clock.
Their farm is three miles up the road.
We'll drive four more miles up the highway.
They swam up the river for exercise.
② a desired result or creativity
eg) She was exhausted, but she got up enough energy to cook dinner for her family.
We dreamed up a wonderful idea.
③ division into pieces implying perfection
eg) She chopped up the onions and peppers.

- to count up to--to count as far as a number
eg) The baby can count up to ten already.
- to be up to date--to have current knowledge or records
eg) The president is up to date on all the important issues.
It's important to keep the files up to date.
- to make up one's mind--to decide
eg) Make up your mind between the red dress and the black one.
- to be up to someone--to be the responsibility of someone to decide
eg) I don't care what movie we see; it's up to you.
- to be up in arms (about)--to be angry
eg) The employees are up in arms over the decrease in benefits.
- to be up to one's ears--to the extreme
eg) Her brother is up to his ears in work.
- to be up a creek--to be in a difficult situation
eg) My partner left with all my money and now I'm up a creek.

13. The reporter played up the sensational aspects of the story. (사시 00)
(a) pleased (b) reduced (c) repeated (d) lacerated (e) exaggerated

play up---If you play up something, you emphasize it and try to make people believe that it is important. 과장하다
eg) The media played up the prospects for a settlement. 정답; (e)

lacerate--to cut skin very badly 깊거나 심하게 피부를 베다
eg) Her feet were badly lacerated by the broken glass.

14. The authority to call an emergency meeting is up to the chairman. (사시 00)
(a) rests with (b) amounts to (c) consists of (d) does away with (e) goes through with

up to someone--someone's choice or responsibility: 누군가의 선택이나 책임에 맡겨졌다.
eg) It's up to her to decide whether or not to go on the course. 정답: (a)

rest with someone--to be the responsibility of someone:
eg) The decision rests with you.

amount to--to make a total of a particular amount: 총액이 ~에 달하다
eg) His debts amount to over $1,000.

consist of--to be made up of a number of things: ~으로 구성되다
eg) The city of New York consists of five boroughs.

consist in--to be really: (사실은) ~에 놓여 있었다.
eg) The pleasure of the meal consisted entirely in the conversation--the food was terrible.

do away with--to end something or get rid of it: 제거하다
eg) The government are planning to do away with this tax altogether.

go through with--to complete something that you had planned or agreed to do: 끝마치다
eg) At the last minute she realized that she couldn't go through with her performance.

15. The prospect of facing an unfriendly Russia once more might force the Clinton Administration to begin beefing up military spending, dashing hopes for reducing the budget deficit. (입법 98)
(a) stipulating (b) reinforcing (c) criticizing
(d) establishing (e) decreasing

beef up--to build up: to reinforce 재강화하다
beef about--complain about 불평하다
eg) Stop beefing about your pay and do some work! 정답: (b)

stipulate--to state clearly as a necessary condition of an agreement 조건사항을 분명히 하다
eg) The company stipulated payment in advance.

16. Harry was a capable lawyer, but it was difficult for him to ________ to the reputation established by his more brilliant father. (입법 94)
(a) live up (b) compete (c) live on (d) compel (e) submit

live up to--to reach someone's high standards or expectations: 기대에 미치다
eg) Did the film live up to your expectations? 정답: (a)

live on--to subsist on something; to remain alive because of a certain kind of food
eg) The prisoner lived on bread and water. The lost hiker lived on nuts and berries for a week.

17. The President was charged with selecting a site for newly designated capital of the nation.
(a) was blamed for (b) was capable of (세무사 99)
(c) was attacked with (d) was given the responsibility for (e) was asked to pay for

be charged with--to have the responsibility for doing something ~의 책임을 맡다
eg) The chief engineer is charged with maintaining safety throughout the railway system.정답: (d)

WITH ---전치사 with 다음에 사물이 나오면 ‘~을 가지고’ 즉 소지를 의미하고, 사람이 나오면 ‘~와 함께’, 즉 동반을 의미한다.

① be + 과거 분사 + with + noun 주어에 채워지는, 소유되는 물건
be covered, crowded, blessed, equipped, filled, provided, stocked, fed up with sthg
eg) He is blessed with good health and good looks.

② be + 과거 분사 + with + noun 감정을 불러일으킨, 주어가 가지고 있는 어떤 것
be annoyed with, by be bored with, by be delighted with
be disappointed with be frustrated with be impressed with
be pleased with be satisfied with
eg) They are very delighted with their new home.

③ be + 과거분사 + with + noun 관계 있는 사람 혹은 물건
be acquainted, coordinated, involved, concerned with
eg) He is involved with that organization.

18. Finance specialists are at odds over the proposals. (행시 31)
(a) in favor of (b) at war with
(c) in disagreement over (d) in harmony with (e) in spite of

at odds over--in disagreement over some issues 어떤 문제에 대해 의견을 달리하다 정답: (c)
odd--adj. strange; different; unusual; out of place 이상한, 특이한
eg) Jane told me an odd but funny story.
--adj. not even; of or about numbers that cannot be evenly divided by two. 홀수의
eg) If you add two odd numbers together, the sum is even.
-- odd man out--an unusual or atypical person or thing 특이하거나 외톨이인 사람
eg) You'd better learn to work a computer unless you want to be odd man out.
-- the odds are against somebody--things are against someone generally; 승산이 약하다
eg) You can give it a try, but the odds are against you.
I know the odds are against me, but I wish to run in the race again.

--odds and ends--small articles of various kinds, without much value; small jobs of various kinds, of no great importance

Preposition Practice


Exercise 1
Directions: Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions.
1. Do you believe ________ ghosts?
2. Anthony is engaged _______ my cousin.
3. Ms. Ballas substituted ________ our regular teacher.
4. I can't distinguish one twin ________ the other.
5. Did you forgive him ________ lying to you?
6. Children rely ________ their parents for food and shelter.
7. Tim wore sunglasses to protect his eyes ________ the sun.
8. Chris excels _________ sports.
9. Andres contributed her ideas ________ the discussion.
10. I hope you succeed _______ your new job.
11. I'm very fond ________ their children.
12. The firefighters rescued many people _________ the burning building.
13. I don't care ________ spaghetti. I'd rather eat something else.
14. Charles doesn't seem to care ________ his bad grades.
15. Sometimes Bobby seems to be jealous ________ his brother.

Exercise 2
1. Max is known ________ his honesty.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have always been faithful _______ each other.
3. Do you promise to come? I'm counting _______ you to be here.
4. Trucks are prohibited ________ using residential streets.
5. The little girl is afraid ________ an imaginary bear that lives in her closet.
6. Do you take good care ________ your health?
7. I'm worried _______ this problem.
8. I don't agree ________ you.
9. We decided ________ eight o'clock as the time we should meet.
10. Who did you vote ________ in the last election?
11. How many students were absent _________ class yesterday?
12. It is important to be polite ________ other people.
13. The farmers are hoping ________ rain.
14. Jason was late because he wasn't aware _______ the time.
15. We will fight ________ our rights.

Exercise 3.
1. I am not familiar ________ that author's works.
2. He doesn't approve _______ smoking.
3. I subscribe _________ several magazines.
4. Water consists ________ oxygen and hydrogen.
5. I became uncomfortable because she was staring ________ me.
6. She hid the candy ________ the children.
7. He never argues ________ his wife.
8. I arrived _______ this country two weeks ago.
9. We arrived ________ the airport ten minutes late.
10. Has Mary recovered ________ her illness?
11. I pray ________ peace.
12. I am envious ________ people who can speak three or four languages fluently.
13. Why are you angry _______ me? Did I do something wrong?
14. They are very patient _______ their children.
15. The students responded ________ the questions.

Exercise 4.
1. I am grateful ________ you ________ your assistance.
2. The criminal escaped ________ prison.
3. Elizabeth is not content ________ the progress she is making.
4. Paul's comments were not relevant ________ the topic under discussion.
5. Have you decided ________ a date for your wedding yet?
6. My boots are made ________ leather.
7. I'm depending ________ you to finish this work for me.
8. Patritia applied ________ admission ________ the university.
9. Daniel dreamed ________ some of his childhood friends last night.
10. Mr. Miller dreams ________ owning his own business someday.
11. The accused woman was innocent ________ the crime with which she was charged.
12. Ms. Sanders is friendly _________ everyone.
13. Benjamin was proud ________ himself for winning the prize.
14. The secretary provided me _________ a great deal of information.
15. Ivan compared the wedding customs in his country _________ those in the United States.

Exercise 1 in 둘러싼 배경, to 대상, for ~대신에, from 분리, for ~에 대하여, ~에도 불구하고/
on 의지 기반, from 분리, in 배경, to 도달지점, in 환경, 배경/
of ~에 대하여, from 분리, for 좋은 것, about ~ 둘레를 다니며 걱정하는, of ~에 대하여//
Exercise 2 for 이유, to 대상, 목표지점, on 의지 기반, from 분리, of ~에 대하여/
of ~에 대하여, about ~ 둘레를 다니며 걱정하는, with 동반, on 어떤 지점에 고정, for 좋은 것/
from 분리, to 대상에 대한 태도, for 좋은 것, 바라는 것, of ~에 대하여, for 좋은 것//
Exercise 3 with, of, to, of, at/ from, with, in, at, from/ for, of, with, with, to//
Exercise 4 to for, from, with, to, on/ of, on, for to, about/of(9, 10)/ of, to, of, with, with// Idioms through Dialogue
1. W: Tom offered to give us a lift to the theater since our car is broken down.
M: That was a nice gesture on Tom's part.
(A) Tom's part in the play included mime. (B) It was kind of Tom to make the offer.
해설> give somebody a lift to somewhere: ~까지 ~를 태워주다
pick somebody up ~에서 ~를 태우다 drop somebody off ~를 ~에서 내려주다

2. M: What a great going-away present you got for Lisa! It must have been expensive.
W: It was, but we all chipped in for it.
(A) They arranged to go away. (B) They shared the cost of the gift.
해설> chip in--to add some share of money, goods, or activity: 일정량을 보태다
eg) If we all chip in a few pounds we can get her something really nice.

a chip off the old block ‘붕어빵’ 같은 표현, 찍어낸 듯이 닮은 사람
eg) John looks like his father--a real chip off the old block.

have a chip on one's shoulder--싸우려 들다
eg) Who are you mad at? You always seem to have a chip on your shoulder.

3. M: You can't imagine all I've done for Sue and her causes.
W: Sue has a knack for getting people to donate their time and money.
(A) Sue is good at convincing people to help.
(B) Sue causes people to waste their time and money.
해설> knack--an ability to do something easily: 재주
eg) He has the knack of making friends wherever he goes.

4. W: You and Peter sure get into a lot of hot political debates.
M: That's because Peter and I seldom see eye to eye on politicians.
(A) They don't usually agree on who to vote for.
(B) They usually don't look each other in the eye during debates.
해설> see eye to eye--to agree with someone completely
eg) He and his brother don't always see eye to eye.

5. M: I passed the physics exam with 60 percents.
W: What a close call!
(A) He will be called into the physics office. (B) He passed by a narrow margin.
해설> close call, close shave, close thing--something bad that nearly happened but did not happen eg) That was a close shave! (큰일 날 뻔했다.)

6. M: I hardly had time to finish the exam.
W: Really? I finished in no time.
(A) She is surprised the exam took hardly any time at all.
(B) She is surprised he took so long to finish.
해설> in (less than) no time--very quickly
eg) Don't worry. This won't take long. It'll be over in less than no time.

on time--by the stated time 제 시간에
eg) Please make sure that your essays are completed on time.

in time--within the proper amount of time; before the deadline
eg) I hope we get there in time to go swimming before dark.

ahead of one's time--having ideas or attitudes that are too advanced to be acceptable to one's contemporary society
eg) Mary's grandmother was ahead of her time in wanting to study medicine.

make up for lost time--to do something quickly, especially to compensate for an earlier delay
eg) Because we took so long eating lunch, we have to drive faster to make up for lost time. Otherwise we won't arrive on time.

7. M: I turned green when I saw Ann's new car.
W: I can understand why.
(A) She understands his embarrassment. (B) She knows why he's envious.
해설> green with envy--appearing jealous and envious
eg) My new car made my neighbor green with envy.

8. W: I only slept three hours last night.
M: I'd say you should take it easy today.
(A) She should not try to do too many things today.
(B) He can tell her an easy way to get to sleep.
해설> take it easy--to avoid hard work or worry; to rest

9. W: Do you think I'll be able to find the book I need for math class?
M: If they're not all sold out!
(A) He's not sure there are any more math books available.
(B) He'll help the woman find the book she needs.
해설> sold out--no longer available because all have been sold

10. M: Do you think Mr. Grant will give Ben a raise?
W: Not on your life!
(A) Mr. Grant will never increase Ben's salary. (B) Ben should ask Mr. Grant for more money.
해설> not on your life--certainly not; not ever; not for any reason

11. M: If the rain doesn't stop soon, we could be in for some flooding!
W: I'll say!
(A) It has rained too much lately. (B) The class started late because of rain.
해설> I'll say--I agree with this completely.

12. M: Did you hear about the extra paper we have to write for Dr. O'Dowd's class?
W: I sure did. What a drag!
(A) She will finish it slowly. (B) She doesn't want to do it.
해설> a drag--a bother; an annoyance

13. W: I've been waiting to see the doctor for over an hour now. What's going on?
M: He had an emergency call this morning, and he still hasn't caught up on his appointments.
(A) The doctor's office is closed because of an emergency.
(B) An emergency in the morning has affected the doctor's schedule.
해설> to catch up--to go fast enough or do enough so as not to be behind

14. W: I'm going to go shopping this afternoon.
M: Stop in at the music store. They're having a big sale.
(A) There should be some good bargains at the music store.
(B) He'd like to stop and shop for some new music.
해설> to have a big sale--to sell merchandise at a reduced price

15. M: Boy, is Greg ever in a bad mood today?
W: If I were you, I'd steer clear of him.
(A) Try to clear up his problems with Greg. (B) Stay away from Greg today.
해설> in a (bad) mood--to be (bad)-tempered
eg) Jane's in a good mood because she just won the lottery.
John's in a bad mood, so I wouldn't talk to him now.

in the mood for something; in the mood to do something--having the proper state of mind for a particular situation or for doing something
eg) I'm not in the mood to see a movie tonight.

to steer clear of--to avoid

16. M: What's bothering you?
W: Oh, nothing important, I guess. It's just that I've been trying to get a hold of Janet for weeks, and I can't seem to reach her.
(A) She is having trouble holding on to Janet. (B) She has been unable to contact Janet.
해설> to get a hold of--to contact

17. M: Would you like to go for a drive?
W: I'd better not. I'm expecting John to stop by this afternoon.
(A) She thinks he will visit her today. (B) She will stop waiting for him.
해설> to stop by--to visit on short notice or unexpectedly

18. M: Did you and your family enjoy your vacation?
W: Our plans to go skiing fell through when it began to rain.
(A) They were unable to do what they had planned because it started raining.
(B) They weren't through skiing when it started to rain.
해설> to fall through--to fail

19. W: Did you see anything you liked?
M: Well, that diamond necklace really caught my eye!
(A) He didn't like looking at the diamond necklace.
(B) That diamond necklace really attracted his attention.
해설> to catch one's eye--to attract one's attention

20. M: Are you enjoying your new bike?
W: To be honest with you, I don't really care for it that much.
(A) She doesn't take care of her new bike.
(B) She doesn't really like her new bike very much.
해설> to care for--to like

21. W: What would you like me to do with this information?
M: Please keep it to yourself.
(A) Forget this information. (B) Not give anyone else this information.
해설> to keep something to oneself--to keep something secret

22. W: Charles and Betty are on their way over.
M: We really should straighten up the house before they get here!
(A) The house needs to be put in order.
(B) He needs to straighten the structure of the house.
해설> to straighten up--(1) to tidy or clean up; (2) to improve one's behavior

23. M: What's Marsha been doing lately?
W: She's learning the ropes at her new job.
(A) Marsha is learning how to make ropes where she works.
(B) Marsha is learning what to do at their new job.
해설> to learn the ropes--to gain experience

24. W: What's the matter? You look a little down in the dumps.
M: I wish I weren't so old.
(A) He dislikes his dumps because it is so old. (B) He wishes he were younger.
해설> down in the dumps--sad; depressed
dumps--a gloomy, melancholy state of mind; depression

25. W: Before we hang up, can I ask you a favor?
M: Sure. What is it?
(A) She wants to hang up something for him. (B) She wants him to do something for her.
해설> to hang up--to finish a telephone conversation by putting the telephone down

26. M: My baggage doesn't seem to be arriving with everyone else's.
W: Don't worry. I'm sure it'll turn up shortly.
(A) She thinks the man's luggage will arrive soon.
(B) She will pick up the man's groceries for him.
해설> to turn up--to appear suddenly
eg) We looked for the ring for weeks, and then it turned up in my pocket.

27. M: Would you like to try on another coat?
W: No, thank you. I'll take this one.
(A) She would like to have her coat back. (B) She would like to buy the coat she has on.
해설> to try on--to put on a piece of clothing to find out if it fits or if you like it

28. W: Why don't we go home now.
M: Good idea. I'm beat.
(A) The man feels tired. (B) The man feels frustrated.
해설> beat--very tired

29. W: I'd love to own a car like that one!
M: Why don't you take it for a spin?
(A) He wants her to take him with her when she goes.
(B) He thinks she should try driving the car.
해설> to take something (a car) for a spin--to test-drive; to try out

30. M: I only slept for three hours last night.
W: Still worrying about final exams coming up next week?
(A) The man must be careful not to fall asleep during exams.
(B) Anxiety about exams is keeping the man awake.
해설> to come up--to approach or come close

b, b, a, a, b/ b, b, a, a, a/ a, b, b, a, b/ b, a, a, b, b/ b, a, b, b, b/ a, b, a, b, b//

List of Idioms (1)

(1) be a chip off the old block : a person very like his or her mother or father in character
When I saw him with an older man, I just knew that the man had to be his father. He's a chip
off the old block. 판박이, (어머니나 아버지를) 찍은 듯 하다
(2) be head and shoulders above the rest : the best (남보다) 상당히 뛰어난
She got 990 on the TOEIC and the other students were below 700. She's head and shoulders
above the rest.
(3) a load off one's mind : the removing of a worry 걱정이나 부담을 덜다
When I heard they'd arrived safely it was a great load off my mind.
(4) be through (with) : finished, done 마치다
I'm not through just yet: I should be finished in an hour.
(5) be up for : intended / in the mood for ~할 기분이다
The house is up for sale. / I don't think I'm up for his jokes tonight.
(6) be up to : well enough for ~하기에 충분하다
My German isn't up to translating that letter.
(7) be wary of : careful 조심하다
People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.
(8) beef up : improve 기운을 돋우다
It's quite a good story but it needs beefing up a bit before we can publish it.
(9) between a rock and a hard place : without any good options 진퇴양난
His only two choices are to give up his free time or to pay a lot of money, and he doesn't like
either choice. He's between a rock and a hard place.
(10) boss around / boss about : give orders in an unpleasant way 이것 저것 시키다
Tom likes to boss younger children around.
(11) box up : enclose in a small space, confine 감금하다
She feels very boxed up in that tiny apartment.
(12) brush it off : not let it have an effect 잊어버리다, 무시하다
He read the untrue stories about himself in the newspaper, but he tried not to react. He just
tried to brush it off.
(13) carry away : fill with strong feeling or excitement so as to cause unreasonable behavior
I got rather carried away at the clothes sale and spent far too much money.
(14) carry it off : succeed 성공하다
I'm really excited to be selected as Master of Ceremonies. I've never done this before, but I'm
really going to try to carry it off.
(15) carry on : continue 계속하다
Even after the music started they carried on talking.
(16) charge sb with sth: bring an criminal charge against sb 고발하다
He was charged with the robbery.
(17) clean up : clean thoroughly and remove anything unwanted (깔끔히) 청소하다
It's your turn to clean the kitchen up.
(18) come up : to happen unexpectedly 예기치 않게 생기다
I'll let you know if anything comes up.
(19) die down : to become less strong or violent 줄어들다
The wind is dying down.
(20) draw out : to cause to stretch in time, perhaps unnecessarily/ prolong 길게 늘이다
The question and answer session drew the meeting out for a further two hours.
(21) drop off : to deliver someone to a place (<-> pick up) 길을 가다 차에서 내려주다
My son asked me to drop him off at school on my way to work because it was raining.
(22) gear up : to put into a state of excited or anxious expectation about an activity 고양시키다
The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.
(23) get along/ get on : to be friendly (친구로) 잘 지내다
She is such a nice person that she is easily able to get along with everyone.
(24) give away sth : to get rid of sth by giving 나눠주다
I don't need this bicycle any more. It's not worth too much money, so I think I'll just give it
(25) give back : return 돌려 주다
Here is the book I borrowed from you, and now I think I should give it back.
(26) go out of one's mind : go mad 미치다
You paid $2000 for it? Have you gone out of your mind? (= Are you mad?)
(27) hand out : to give to each member of a group of people / distribute 분배하다
Hand out the pencils to everyone in the class.
(28) have a hand in : be related to ~에 관련되어 있다
I can't believe that she had a hand in such a terrible crime.
(29) in spite of oneself : unconsciously 무심코
He laughed in spite of himself.
(30) ins and outs : the details of something 세부 사항들
Jane knows about the plan generally, but not the ins and outs of it.
(31) jump out of the frying pan and into the fire : going from bad to worse 설상가상
I know you thought that this part of the program was difficult, but wait until you see the
next part. You're jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
(32) Just my luck : I'm not so fortunate
I got to the bank just one minute after closing time. Just my luck.
(33) keep at : to (force to) continue working 계속하다
The work is tiring, but he'll keep at it until he's finished.
The teacher kept us at it all afternoon.
(34) keep it up : continue 계속하다
My boss told me that my work had been very good recently and that she wanted me to keep
it up.
(35) kiss off : to forget about / to ignore 무시하다
Just kiss off any idea you might have had about running for office.
(36) live up to : to keep to the high standards of (기대에) 미치다, 다다르다
The President didn't live up to the people's high expectations.
(37) look over : look at briefly (간단히) 검토하다
Here is my application. Could you take a few moments to look it over?
(38) look up to : to respect 존경하다
Everybody in the department looks up to the director; She is wonderful.
(39) No sooner said than done. : It will be done immediately. 말하자마자 하다
My boss has asked me to respond immediately to this fax. No sooner said than done.
(40) Not on your life! : Certainly not! 절대 될리가 없다
(41) off the hook : not responsible any longer 더 이상 과제가 없는
He thought he was going to have to come into the office and work on both Saturday and Sunday,
but now he doesn't have to. He's off the hook.
(42) off the record : speaking/spoken privately 사적으로 말해진
My remarks were off the record and are not to be printed.
(43) on edge : nervous 흥분한
I'm sorry if I was rude to you - I'm a bit on edge at the moment.
(44) on one's last legs : very tired 매우 피곤한, 지친
She's had so much to do to get ready for the trip that she's been running around all day. Now
she's on her last legs.
(45) over one's head : beyond someone's ability to understand 이해가 안되는
The lecture was a bit over their heads.
(46) pick out : to choose 선택하다
You have tried on three dresses, but you can't afford all of them. You'll have to pick out just
(47) play up : to increase the significance of 과장하다
The newspaper tend to play up sensational stories if they want to improve their circulation.
(48) pull it off : to succeed 성공하다
He knew that it would be difficult to win the tournament, but he worked hard to pull it off.
(49) put on : to dress in 옷을 입다
She has to put on her coat before she goes out into the cold winter weather.
(50) put through : to connect by telephone / to complete successfully 전화를 연결하다/ 성공적으로 마치다
If she's not in, can you put me through to her secretary?
Production will start up again when these changes have been put through.
(51) sell out : to sell all of 다 팔다
Sorry, the tickets are sold out.
(52) set up : to put into position 설치하다
Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch the escaped prisoner.
(53) show off : to try to attract attention 자랑하다
She tends to show off a lot. She is very beautiful, and she wants everyone to notice her.
(54) sink one's teeth into : to get really involved in 서서히 빠져들다
She was appointed to the environmental protection committee, and she's really excited because
this is something she can sink her teeth into.
(55) slack off : to reduce speed, effort, or tightness 기운이 떨어지다, 쳐지다
It's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.
(56) So far, so good! : It's been going well up to now. 지금까지는 괜찮다
Everything seems to be going the way that it should. So far, so good!
(57) stay up : to remain awake at night 밤을 새거나 늦게까지 깨 있다
Lisa was too tired to stay up for the late-night movie that she had planned to see.
(58) straighten up : to get up from a bent-over position / to make tidy 정리하다
Look at the mess in your closet! Straighten it up right now.
(59) talk someone out of doing (<-> talk ~ into ~) : to persuade someone not to do something
사람을 설득해서 ~을 하지 못하게 하다
The policeman talked the man out of jumping from the top of the building.
(60) The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. : You always want what you don't have. 남의 떡이 더 커 보인다
She loves my closet, but I wish I had her clothes. The grass is always greener on the other
side of the fence.
(61) tick off : to make angry; to annoy 화나게 하다
He tricks me off by the way he's always taking charge.
(62) To each his own. : Everyone has a different opinion. 사람마다 각양각색
I know you like the food at this restaurant, but I just don't care for it. To each his own.
(63) try on : to put on for the purpose of checking size and fit 한번 입어보다
I'd like to take these dresses into a fitting room and try them on.
(64) turn into : to become ~가 되다, ~로 변하다
Because I swim so many hours every day, I sometimes feel that I am going to turn into a fish.
(65) wear out : to tire greatly/ exhaust/ to be reduced to nothing by long use 지치다
That boy has been playing baseball all day. I know he's going to wear out soon.
Those thin shoes will wear out quickly.

기본 동사에 전치사나 부사가 연결되어 새로운 의미를 갖게 되는 구동사들은

(1) 의미면에서 대체로 구성 요소의 핵심의미를 결합하면, 새로운 의미를 추측할 수 있다. 물론, put up (참다), take in (속이다), look up (사전 등을 뒤져 정보를 찾다) 처럼 비유적(metaphorical) 의미로의 확장이 많이 진행된 경우도 있지만, 기본적인 접근 방식은 구성요소로부터 의미를 이해하려고 해야겠다. 예를 들어, look이라는 기본 동사에 다음과 같이 공간적 의미가 분명한 부사나 전치사들이 연결되면, ‘보다’와 부사의 의미가 연결된 구동사의 새로운 의미를 쉽게 추측할 수 있다. Ahead 앞(미래)을 내다보다, around 주위를 둘러 보다, at (움직이지 않는)~을 보다, back on (sth) 뒤(과거)를 회상하다, down on (sb) ~을 업신 여기다, into 조사하다, on 관찰하다, 물끄러미 보다, out 조심하다, over 검토하다, through 샅샅이 뒤지다, up to (sb) 존경하다

(2) 형태면에서 목적어를 사이에 넣어 분리하는 것이 가능한지(seperable), 가능하지 않은지(unseperable) 알아야 한다. 대부분의 구동사들은 기본 동사가 타동사이고, 뒤에 의미의 수식을 위해 부사를 갖고 있고, 따라서 목적어를 동사와 부사 사이에 놓을 수 있다. 특히 목적어가 이미 제시된 바 있는 정보이기 때문에 대명사로 쓴다면, 의미상 크게 중요하지 않은 정보를 놓는 문장의 가운데 자리, 즉 동사와 부사 사이에 위치시켜야 한다. 반면, 기본 동사가 자동사로 쓰인다면 목적어를 갖기 위해 전치사를 쓰게 되기 때문에 목적어가 전치사 앞으로 올 수 없다. 전치사는 의미에 영향을 미치기보다는 문법적 기능을 자동사에서 타동사로 바꿔주는 기능을 하는 편이다. Run out of sth, get along with sb, look forward to sthg 등의 세 단어가 한 덩어리인 경우, 가운데 있는 단어는 항상 부사이고, 마지막 단어는 전치사이기 때문에, 목적어에 의해 분리되지 않는다.
대부분의 전치사들은 부사로도 사용되기 때문에, 전치사인지 부사인지 구분하기가 쉽지 않지만, of, to, for, from, with, in 등은 주로 전치사로 쓰이고, on, about, by, through, over, off, against 등은 전치사와 부사로 비슷한 정도로 쓰이며, up, out, down, away, back, around, away, behind, below, beneath 등처럼 공간적 의미가 강한 단어들은 주로 부사로 사용된다.

구동사를 형성하는 주요 기본 동사

1. You say that 10,000 people use this library. Could you break that ______ in age groups?
(a) in (b) into (c) up (d) down (e) out (행시 34)

break down 1.[I] if a car or a machine breaks down, it stops working 망가지다
2.[I] if something breaks down, it cannot continue because there are too many problems: His marriage broke down and his wife left him. 깨지다
3. [I] to start crying because you are very upset
: Imelda broke down in tears at the funeral. 터뜨리다
4. [T break sth <-> down] to hit something such as a door so hard that it falls down: The police had to break down the door to get in. 부수다
5. [I,T] to change something or separate it into different parts:
enzymes which break down food in the stomach 분해하다 정답: (d)

back down [I]--retreat 뒤로 물러서다
Rosen backed down when he saw how big the other guy was.
calm down [sep]--soothe; tranquilize 진정시키다
We had to calm the children down after the excitement.
close down [sep]--stop business activity permanently (사업의) 문을 내리다, 닫다
They plan to close that business down for good.
come down with [nonsep]--become sick 병에 들게 되다
She missed the picnic because she came down with the flu.
crack down on [nonsep]--impose restrictions 규제하다
The police are cracking down on street violence.

2. If you neglect what you are to do, you will be dressed down. (외시 96)
(a) sent to the dress section (b) asked to leave your post
(c) asked to sell dresses (d) deprived of your dress (e) reproached

dress down--to scold; reprimand 질책하다
dress up--to wear formal or fancy clothes 멋진 옷을 입다 정답: (e)

3. Try to remain capable of entering into other people's states of mind. (외시 96)
(a) demonstrating (b) beginning
(c) releasing (d) developing (e) sympathizing

enter into--to participate in; to become party to (a contract) 참여하다, (계약, 사업 등에) 들어가다
Both sides must enter into negotiations.
Money didn't enter into my decision to leave. 정답: (e)

4. Years ago her father had fallen out with them over the estate of the old lady. (사시 95)
(a) quarreled (b) encountered (c) dealt (d) conferred (e) negotiated

fall out--to quarrel 싸우다
I've fallen out with my mother over my grade. 정답: (a)

ask out [sep]--invite on a date 데이트 신청하다
He asks her out all the time, but she never goes with him.
blow out [sep]--to extinguish with air 불어서 불을 끄다
She blew out all the candles on her birthday cake.
break out [nonsep]--start suddenly 갑자기 (나쁜 일이) 터지다
A fire broke out in the field yesterday.
check out [sep]--1. investigate 2. borrow officially 조사하다; 대출하다
Our air-conditioning isn't working; the repairman is coming to check it out.
He went to the library to check out that book.
chew out [sep]--scold 질책하다
The boss really chewed her out for being late for the meeting.
chicken out (on)--not act because of fear 겁이 나서 못하다
He wanted to call the boss at home, but he chickened out.
eat out [I]--eat at a restaurant, rather than at home 외식하다
That family eats out at least once a week.
figure out [sep]--solve; understand 파악하다
She can't seem to figure out her problems.
fill out [sep]--complete in writing (서류를) 작성하다
Please fill out these forms.
hang out (with) [I]--do nothing, with friends (별일 없이) 돌아다니다
Those kids just hang out every day after school.

5. That was a form of amusement that was never gone in for by the working class. (기시 94)
(a) taken part in (b) come up with
(c) put up with (d) looked forward to (e) run around with

go in for [T]-- to like doing something ~을 좋아하다
I've never gone in for modern art. 정답: (a)

go (in) for [nonsep]--like a lot 많이 좋아하다
The college girls really go for Latin dancing.
go out for [nonsep]--audition or perform for selection 뽑히기 위해 오디션 등에 나가다
She went out for the softball team, but she didn't make it.
care for [nonsep]--love; want 좋아하다
She really cares for him.
not stand for [nonsep]--not allow 허가하지 않는다
The teacher won't stand for talking during a test.
stand up for [nonsep]--support publicly 공개적으로 지지하다
His best friend stood up for him through all his problems.
take A for B [sep]--consider A as B A를 B로 여기다
Don't take him for a fool; he is really quite smart.

6. A: What are you getting at? (입법 01)
(a) I'm arriving at that station (b) I'm going to buy a book.
(c) I don't follow you. (d) I didn't mean that. (e) Let me clarify.

be getting at--meaning, but not saying 의미하다
The manager didn't exactly say his employer had been dishonest, but we all knew what he was getting at.
Did you understand what he was getting at?

across ahead along around at away(2) with by down(2) News of the affair soon got _________. (to spread)
She's clever and ambitious, and determined to get ______. (to be successful in one's job)
How are you getting _______ with the decorating? (to advance or make progress)
I must be getting along. = I must leave now.
We don't have much money but we get ______. (to manage to continue your way of life)
Put the tools up on that shelf where the children can't get ______ them. (to manage to reach)
Stop getting at me! = to say unkind things to someone
I'm sorry I'm late. I was in a meeting and couldn't get ________. (to escape from a place)
He stole thousands of pounds from the company--and got away _______ it!
(to do something bad and escape being punished for it)
It's no use just coming to an informal agreement--you've got to get it ______ in writing.
(to record something in writing)
He's not very good at getting his ideas ________ to people. (to explain something to people)
This dreadful weather's really getting me ________. (to make you feel sad)
The government can't get _______ from the fact that the Health Service needs more money.
(to escape from something)
Answer> around/ ahead/ along/ by/ at/ away/ with/ down/ across/ down/ away

7. How are you getting along? (세무사 99)
(a) getting on (b) getting about (c) growing from (d) getting out (e) getting up

get along--[I] 1. to advance or make progress with a job that you are doing: 진행하다, 잘 하다
How are you getting along at school?
2. to have a friendly relationship with someone: ~와 잘 지내다
I get along quite well with my family.

get about (=get around)-- to be able to move or travel to different places: 여기 저기 다니다
My Gran can't get about much anymore.
get on--to succeed in your job or make progress with a job you are doing: 진행하다, 성공하다
You'll have to work harder than this if you want to get on.
get out--to escape from a place: + of 빠져나가다
How did the dog get out of the yard?
get up--to wake up and get out of bed, or make someone do this: 일어나다
I have to get up at 6:00 tomorrow. 정답: (a)

8. You should never go back on your promise to a child. (행시 97)
(a) break (b) outwit (c) waver (d) repeat (e) demand

go back on [T]--to fail to keep a promise or an agreement: 약속을 지키지 못하다
I won't go back on my promise. 정답: (a)

get back to someone [nonsep]--call someone with new information 새 정보를 갖고 다시 찾다
As soon as I know the figures, I will get back to you.
get back at someone [nonsep]--do harm in return for a wrong 보복하다
After he was fired, he tried to get back at his boss.
get someone back [sep]--do harm in return for a wrong 보복하다
He hurt my feelings, but I got him back by hanging up the phone.
cut back (on) [nonsep]--spend less on something 소비를 줄이다
With a lower salary he had to cut back on entertainment.

9. A: We are going to have steak for dinner. What do you recommend?
B: Generally, red wine _____ with red meat. (세무사 97)
(a) goes together (b) works well
(c) does away (d) runs away (e) comes out

go together with--to be included as part of something; to harmonize 잘 어울리다
Does this jacket go with this shirt?

get away with--escape a misdeed without penalty 벌 받지 않고 도망가다
He tore up his parking fine and got away with it.
put up with--tolerate 참다
The house is beautiful, but I can't put up with the noise of the airplanes.

10. Jim spent the whole evening asking me questions about his physics exam. However, he made up for it by washing my car for me. (사시 95)
(a) appreciated (b) complemented
(c) applauded (d) compensated for (e) conciliated

make up for[T]--to reduce the bad effect of something 보상하다
The long hot summer made up for the miserable spring. 정답: (d)

act add back blow(2) bone break bring(2) brush burn call catch come

It will be
hard for him to _______ up with the other students.
(improve in order to reach the same standard as others)
The neighbors didn't like our noisy party and told us to ______ it up. (end)
She claims to have lots of friends, yet she is always alone; it doesn't ____ up. (make sense)
The children always _____ up just before the school holidays begin. (misbehave)
The girl's father ______ up when she got home so late. (get angry)
These photographs are too small; we should ______ them up. (make bigger)
She ________ the children up by herself. (raise)
He wants to ______ up on his Spanish before he goes to Mexico. (practice to relearn old skills)
Those silly gossips really ______ me up. (make angry)
He comes home from school and ______ all his friends up. (contact someone by telephone)
They _______ up to us and asked for help. (approach)
The hardest part about driving a car is ______ing up. (reverse)
He wanted to ______ up on European history before he went on the tour.
(do an intensive study or review of)
The lady _______ up the parking problem in our neighborhood. (mention a new topic)

catch/ break/ add/ act/ blew/ blow/ brought/ brush/ burnt/ calls/ came/ back/ bone/ brought

11. It was difficult to pin down what it was that made him seem different from others. (군법 94)
(a) conceive (b) define exactly (c) make known (d) estimate (e) discern

pin down [sep]--to make firm arrangements or decisions: 확실히 하다
I won't pin you down to a particular time; come any day next week. 정답: (b)

12. The election campaign played on the population's fear of change. (행시 01)
(a) convinced (b) exploited (c) fortified (d) validated (e) complied with

play on [T]--to use a feeling or a weakness that someone has for your own advantage:
The government has strengthened its position by playing on people's fears about a possible war. 악용하다 cf) play up 과장하다 정답: (b)

carry on with [nonsep]--continue an effort 진행하다
Who is going to carry on with the program when he leaves?
catch on [I]--understand 이해하다
My sister isn't interested in him; I'm afraid he will never catch on.
get on [I]--enter a vehicle; grow old 나이가 들다
He is getting on; he is eighty-seven now.
pass on [sep]--tell or give to somebody else 전달하다
When you have finished reading this article, please pass it on.
turn on [sep]--cause to function 켜다
First, you have to turn the machine on.

13. The person did not put across his goals clearly to the committee. (사시 93)
(a) emphasize (b) show on the map (c) impress (d) state in writing (e) explain

put across--to explain something so that people can understand it 이해할 수 있도록 전달하다
She didn't succeed in putting her ideas across very well. 정답: (e)

come across [nonsep]--find something unexpectedly 예기치 않게 찾다
I came across this old picture of you when I was looking for some documents.
run across [nonsep]--to find something unexpectedly 예기치 않게 찾다
I ran across a letter you wrote to me when we were children.
get (something) across to [sep]--make something understood (이해되도록) 전달하다
The young girl tried to get it across to her boyfriend that she was not ready to get married.

14. The possibility cannot be ruled out that the enemy will attack us again. (행시 93)
(a) omitted (b) predicted (c) excluded (d) convinced (e) dominated

rule out [sep]--to dismiss something without considering it carefully 배제하다
We can't rule out the possibility that he'll come. 정답: (c)

knock out [sep]--cause to lose consciousness 때려 눕히다
The champion knocked the other boxer out in the first round.
make out [I]--be successful 성공하다
We sold all of our stuff at the garage sale and made out pretty well.
pass out [I]--faint 기절하다
She hadn't eaten all day, and she passed out.
point out [sep]--call attention to 지적하다
The agent pointed out that the house was in a convenient neighborhood.
stand out (from) [I]--be noticeable 눈에 띄다
She stands out from all the short girls.
talk out of [sep]--convince someone not to do something 사람을 설득하여 ~을 못하게 하다
He was going to marry that girl, but his mother talked him out of it.
turn out [I]--indicates a result 판명되다, 결과가 ~게 되다
How did the dress you were making turn out?
watch out (for) [I]--be careful 조심하다
He told her to watch out for danger.
wear out [sep]--use until ruined 닳다
I wore my shoes out, and had to throw them away.
work out [sep]--1.solve a problem 2. do exercise 해결하다; 운동하다
That couple had a lot of problems, but they worked them out.
He works out every evening.

15. John ran out of options. (행시 99)
(a) had no choice (b) was shocked
(c) ran away (d) dropped back (e) was broken up

run out of--no longer have enough of something 다 쓰다, 떨어지다
I've run out of gasoline. 정답: (a)

16. My duty tonight is to report on the state of the union, and to set forth our responsibilities to form a more perfect union. (사시 97)
(a) start (b) present
(c) perpetuate (d) illustrate (e) communicate

set forth [T]--to explain or describe sth; present sth or make it known 설명하다, 제시하다
forth--forward or onward; out from a place 앞으로
He went forth into the desert to pray. 정답: (b)

17. A: Why is she in such a bad mood?
B: Well, it seems she's been stood up. (사시 98)
(a) she has worked without pay (b) someone has made her stand up
(c) someone has told her a lie (d) someone made a pass at her
(e) someone has not showed up

stand someone up [sep]--miss a commitment without explaining 약속 장소에 나오지 않다
He went to pick her up but she wasn't there; she had stood him up. 정답:(e)

covered dresses face gave(2) hang hold(2) keep look(2)

She had to stop dreaming and _______ up to the truth. (confront)
The other hikers walked faster, and we couldn't ______ up. (stay at the level of the others)
She always _______ up for parties. (put on more formal clothes than usual)
We won the game because the other team ________ up and went home. (surrender)
The bike is in good shape now, but I don't know how long it will _____ up.
(continue in good condition)
She tried to convince her daughter to go back to school, but she finally ______ up. (stop)
You have dialed the wrong number; _______ up and try again. (put the phone down)
If you want her phone number, _______ it up in the telephone directory. (search in a directory)
Everybody in the department _______ up to the director; she is wonderful. (respect)
They committed a crime and then _______ it up. (hide the facts)
The traffic on the bridge _______ us up for two hours. (delay)

Answer> face, keep, dresses, gave, hold, gave, hang, look, looks, covered, held

18. The turn-out at the art conference was truly amazing. (외시 96)
(a) exhibition (b) attendance (c) result (d) influence (e) contest

turnout--the number of people attending an event 참석자 수
The turnout for the office picnic was great; almost everybody came. 정답: (b)

break-in--an illegal or forced entry into a room or building 난입
We had a break-in at the office last night; several computers were stolen.
come-on--an incentive 유인, 사람을 끄는 것
The free T-shirts at the game were a come-on to get more people to buy tickets. getaway--a vacation 휴가
That travel agency advertises exotic getaways.
giveaway--something that can be obtained for free 무료로 나눠주는 것
There were a lot of prizes and giveaways at the fair.
handout--free food or supplies 무료 음식, 혹은 물건
Many homeless people survive on handouts.
hang-up--a psychological problem 괜한 신경쓰기
Her insecurity is one of her hang-ups.
kickback--money received by a controlling agent in a business transaction 몫을 떼기
We believe somebody got a kickback in that business deal.
mark-down--merchandise that has been reduced in price 할인 물품
The mark-downs are in the basement of the store.
rip-off--a high price for something of lesser value 사기
He paid too much for that antique chair; it was a rip-off.
stand-in--a substitute 대체물, 대체인
The stand-in for the main actor did a great job.
step up--an improvement in status 지위 향상
The new house is a step up for him.
takeoff--departure of an airplane 이륙
The takeoff was smooth, but the landing was difficult.
turnaround--a change in attitude 태도의 변화
When he met her, he went from depressed to cheerful; it was a complete turnaround.
workout--a session of exercise 운동
A daily workout can improve your disposition.

19. The other car didn't stop after the accident but luckily I was able to ________ its number.
(a) take down (b) bring up (c) try out (d) call off (e) see off (사시 99)

take down--to write down a piece of information 정보를 적다
She took down my phone number. 정답: (a)

20. When we explore the paradoxes of English, we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms
can be lit, homework can be done in school, nightmares can in broad daylight.(사시 01)
(a) set back (b) give way (c) put aside (d) take place (e) make over

take place--to happen 발생하다
When did the accident take place? 정답: (d)

21. The rates do not take in account the layoffs during the first quarter of the year. (세무사 99)
(a) bargain (b) postpone (c) increase (d) explain (e) discount

take into account--to give proper consideration to something when making a judgment or decision You must take her illness into account. 고려하다 정답: (e)

22. If Mary depended on John, she had to turn ____ him for help. (사시 98)
(a) to (b) of (c) up (d) on (e) after

turn to--1. to go to someone for help: I don't know who I can turn to. 의지하다
2. to start doing something: Some young people turn to crime. 빠져들다
3. to go to a particular page in a book: Turn to page 27. ~페이지를 펴다

turn up--1. to be found or discovered: The missing bag turned up under an old bridge.
2. to find something: The police have turned up some interesting new evidence.
3. to arrive somewhere: They turned up late as usual. 도착하다
4. to increase the heat or the sound 정답: (a)

23. After a pause for questions and refreshments, William took ______ his story. (변리 94)
(a) notice of (b) turns in (c) in (d) up (e) None of these

take in--1. to provide a home for someone: My sister agreed to take me in for a while.
2. to make clothes smaller or narrower 옷을 줄이다
3. to understand something: There were too many facts to take in all at once.
4. to deceive someone 속이다
take up--1. start doing an activity: He took up writing poetry while he was still at school.
2. to use a particular amount of time or space: Books take up a lot of space.
3. to continue something: I'll take up the story where I left off yesterday. 정답: (d)

make(2) mix pass run set sign step take tear throw wrap

She missed the test, but the teacher said she could _______ it up next week. (do missed work)
The sisters look so much alike; I _____ them up all the time. (put with other things; confuse)
We've been practicing for three hours; let's ______ it up. (finish a session)
They had a big fight, but they _______ up last night. (become friends again after an argument)
He made a lot of long-distance calls and ______ up my phone bill.
(increase charges through excessive use)
We are _______ up for your course. (register)
We _______ the appointment up for November. (arrange)
She _______ up knitting when she was pregnant. (pursue a new interest)
The letter made her so angry that she ______ it up. (rip into small pieces)
She had a chance to continue her studies, but she _______ it up to get married.
(miss an opportunity)
The poor child got sick and ______ up. (vomit)
_____ it up a little; we need to go faster. (increase the speed)

Answer> make, mix, wrap, made, ran, signing, set, took, tore, passed, threw, Step

Idioms through Dialogue

1. M: What's the matter, Mary? Are you having trouble with your lab experiments?
W: I'm at the end of my rope!
(A) She feels apologetic.
(B) She feels frustrated.
해설> end of one's rope--end of one's ability to cope or try 지칠대로 지치다

2. M: Aren't our rooms ready to move into yet?
W: The cleaning crew is just gearing up!
(A) They should look for someone to clean the rooms.
(B) The rooms haven't been cleaned yet.
해설> gear up--to get started or get going 시작하다

3. M: Have you read that novel I lent you?
W: I can't seem to get into it.
(A) She doesn't like reading novels.
(B) The book doesn't interest her very much.
해설> get into--to become involved or interested in ~에 관심을 갖게 되다

4. M: Listen to that wind!
W: The paper said it should die down by this evening
(A) The wind will not last through the night.
(B) This strong wind could be dangerous.
해설> die down--to subside; to lessen 줄어들다

5. M: Dan can't figure out how to set up his computer.
W: Shouldn't he read the instruction booklet?
(A) Ask someone to help him with his computer.
(B) Tell him to read the instructions for setting up his computer.
해설> set up--to make ready for use by putting the parts together 설치하다

6. M: I hear that Pamela didn't get that job.
W: Yeah. I guess she just didn't measure up to the other applicants.
(A) She wasn't as qualified as the other applicants.
(B) No one could measure the value of her past experience.
해설> measure up--to be equal to ~을 하기에 충분하다, ~에 적당한 능력이 있다

7. W: Greg really sticks close to home, doesn't he?
M: Like glue. And, he never calls anyone, either.
(A) Greg doesn't do any socializing.
(B) He hasn't been able to reach Greg by phone.
해설> stick like glue--to stay very close to a place or a person

8. M: Did you understand what the professor meant?
W: It was way over my head.
(A) She doesn't agree with what the professor said.
(B) She didn't understand the professor.
해설> over one's head--too difficult 너무 어렵다 (여기서 way는 ‘한참, 훨씬’을 의미하는 강조 부사)

9. M: Would you like to take a break now?
W: Oh, let's keep working. We're almost finished.
(A) Let the man finish the work. (B) Continue working for a while.
해설> take a break--to rest

10. W: Look at this jacket! I spilled tea all over it!
M: Relax! We can drop it off at the dry cleaner's on our way home.
(A) He'll get the cleaning on the way home.
(B) It will be easy to get the woman's jacket cleaned.
해설> drop off--to take someone or something part of the way you are going

11. M: They've just notified Randy that he's been accepted at State University.
W: Great! That must really be a load off his mind!
(A) He must be relieved at the good news.
(B) He won't mind if he isn't accepted right away.
해설> a load off one's mind--a relief 마음에 짐을 더는 것

12. W: I've invited Ted over on Saturday night. I thought we could have a formal dinner.
M: With the house in the shape isn't it? We'd better give it a good going over.
(A) Their house needs cleaning.
(B) Ted shouldn't come over on Saturday night.
해설> in the shape--in good physical condition 물리적 상태가 좋은
eg) I exercise regularly to stay in shape.
I am not in shape and I cannot run far without panting.
give something a good going over--to clean something thoroughly 깨끗히 청소하다

13. M: Dot says she's going to tour both Chicago and Los Angeles in the next three days!
W: She's got to be crazy! No one in their right mind could do all of that!
(A) She isn't feeling well.
(B) She is planning to do too many things.
해설> in one's right mind--sane 제 정신인

14. W: Karen didn't get home until midnight last night.
M: She's really a night owl, isn't she!
(A) She shouldn't really get home so late.
(B) She likes to stay up late.
해설> a night owl--someone who likes to stay up late at night 올빼미 같은 사람

15. M: How about going to a movie tonight?
W: Hmm. I've been sort of fed up with movies recently. They all seem so violent.
(A) She's tired of violent films.
(B) She has been bored lately at the movies.
해설> be fed up with--be tired of or annoyed with ~에 지치다, 짜증나다

16. M: What's going on with Tim? Hasn't he finished his thesis yet?
W: He's just getting it going.
(A) He doesn't have time to go get his thesis.
(B) He is just beginning his thesis.
해설> get something going--to begin something 시작하다

17. M: Have you seen George lately?
W: I've lost touch with him.
(A) She's afraid that he might be lost.
(B) She hasn't been in contact with him.
해설> lose touch with somebody--to lose contact with somebody 연락이 끊기다

18. W: Are you up for a swim?
M: I just checked the weather report. It's supposed to be cold.
(A) It isn't a good idea to go swimming right now.
(B) The water is too cold to swim in.
해설> be up for-- like ~하고 싶다, ~할 기분이다

19. M: What time does the meeting start?
W: Didn't you hear that it was called off by the director?
(A) The director called the meeting to order.
(B) The director canceled the meeting.
해설> call off--cancel 취소하다

20. M: Did you have your history exam today?
W: No, the professor put it off for another week.
(A) She would like to put it out of her mind.
(B) It was delayed.
해설> put off--delay 연기하다

21. W: Do we have any more soap?
M: We've run out of it. Someone will have to go to the store.
(A) He needs soap to wash himself after running.
(B) There is no more soap.
해설> run out of--no longer have enough of something 다 써버리다

22. M: I need to take the written test to renew my driver's license.
W: Then, you'll have to brush up on the laws.
(A) Learn the laws for the first time.
(B) Review the information that will be on the test.
해설> brush up on--to study a subject again in order to relearn what you have forgotten eg) I must brush up my French before I go to Paris.
23. M: The new neighbors have just moved in.
W: Maybe we should call on them.
(A) Phone their neighbors.
(B) Visit their neighbors.
해설> call on--visit someone 방문하다
eg) I called on my uncle while I was in London.

24. W: You know, I'm really enjoying this class now.
M: I am, too. At first it was kind of boring, but now it's turning into something fascinating.
(A) The course is becoming more interesting.
(B) The course used to be more interesting.
해설> turn into--change into some other thing 변해가다

25. M: I heard you had a bad headache this morning.
W: Yes, but I think I'm getting over it now.
(A) She felt better this morning than now.
(B) She seems to be feeling better now.
해설> get over--to recover from something unpleasant such as an illness or a disappointment
eg) She still hasn't got over the shock of her mother's death.

26. M: I'd like to stop smoking, but it's really hard for me.
W: Well, at least you should try to cut down.
(A) The man should decrease the number of cigarettes he smokes.
(B) The man should stop smoking completely.
해설> cut down--to reduce something 줄이다
eg) I'm trying to cut my drinking down.

27. M: Why was the client unhappy?
W: The lawyer turned down his case.
(A) The client was upset about the lawyer's rejection.
(B) The client made the lawyer unhappy about the case.
해설> turn down--to refuse a request that someone has made to you 거절하다
eg) I applied for the job but they turned me down.

28. W: Are you going out or staying here tonight?
M: I can't go out. I have to look after the children.
(A) The children need to be watched.
(B) He's going to see what the children have done.
해설> look after--to take care of someone or something 돌보다
eg) She will look after the business for me while I'm away.

29. W: Did you see in the paper this morning that one section of the factory is closing down today?
M: Yes, and some of the workers will be laid off.
(A) They are lying down on the job.
(B) They are being released from their jobs.
해설> lay off--to stop employing a worker, because there is not enough work 해고하다 eg) They laid us off for three months.

30. W: I heard that you're trying out for the football team. Won't that be difficult?
M: Yes, but I'm really going to try to pull it off.
(A) He really wants to succeed.
(B) It is not so difficult to play on the football team.
해설> pull off--1. take off clothes quickly and roughly
eg) She ran in and pulled off her coat.
2. pull it off--to succeed in doing something difficult

b, b, b, a, b/ a, a, b, b, b/ a, a, b, b, a/ b, b, a, b, b/ b, b, b, a, b/ a, a, a, b, a//

List of Idioms (2)

(1) be fed up with : have had enough of ~에 물리다, 지겹다
I'm fed up with the customers who complain about the prices.
(2) break down : to destroy 파괴하다
The intruder broke down the door.
(3) break into : to enter unlawfully 불법적으로 침입하다
I was scared last night because someone tried to break into my house.
(4) break off : to end 끝내다
He and she have been friends for more than two years, but now they have decided to break off
their relationship.
(5) call for : to request / to suggest 요청하다
The politician should call for a decrease in taxes.
(6) call off : to cancel 취소하다
The principal had to call off the class on Tuesday because the teacher was sick.
(7) call on : to visit 방문하다
We have some new neighbors. I think I will call on them later this afternoon.
(8) call someone up : to telephone 전화하다
Why don't you call me up about 9:00? I'll be waiting by the phone.
(9) care for : to love 좋아하다
She really cares for him.
(10) catch up : to reach the place or level of another person or people 따라잡다
He has been sick and needs some time to catch up.
(11) come across : to find unexpectedly 예기치 않게 만나다
While we were walking in the mountains, we were lucky enough to come across a waterfall. It
was quite a surprise to find such a beautiful thing.
(12) come down with : to get sick with (병에) 걸리게 되다
She is not feeling well; she thinks she is about to come down with the flu.
(13) cut down : to decrease it 줄어들다
He's been smoking too much. He really needs to cut down.
(14) cut it out : to stop it 그만두다
He kept teasing me, so finally I told him to cut it out.
(15) cut off : to stop the supply of 공급을 끊다
The company had to cut off the electricity because the bill was unpaid.
(16) dress down : to attack angrily in words 꾸짖다
Campbell dressed them down publicly.
(17) drop in at (drop in on) : to visit someone without notice 예고 없이 들리다
We hadn't seen them in years, and they dropped in on us yesterday morning.
(18) enter into : to have any important part in or influence on 문제시되다
The money doesn't enter into it; it's the principle of the thing that I object to.
(19) fall out : to quarrel 싸우다
Jane and Paul have fallen out over the education of their children.
(20) fall through : to fail to be successfully completed 완성되지 못하다
The deal fell through at the last minute.
(21) figure out : to come to understand or discover by thinking 파악하다
I can't figure him out - he's a mystery!
(22) get ahead : to advance 앞서나가다
He is working hard because he really wants to get ahead in his career.
(23) get at : to imply 의미하다
Could you explain a little more clearly? I really don't understand what you are trying to get at.
(24) get back at : to get revenge against 앙갚음하다
When he stole some money from her, she really wanted to do something to get back at him.
(25) get by : to manage 어렵사리 살아가다, (살림을) 꾸려나가다
We have enough money to get by for a few months; we won't have a lot of extras, but we will
(26) get into something : to learn or become used to ~에 빠져들다
I'll soon get into the way of doing things.
(27) get over : to recover from 회복하다
She was sick for several weeks, but now she has started to get over it.
(28) get rid of : to throw away 제거하다
There are too many clothes in my closet. I need to get rid of some of them.
(29) get together : to have a meeting or party 모이다
When can we get together for a meeting?
(30) give up : to surrender 포기하다
I've done all I can. I just can't do anything more. I give up.
(31) go back on : not to keep a promise 약속을 깨다
He went back on his word and refused to lend us the money.
(32) go in for : to take part in / to make a habit of 참여하다, 좋아하다
Several people went in for the race. / I've never gone in for dancing.
(33) go through : to suffer / to examine carefully 어려운 일을 겪다, 꼼꼼히 조사하다
The country has gone through too many wars.
She went through his jacket pockets and eventually found the keys.
(34) go with : to match or suit 어울리다
Mary's blue dress goes with her eyes.
(35) hang up : to put the phone down to end a telephone call 전화를 끊다
You have dialed the wrong number; hang up and try again.
(36) hold off : to postpone 미루다
I'm going to hold off taking my vacation. I was scheduled to take my vacation this week, but
I'll take it next month instead.
(37) lay off : to fire 해고하다
Many of the employees of the company are worried; they have heard a rumor that the company
is going to lay off a number of employees.
(38) look after : to take care of 돌보다
While I'm on my trip, do you think you could look after my cats?
(39) look into : to investigate 조사하다
The police detective was not sure how the crime was committed. She decided to look into it
(40) look something up : to search in a guide or directory 단어 등을 (사전에서) 찾다
If you want her phone number, look it up in the telephone directory.
(41) make it : to achieve one's goals 달성하다, 성취하다
She finally made it in the movies when she was in her forties.
(42) make up for : to repay or compensate for 보상하다
Nothing can make up for missing such a wonderful opportunity.
(43) measure up : to have good enough qualities 적당하다, 자격이 있다
I'm afraid he just didn't measure up to the job.
(44) not stand for something : not to allow to continue 두고 보다, 그냥 놔 두다
I wouldn't stand for that sort of treatment if I were you.
(45) pick on : to bother 괴롭히다
The brother always used to pick on his younger sister. His favorite tricks were to pull her hair,
tease her, or scare her.
(46) pick someone up : to come and get (<-> drop off) ~를 (어디에서) 태워 주다
Could you pick me up after school today? I'll wait for you out in front of the school.
(47) pin down : to force to make a firm decision / to know clearly 정확히 짚어두다/ 분명히 알다
I won't pin you down to a particular day; just come whenever you're free.
We know there is corruption in the organization but it is difficult to pin it down.
(48) play on : to try to use the feelings of others for one's own advantage 악용하다
This film about handicapped people is just playing on people's sympathy.
(49) put across : to cause one's ideas to be understood by listeners / to communicate 소통하다
Tim is an inexperienced teacher, so he doesn't put himself across very well.
(50) put off : to delay 지연시키다
The teacher has to put off the exam until next week because the students are not prepared.
(51) put up with : to tolerate 참다
He is such a mean man that it is difficult to put up with him.
(52) rule out : to say that something or someone is not under consideration as a possibility / to make it impossible for something to happen 배제하다, 제외하다
We can't rule out the possibility that she was murdered by her husband.
Rain ruled out further party.
(53) run into (=bump into) : to meet unexpectedly 우연히 맞닥뜨리다
While I was at the market, I was surprised to run into a friend I had not seen in months.
(54) run out of : to use completely 다 써버리다
If I did not buy milk at the store, we would run out of it at breakfast in the morning.
(55) set forth (= set off, set out) : to begin a journey 출발하다
It's getting late - time to set forth.
(56) show up : to arrive 도착하다
He was supposed to come at 9:00, but he didn't show up until 10:00.
(57) stand someone up : to miss a commitment without explaining 약속시간에 나타나지 않다
He went to pick her up but she wasn't there; she had stood him up.
(58) stop by (= drop by = drop in) : to make a short visit to 들리다
Why don't you stop by my house on your way home?
(59) take down : to separate a large machine into pieces to repair it 기계를 분해하다
We'll have to take the engine down to get to the gear box.
(60) take into account : to give proper consideration to a fact when making a judgement
His exam results were not very good, but we must take into account his long illness.
(61) take it out of someone : to use all someone's strength 힘을 다 써버리다
The long journey seems to have taken it our of her.
(62) take place : to happen 발생하다
Do you know when the wedding will take place? I heard that it would be next June.
(63) take up : to begin (a hobby) ~을 시작하다, 채택하다
I don't know how to play golf, but it is a sport that I would like to take up.
(64) turn down : to refuse 거절하다
He applied for the job, but the manager decided to turn down his application because he was
not really qualified.
(65) turn in : to submit 제출하다
The students must turn in their papers on Thursday. The teacher has said that the papers
cannot be even one day late.
(66) turn out : to indicate a result 판명되다, ~한 결말이 나다
How did the dress you were making turn out?
(67) turn to : to go to for help ~에게 의지하다, 도움을 청하다
I can't tell my parents about it; I don't know who to turn to.
In his desperation, he turned to drink.
(68) turn up : to appear / to increase in volume or speed 나타나다, 속도 등을 올리다
She is very unreliable; we never know if she will turn up.
Turn the radio up; this is a great song.
(69) wind up with : to get into the unpleasant condition as an unintentional result of one's actions ~한 (좋지 못한) 결말이 나고 말다.
If you keep working at this rate, you could wind up with a heart attack.

Agreement and Disagreement

1. I can't make head or tail of these instructions on the packet. (사시 01)
(a) simulate (b) attribute (c) transpire (d) dissemble (e) understand

not be able to make head or tail--to be unable to understand; to be completely confused
‘무슨 말인지 모르겠다’는 말로 It's Greek to me.라는 말과 같은 표현 정답: (e)

2. "That sure was a good movie." "You said it." (사시 98)
(a) I quite agree with you. (b) I don't think so.
(c) There you go again. (d) You're always saying so.
(e) How can you be so sure?

You said it.--That's true. You are correct.
A: The champion Chang put up a good fight. We are really proud of him.
B: You said it.
= You can say that again. That makes two of us. 정답: (a)

3. The solution approved by the unanimous vote of a million such men would count for nothing against that of a competent mathematician. (사시 95)
(a) be helpless (b) be of no use
(c) be unequal (d) not be in rivalry (e) not be superior

count for nothing--have no value at all 전혀 중요하지 않다
In light of your actions, your words count for nothing. 정답: (b)

4. My father took no stock in the idea that our economy is now picking up. (세무사 99)
(a) did not propose (b) did not praise
(c) did not know (d) did not believe (e) did not prove

take stock--to consider a situation carefully so as to take a decision 심각하게 고려하다
정답: (d)
Before rushing into something irrevocable, let's sit back and take stock of the situation.

5. In most cases the notion that a new car will free its owner of auto headache will not hold water. (입법고시 98)
(a) be logical (b) keep in the mind
(c) give in (d) make good (e) influence the others

hold water--to be or seem true, reasonable, or believable 합리적이다, 이치에 맞다
His explanation of where he got the money from just doesn't hold water. 정답: (a)

6. We must set store by his opinion that our country should be reunited in the long run.
(a) make widely known (b) give a theoretical basis to (외시 96)
(c) make much of (d) find fault with (e) bear in our mind

set something store by--to consider that something is of the stated amount of importance
He sets great store by his sister's advice. 중요시하다 정답: (c)

make much of--a. to treat as important;
Why are you making so much of such a trifling matter?
b. to understand well; I couldn't make much of that new book.
c. to treat with a show of fondness; He always made much of his niece.

7. You hit the nail on the head. (기술고시 95)
(a) become very strict (b) always work hard
(c) make someone look bad (d) arrive at the correct answer
(e) make trouble for someone

hit the nail on the head--정곡을 찌르다 정답: (d)
Bob doesn't say much, but every now and then he hits the nail right on the head.

8. John was a skillful debater, and his calculated sarcasm went home. His opponent flushed under the attack. (CPA 98)
(a) folded up (b) went under
(c) hit the target (d) was misleading (e) was ambiguous

go home--[for a comment] to make a very good point 홈런을 치다, 정곡을 찌르다 정답: (c)
Mary's criticism of my clothes hit home, so I changed.
The teacher's comment struck home and the student vowed to work harder.

Choose the statement in the right column that best responds to each question in the left
column. Write the appropriate number in the blank.

1. Was the boss against Peggy's ideas for the office party again this year?
2. Isn't it unfortunate that we almost never see eye to eye on things these day?
3. What party are you siding with in the race for president?
4. Isn't it nice that we're not at odds with each other so much recently?
5. How much longer are we going to continue this war of words between us?
____a. As long as it takes for you to see my point and to go along.
____b. I'd have to say I'm for the Democratic party this time.
____c. No, this time he went along with her suggestion.
____d. I know. I guess we're just not on the same wavelength anymore.
____e. You can say that again.

Answer> 1-c/ 2-d/ 3-b/ 4-e/ 5-a


9. Sue needed money so urgently that she had to sell her watch and bike cheap.
(행시 01)
(a) air (b) hair (c) water (d) dirt (e) sand

dirt cheap--extremely cheap 아주 싼
We got the couch dirt cheap in a sale.
He worked his way up from being what he calls dirt poor. 정답: (d)

10. The manager knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house. (세무사 99)
(a) made by himself (b) immediately
(c) for celebration (d) in a friendly manner (e) with no payment

on the house--free of charge 가게에서 내는, 공짜의; It's a steal. (공짜나 다름 없다)
Thank you for shopping at our store. It's on the house. 정답: (e)

raincheck--a receipt to purchase an unavailable sale item later at the sale price (우천) 교환권
Umberto asked the cashier for a raincheck because the sale item he wanted was all gone.
cost an arm and a leg--to be very expensive 굉장히 비싼
It costs an arm and a leg to visit the doctor if you don't have medical insurance.
be a rip-off--to be too expensive 너무 비싼, 사기에 가까운
You shouldn't shop at that store because the prices are a rip-off.

Fill in each blank with the missing part of the idiom. You can find each idiom in the box below this statement.

pick up--to buy, to purchase pick out--to select, to choose
on sale--at a reduced cost hunt for bargains--to look for the cheapest prices
buy up--to buy all available items take back--to return merchandise to a store
raincheck--a receipt to purchase an unavailable item
shop around--to check further on cost or quality window shop
stock up (on)--to purchase extra amounts for later use.

Inez: Would you like to go _______-shopping at the mall today?
Ruth: You know we never just window-shop. One of us always _____ something up that's on ______.
Inez: I know. But at least we always _______ for bargains.
Ruth: Like the time we bought ______ all those cheap woolen socks!
Inez: Don't remind us of that! We thought it would be a good idea to ______ up on warm clothing before winter.
Ruth: Until we discovered how poorly the socks were made. Didn't we ______ most of them back to the store?
Inez: We sure did. Oh, look at this ad. Haven't you been shopping ______ for a new shower curtain?
Ruth: Yes, but I haven't found a nice one so far. These look good--and what a reasonable price!
Inez: So let's go and _______ out a nice one together.
Ruth: At this price, they've probably all gone.
Inez: If that's true, we'll just ask for a _______.

Answer> window/ picks/ sale/ hunt/ up/ stock/ take/ around/ pick/ raincheck


11. Their new model of car is so popular that they have had to open a new factory to meet the demand. (사시 01)
(a) raise (b) rebut (c) create (d) cancel (e) satisfy

meet--to have enough or do enough of what is needed, or be good enough to reach a particular standard: (어떤 조건이나 기준에) 충분히 족하다 정답: (e)
She didn't meet all of the requirement for the job.

12. A: I've been doing this work for thirty years. I don't like it any more.
B: It's very understandable that you are up with your job. (사시 01)
(a) fed (b) put (c) kept (d) taken (e) caught

be fed up with--be annoyed, bored, or unhappy 질리다 정답: (a)
He was fed up with being treated like a servant.

13. When you write your personal statement for a job, don't hesitate to blow your own horn.
(a) be explicit about your weakness (b) hide your private matters (행시 00)
(c) do a great job in the show (d) be honest about yourself
(e) brag about your achievements

blow one's own horn--자화 자찬하다; blow one's trumpet 정답: (e)
I don't trust that guy. He's always blowing his own horn.

14. If you ________, you do a job that he/she used to do, and do it as well as he/she did.
(a) fill someone's shoes (b) get through someone (행시 99)
(c) are through with someone (d) make it up to someone
(e) run around with someone

fill someone's shoes--to take the place and do the job of someone 다른 사람을 대신하다
Will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she's left the company?

be in someone's shoes--be in someone's situation; experience what someone else has to experience 다른 사람 입장에 서다 정답: (a)
I'm glad I'm not in his shoes just now, with all those debts to pay.

15. A: I've been waiting for an hour almost.
B: We are sorry, but _____________________.
A: Why don't you hire some more cashiers then?
B: I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. (변리사 01)
(a) don't cut in line (b) we are in line
(c) we are shorthanded (d) line is busy (e) hold the line

shorthanded--lacking the necessary number of helpers or workers 일손이 부족한
A lot of people are on holiday this month, so we're a bit shorthanded. 정답: (c)

cut in line--새치기 하다

call it a day--to stop working; call it a night, call it quits 일을 마치다
After four hours of studying this evening, I called it a day.
graveyard shift--an eight-hour work period through the early morning hours 야간근무
Some factory workers work the graveyard shift, generally from midnight to 8:00 A.M.
make ends meet--to live reasonably well without getting into debt 수지를 맞추다
Every month we have to plan our budget carefully in order to make ends meet.
pick up the tab--to pay for the cost of something, often a meal; be on someone. 돈을 내다
The salesperson picked up the tab when she invited the executive to lunch.
Don't worry about the price of your meal. It's on me!


16. Robert said they got the idea from another boy who bragged that he had mugged pizza deliverymen "to make quick cash." (CPA 99)
(a) killed (b) hit
(c) borrowed money from (d) beaten and robbed (e) knocked down

mug--to attack someone in a public place and take their money 노상 강도질 하다
She was mugged and her purse was stolen. 정답: (d)

17. Police cracked down on the selling of liquors to minors. (사시 98)
(a) broke ground (b) did a double take
(c) did good (d) hit and ran (e) enforced laws

crack down on--to begin dealing with bad or illegal behavior very strictly 규제하다
The government plans to crack down on child pornography on the Internet. 정답: (e)

18. The boy would tell his parents nothing about his life on the run. (세무사 00)
(a) in flight (b) as a marathoner
(c) in the prison (d) associated with smugglers (e) on his business trip

on the run--to be trying to escape from someone, especially the police 정답: (a)
Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a local authority home. 도망 중인

19. A: May I speak to Mr. Kim?
B: One moment please. I'll _____ to his line. (세무사 97)
(a) talk (b) transfer (c) connect (d) link (e) lead

connect--to link sb to sb or sth through an electronic means 연결하다 정답: (c)
Operator, please connect me to the police department.
What commands will connect me to your Web site?
미국 영어에서는 transfer도 전화로 연결할 때 쓸 수 있다. 하지만, 항상 목적어를 취한다.
The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on while she transferred the call.

20. Web "pages" can be seen by millions of users on the Net, an expanding universe of networks that has doubled in size annually for a decade and now spans 150 nations. It's that huge body of potential consumers that has businesses scrambled to get onto the Web, to which 6 million computers are already hooked up. (CPA 96)
(a) connected (b) disposed of (c) established (d) hanged up (e) extricated

off the hook--not placed properly on the base unit of the telephone 정답: (a)
Carl left the telephone off the hook so that he wouldn't be bothered by any calls.
Please put the phone back on the hook so that we can be reached.

be on the phone--to be using the telephone 통화 중인
Ms. Miller is on the phone right now. She'll be available in a moment.


21. If you're going to Mexico, you should brush up on your Spanish. (행시 96)
(a) review (b) clean up (c) study (d) speak (e) memorize

brush up on--to review 복습하다 정답: (a)
As you learn new vocabulary, it's good to brush up on it regularly.

22. Mr. Barpal said that he once saved a deal by boning up on Japanese when a licensing arrangement was in jeopardy. (외시 96)
(a) contacting Japanese (b) studying Japanese hard
(c) picking on Japanese (d) employing Japanese (e) using Japanese

bone up on--살 속에 묻힌 뼈를 들추어내듯, 오래 전에 공부한 것을 복습하다 정답: (b)
The medical student had to bone up on the respiratory system before her oral exams.

have a bone to pick (with someone)--to have something to argue about with someone.
Hey, Bill. I've got a bone to pick with you. Where is the money you owe me?

23. Korean students are cutting a fine figure at the finest schools in the United States of America. (사시 95)
(a) living with no difficulty (b) cutting the shortest way
(c) having their tests with ease (d) getting good results in their studies
(e) making themselves changed differently

cut a particular figure--someone appear to other people in the way described 정답: (d)
Today she cuts a lonely figure.

cut someone down to size--make someone realize that he/she is not as important as he/she think he/she is 제 주제를 알게 하다
The once-powerful post unions have been cut down to size.

sign up (for)--to register (for); to enroll (in) 등록하다
The Smith's seventeen-year-old son signed up for classes at the public university.
hit the books--to study, sometimes after much delay (급하게) 공부하다
Students have no choice but to hit the books before taking their final exams.
cut class(es)--not to attend class(es); play hooky 수업에 나가지 않다
The troublesome teenagers played hooky for two days, but when they tried to cut classes
for a third day, they were caught and punished.
drop out (of)--to stop attending regularly (수강 신청을) 포기하다, 자퇴하다
Michael had to drop out of school in order to work full-time.

Official meeting

24. The party started quietly, so I introduced a few people to each other so as to break the ice. (입법 01)
(a) make them comfortable (b) add the ice to their drinks
(c) make the ice smaller (d) change the air (e) make them excited

break the ice--to end an awkward situation by suggesting a topic of conversation 정답: (a)
Jobs or hobbies are good icebreakers when you can't think of anything to talk about.

25. The party at the embassy set the seal on the president's official visit. (사시 00)
(a) benefited from (b) publicly denied
(c) found no sign of (d) overtly prevented (e) was a suitable way to end

set the seal on--make something definite 적절히 마감하다 정답: (e)
Such a visit may set the seal on a new relationship between the two governments.

26. Can you shed light on the reason? (세무사 99)
(a) appall (b) dissipate (c) explain (d) turn on (e) cover up

shed light on--make sthg easier to understand because of more information 정답: (c)
A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.

27. There have been bouts of war, but bouts of peace have followed them sooner or later.
(a) emblems (b) events (c) hymns (d) spells (e) tides (외시 96)

bouts--a short period of great activity 한바탕의 일 정답: (d)
one of his intermittent bouts of drinking

28. The company lost no time in whitewashing its part in this affair. (사시 00)
(a) taking (b) admitting (c) assigning (d) concealing (e) confirming

whitewash--to prevent something bad from being noticed 숨기다 정답: (d)
The report attempts to whitewash recent events, but we all know the minister was seriously at fault.

29. The Speaker explained the nuts and bolts of his plan to establish a new telephone system for the country. (사시 99)
(a) ultimate goals of (b) various arguments for
(c) expected advantages of (d) widespread passions for
(e) basic and practical details of

the nuts and bolts--the simple facts or skills of a subject or job 기본적 특징, 실제적 운영
to learn the nuts and bolts of cooking 정답: (e)

30. Decisions have to be taken, and as director you have to bite the bullet. (행시00)
(a) turn against someone who helps you
(b) receive a pleasant surprise that you don't expect
(c) take on a task that is more than you can accomplish
(d) bravely accept something unpleasant
(e) be ashamed of what you have said

bite the bullet--고통을 견디다, 어려움에 맞서 이기려는 각오를 하다 정답: (d)
Considering the tensions between the north and the south, we have to be content with the situation we are in, and bite the bullet.

Choose the statement in the right column that best responds to each question in the left
column. Write the appropriate number in the blank.

1. How's that grass-roots organization you joined?
2. Has Mary Allison been sworn in as governor yet?
3. Was there anything interesting to learn from yesterday's sound bites?
4. Is our local representative running for the office of state senator?
5. Who's to blame for all the red tape in government these days?
____a. No, she doesn't take office until tomorrow.
____b. Hardly. Everyone was just repeating the party line.
____c. Unfortunately, the group is too middle-of-the-road for me.
____d. Right-wing politicians like to blame left-wingers for it.
____e. Yes, she tossed her hat into the ring at a news conference this morning.

Answer> 1-c/ 2-a/ 3-b/ 4-e/ 5-d
Idioms through Dialogue

1. M: I locked the keys in the car again.
W: Oh, I don't know why I put up with you.
(A) She can't understand why the man did what he did.
(B) She's unsure why she tolerates the man.
해설> put up with someone--참다

2. M: Tom is a full-time student and is holding down a full-time job.
W: He's really burning the candle at both ends.
(A) He's working as a firefighter.
(B) He's doing too much.
해설> hold down a job--to manage to stay in a job for a fairly long period
She hasn't managed to hold down a job for more than a few weeks.

3. M: I have to take Advanced Biology from Professor Stanton next semester.
W: Don't worry about it. It's a piece of cake.
(A) The man shouldn't take part in the course.
(B) The course is easy.
해설> a piece of cake--매우 쉬운 일

4. W: Thanks for changing the oil AND putting air in the tires.
M: It's all in a day's work.
(A) It will take him a whole day to do the job.
(B) This is a regular part of his job.
해설> It's all in a day's work.--늘 하는 일

5. M: What was it like while the president was giving his speech?
W: You could hear a pin drop.
(A) The audience was very quiet.
(B) The president discussed dropping a bomb.
해설> can hear a pin drop--매우 조용하다

6. M: I just sold the last copy of that book this morning. You'll have to try again next week.
W: Just my luck.
(A) She's sorry she can't get the book today.
(B) She just wanted to look at the book.
해설> Just my luck--재수없게도.
I went to the new department store to do some shopping, but just my luck, it was closed.

7. M: I know you like this restaurant, but I just don't like the food here.
W: To each his own.
(A) The man doesn't like eating in restaurants.
(B) Everyone has different tastes.
해설> To each his own--취미도 각각 (Everybody has different tastes.)
I don't see why he always wears a black tie. To each his own.

8. M: Would it be possible for you to drop these letters in the mailbox for me?
W: No sooner said than done.
(A) She'll do it immediately.
(B) The man should have told her sooner.
해설> No sooner said than done--말하자 마자 하다.

9. W: Did you hear that Abbie won the art scholarship?
M: You could have knocked me down with a feather.
(A) Abbie used a feather in his art project.
(B) He was really surprised.
해설> You could knock me down with a feather--I was extremely surprised.
(knock on wood--used to keep away bad luck, so that something good will continue. My house has never been burgled, knock on wood.)

10. M: I have to read all six chapters this weekend.
W: We're all in the same boat.
(A) The six chapters are all about the boat.
(B) Everyone has to do the same thing.
해설> be in the same boat--한 배를 탔다. 같은 처지에 놓이다

11. W: Anne's project for the science fair was incredible.
M: She's really head and shoulders above the rest.
(A) She put her science project on top of the others.
(B) She's the best of them all.
해설> be head and shoulders above the rest--very much better than 훨씬 뛰어난
This book stands head and shoulders above all the others on the subject.

12. M: I can't believe how many forms I have to fill out to apply for the scholarship.
W: Yes, and you should be sure to dot all the i's and cross all the t's.
(A) The man needs to fill out the application with dots and crosses.
(B) The man needs to pay attention to every detail.
해설> fill out--(서류에) 기입하다
dot all the i's and cross all the t's--to be extremely careful in a slightly annoying way.
This new textbook is supposed to be for advanced students but it really dots the i's and crosses the t's.

13. M: Do you do the cooking every night?
W: No, my roommate and I take turns.
(A) She and her roommate alternate cooking responsibilities.
(B) Her roommate does the cooking while she does other chores.
해설> take turns--교대로 하다

14. M: Did you meet Hank's father at the game last night?
W: Yes, I did. You know, Hank's really a chip off the old block.
(A) He resembles his father.
(B) He lives one block from his father.
해설> a chip off the old block--아주 닮은 사람. 붕어빵

15. M: Do you want to go to the football game with us tonight?
W: No, thanks. I think I'm coming down with something.
(A) She has a lot of work to do.
(B) She is getting sick.
해설> come down with--병, 감기 등이 걸리다

16. W: I can't believe what Hal said to the teacher!
M: Yeah, he really put his foot in his mouth.
(A) He put his foot where he should not have.
(B) He said something embarrassing.
해설> put one's foot in one's mouth--실언을 해서 망신을 당하다
Toasting at the State Dinner given by the Brazillian President, President Reagan put his foot in his mouth when he said, "To the great Bolivia."

17. M: I'm going to the market now.
W: Could you hold off going for a few minutes? I'd like to go with you.
(A) She'd like the man to delay his trip.
(B) She'd like to talk to the man for a few minutes.
해설> hold off--to delay
The committee will hold off making their decision until Monday.

18. M: The noise from those machines is really bothering me.
W: Yeah, I wish we could just ask them to cut it out.
(A) The machines do not act very well.
(B) She would like them to stop the noise.
해설> cut something out--to leave out; stop (esp. a harmful activity)
I must cut out going to bed late.

19. M: Did Fred tell you his theory about who took the money?
W: Yes, and I really think he's barking up the wrong tree.
(A) Fred has hidden the money in a tree.
(B) Fred has made a mistake.
해설> bark up the wrong tree--잘못 짚다
If you think I'm the one who took the watch, you're barking up the wrong tree.

20. M: This course is too hard for me. I think I'll just drop it.
W: Even though it's hard, you should keep at it as long as you can.
(A) She will give him any help he needs.
(B) He should not give up.
해설> keep at it--계속 하다

21. W: Is that your research paper for English Lit.?
M: Yes, and it's almost finished. Do you think you could look it over for me?
(A) He needs the woman to review the paper.
(B) He would like the woman to write the paper for him.
해설> look over--to examine, esp. quickly; 간단히 검토하다
I've looked over the plans, but I haven't studied them in detail.

22. M: This television cost me fifty dollars.
W: Only fifty dollars? Mine cost a fortune.
(A) She had good fortune when she bought the television.
(B) She paid more than the man.
해설> cost a fortune--상당히 비싸다

23. W: Did Margaret figure out what that word meant?
M: She had to look it up in an unabridged dictionary.
(A) She found the meaning of the word.
(B) She defined what she was looking for.
해설> look up--(정보를) 사전이나 directory에서 찾다

24. M: I thought that we were having an exam today.
W: Didn't you hear what the professor said yesterday? You really missed the boat!
(A) He did not hear when the professor canceled the exam.
(B) He heard the professor's announcement about a trip.
해설> miss the boat--좋은 기회를 놓치다

25. W: Wasn't the anthropology lecture fascinating?
M: Fascinating? It was too long and drawn out for me.
(A) He thought it should have been longer.
(B) He thought it was boring.
해설> draw out--to cause to stretch in time, perhaps unnecessarily
The question and answer session drew the meeting out for a further hour.

26. W: Do you know which students have completed the assignment?
M: I should check off the names of the students as they turn it in.
(A) He should indicate who has finished the work.
(B) He was checking to see that the students were working on the assignment.
해설> check off--to mark (e.g. names or items in a list) as having been dealt with

27. W: Was Roger upset when he heard the news?
M: Oh, he really fell apart!
(A) He was devastated.
(B) He felt upset about his hearing.
해설> fall apart--become emotionally disturbed and be unable to think calmly 흥분하다 I was falling apart. I wasn't getting any sleep.

28. M: I haven't taken the introductory course, but I've decided to take the advanced course anyway.
W: I think you're putting the cart before the horse.
(A) The man should take the advanced course.
(B) The man is doing things in the wrong order.
해설> put the cart before the horse--do things in the wrong order
This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.

29. W: Do you have to leave for the post office now? I'm working on some letters, but they're not quite ready.
M: I can hold off for a few minutes, but that's all.
(A) He can wait for a short time.
(B) He can help her with the letters for a few minutes.
해설> hold off--지연하다, 기다리다

30. M: I have to be more careful about what I say in the future.
W: You really put your foot in your mouth this time.
(A) The man shouldn't speak when he's standing on his feet.
(B) The man said something embarrassing.
해설> put one's foot in one's mouth--실수로 말을 잘못하면 손이 입으로 간다. 너무 황당한 이야기를 하면, 손이 아니라 발이 입으로 간다는 생각에서 나온 관용 표현

b, b, b, b, a/ a, b, a, b, b/ b, b, a, a, b/ b, a, b, b, b/ a, b, a, a, b/ a, a, b, a, b

List of Idioms (3)

(1) a close call : a narrow escape 간발의 차
The car passed this close to us--a real close call.
(2) a night owl (=nighthawk) : a person who likes to stay awake most of the night
He can't function in the morning. He's strictly a night owl.
(3) all in a day's work : nothing out of the ordinary 항상 하는 일
Every day he fixes meals, cleans the apartment, and goes to the market. It's all in a day's
(4) all in the same boat : in the same situation 모두 한 배에 탔다
She and her classmates all have to read five chapters, write a paper, and prepare for an exam
this week. They are all in the same boat.
(5) all thumbs : very awkward and clumsy with the hands 몹시 서투른
My wife is all thumbs when it comes to cooking.
(6) be a piece of cake : to be extremely easy 몹시 쉬운
I really prepared for that exam. It should be a piece of cake.
(7) be at odds : to be in disagreement 의견이 다른
The party leaders have been at odds over the new reform bill.
(8) be beat : to be exhausted / to be worn-out 녹초가 된
The whole family was beat after the game.
(9) be in hot water : to be in a difficult situation 어려운 상황에 놓인
His gambling activities eventually got him into hot water.
(10) be up to one's ears in (=be up to one's neck in) : to be very busy with ~으로 몹시 바쁘다
I can't come to the meeting. I'm up to my neck in these reports.
(11) be well-grounded : to be fully instructed or trained (정보를) 충분히 익힌
The soldiers were well-grounded in the skills needed to survive in the desert.
(12) bite the bullet : to suffer bravely something very unpleasant 어려운 상황을 용감히 맞다
I didn't want to go to the dentist, but I bit the bullet and went.
(13) bouts of : a short period of great activity 한바탕의 일
That was one of his intermittent bouts of drinking.
(14) break the ice : to attempt to become friends with someone 어색한 분위기를 깨다
Well, I guess we should break the ice and start dancing.
A nice smile does a lot to break the ice.
(15) burn the candle at both ends : to do too much 너무 많은 일을 하다
He's holding down two jobs and attending school. He's really burning the candle at both ends.
(16) dirt cheap : very cheap 아주 싼
I picked this thing up dirt cheap.
(17) drag : something or someone that is unexciting and uninteresting 지루한 것, 혹은 사람
"We've got all these envelopes to address." "What a drag!"
(18) Every cloud has a silver lining! : 궂은 일 뒤에는 반드시 좋은 일도 있다.
Every cloud has a silver lining. If you look hard enough, I'm sure you'll find it.
(19) follow suit : to do the same as someone else has 똑같이 하다
Once one bank has raised its interest rate, all the others followed suit.
(20) get cold feet : loss of courage or confidence just before doing something that is planned 지레 겁을 먹다 (유사 표현: be jittery, have the jitters, get butterflies in one's stomach)
He said he would invite me to a dinner at a classy French restaurant, and didn't show up. He
got cold feet.
(21) have been born with a silver spoon in one's mouth: to be spoiled 애지중지 키워 망쳐진
He never has to work for anything because his parents will give him anything he asks for. He
seems to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
(22) have one's heart in one's mouth : be full of fear for a short time 조마조마하다
My heart was in my mouth as she made her last jump.
(23) have words with : to have an argument with ~와 논쟁을 벌이다
I hear that they had words.
(24) havoc : wide spread damage or serious disorder 재앙, 난리
The transport strike played havoc with everyone's holiday plans.
(25) His bark is worse than his bite. : His words are worse than his actions.
Don't worry about what the boss just said to you. His bark is worse than his bite.
(26) hit the nail on the head : to be exactly right 정곡을 찌르다
When you guessed that I would get the promotion, you hit the nail right on the head.
(27) hold water : to be true or believable 이치에 맞다
His explanation of where he got the money from just doesn't hold water.
(28) in a jam : to be in a difficult situation 곤란한 처지에
I hear you're in a bad jam.
(29) in no time : very quickly 곧
We'll have that leak fixed in no time.
(30) jack-of-all-trades : 팔방미인, 만물박사
Jack of all trades, and master of none.
(31) kill two birds with one stone : to accomplish two things at once 일석이조
She has to go to the bank, and while she's out she'll stop and visit her friend. She's killing two
birds with one stone.
(32) know something cold : know something thoroughly 완전히 알고 있다
I asked him a lot of questions about his background, and he knew the answers cold.
(33) like two peas in a pod : exactly alike 아주 똑같은
He and his brother have the same hair, the same eyes, the same smile, and the same
expressions. They are like two peas in a pod.
(34) look for a needle in a haystack : to do something difficult 지푸라기속에서 바늘 찾기
She wanted to get that man's phone number, but she wasn't sure of his last name or where he
lived. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
(35) miss the boat : to miss an opportunity 좋은 기회를 놓치다
He was admitted to Harvard, and he would have gone there but he forgot to send in the
appropriate form in time. He has really missed the boat.
(36) nuts and bolts of : the mundane workings of / the basics of 실제적인 정보들
I want you to learn how to write well. You have to get down to the nuts and bolts of writing.
She's got a lot of good, general ideas, but when it comes to the nuts and bolts of getting
something done, she's no good.
(37) odds and ends : small articles of various kinds, without much value / small jobs of various
kinds, of no great importance 부스러기, 잡동사니 일
(38) on the house : paid for by the people in charge 거저
Thank you for shopping at our store. It's on the house.
(39) on the run : trying to escape or hide from the police 도망 중인
The escaped murderer has been on the run for three weeks.
(40) on the skids : certain to fail or come to an end 끝나가는
I hear their marriage is on the skids.
(41) on the tip of one's tongue : an idea that is not in words 혀끝에서 맴돌다
I can't think of the answer, but it will come to me in just a minute. It's on the tip of my
(42) one in a million : really wonderful 정말 멋진
Anytime I need help I go to her because I know she'll help me any way she can. She's one in
a million.
(43) play tricks on : to do a troublesome but playful act 장난치다
The children loved playing tricks on their teacher.
(44) play with fire : to do something dangerous 위험한 장난을 하다
He's always too fast and out of control on his motorcycle. He's playing with fire.
(45) put one's foot in one's mouth : to say embarrassing things 난처한 말을 하다
Every time he opens his mouth, he immediately regrets what he said. He's always putting his
foot in his mouth.
(46) put the cart before the horse : to do things in the wrong order 순서에 맞지 않게 하다
She's buying a lot of new furniture before she even has a job. She's putting the cart before the
(47) quit cold turkey (= go cold turkey) : to stop something suddenly without tapering off
I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey and had to be hospitalized.
(48) run around like a chicken with its head cut off : to act overly nervous and excited 지나치게 흥분하다
You need to learn to relax. Every time there's a lot of work to do, you just run around like a
chicken with its head cut off.
(49) see eye to eye on : to have the same opinion about 의견이 뜻이 꼭 맞다
The two didn't see eye to eye on politics.
(50) shed light on : to make it clearer 분명히 하다, 설명하다
These clues shed new light on the mystery.
(51) Six of one, half dozen of the other. : It doesn't matter. 차이가 없다, 상관없다
We could either go out to dinner tonight or stay home and cook. Six of one, half dozen of the
(52) take a nap : to have a short sleep during the day 낮잠 자다
Father always takes a nap in the afternoon.
(53) take a rain check: to take a ticket which can be used another time. 다음 기회에 하기로 하다
"Can I buy you a cup of coffee?" "No thanks, but I'll take a raincheck."
(54) take forever and a day : to take a really long time 아주 아주 많은 시간이 걸리다
She's been working on that assignment for over two months, and I don't think she's ever going
to finish it. She's taking forever and a day.
(55) take something in one's stride : to accept and deal with an unpleasant or unfamiliar situation without difficulty or loss of control 어렵거나 싫은 일을 담담하게 처리해 가다
Some people would have been shocked and unable to work, but he takes everything in his
(56) take stock : to consider a situation carefully so as to take a decision 진지하게 고려하다
Before rushing into something irrevocable, let's sit back and take stock of the situation.
(57) take turns : to alternate 교대로 하다
Neither my roommate nor I like to do the dishes, so we take turns.
(58) up-to-the-minute : very modern / including all the latest information 최신의
(59) well-to-do : rich / affluent 잘 사는
They are luxury homes for the well-to-do.
(60) whitewash : to conceal something bad 어떤 나쁜 일을 감추다
Now, don't try to whitewash this incident. Open up about it.
(61) with tongue in cheek : without seriously meaning what one says 진지하게 말하지 않다
He described me as a brilliant singer, but he said it with his tongue in his cheek.

Describing People

1. My brother will marry a well-to-do businesswoman. (입법 01)
(a) able (b) wealthy (c) perspective (d) ambitious (e) challenging

well-to-do--rich, affluent, prosperous 부유한
My well-to-do grandparents live in luxury in Arizona. 정답: (b)

2. I don't know how well this young lawyer performs in court, but at least he is well-grounded in the principles of such cases. (세무사 97)
(a) knows thoroughly (b) in ready for
(c) is not allowed by (d) ignores entirely (e) makes up

well-grounded--fully instructed or trained; well-founded 정답: (a)
The soldiers were well-grounded in the skills needed to survive in the desert.

well-groomed--having a very neat clean appearance, as if special care has been taken
a well-groomed house/ man/ lawn

3. I have really been on edge lately. (사시 98)
(a) unhappy (b) bored (c) lucky (d) angry (e) nervous

on edge--nervous, anxious 불안한 (= ill at ease) 정답: (e)
I felt quite ill at ease at the party last night because I didn't know anyone there.

on pins and needles--anxious with anticipation 기대감으로 조마조마한
John's friends waited on pins and needles for him to appear at the surprise birthday party.

4. Adolescents are known for making stupid decisions, barely able to plan beyond the next minute, all thumbs when juggling several tasks. (세무사 00)
(a) mature (b) very poor (c) shy (d) good at (e) intelligent

all thumbs--to be very awkward or clumsy 정답: (b)
Karen is all thumbs when operating a computer. She's constantly pushing the wrong buttons.

5. I was surprised to find that the boss knew that material cold. (세무사 98)
(a) at random (b) in every detail (c) for nothing (d) previously (e) immediately

know something cold--know something thoroughly 완전히 알고 있다. 정답: (b)
Ask me anything you want from this book. I know it cold.

6. I had my heart in my mouth when I wanted to ask the nurse for more water. (세무사 98)
(a) was delighted (b) spoke loudly
(c) felt anxious (d) got excited (e) did not hesitate

my heart was in my mouth.= I was full of fear for a short time. 정답: (c)
My heart was in my mouth as she made her last jump.

7. I promised I'd pay him today, but my money is in the bank and it's just closed. Now I am __________. (사시 99)
(a) a butter-fingers (b) in a jam
(c) salt of the earth (d) full of beans (e) a piece of cake

in a jam--in a difficult or embarrassing situation (= in a bind, in hot water) 곤란한 처지
I'm in a real jam. My car won't start and I'm late for work. Could you give me a ride?
정답: (b)

a butter-fingers--물건을 잘 떨어뜨리는 사람
My husband is a real butterfingers. He breaks three or four dishes every week.
salt of the earth-a person or people regarded as good hearted and dependable
full of beans--원기 왕성한
Her daughters are full of beans. They run around playing all day long.

Fill in each blank with the missing part of the idiom. You can find each idiom in the box below this statement.

come across (as)--to be perceived as, to be judged as
party pooper--someone who tries to reduce the interest or enthusiasm of others
penny-pincher--someone who is very careful about spending money
go-getter--enthusiastic worker or hard-working person
show off--to let others see one's special possession or talent
know-it-all--someone who believes he or she knows more than others
open-minded--willing to consider the values and opinions of others
easy-going--relaxed, unworried

Gail: What do you think of my friends you met last night?
Nuria: Well, in general they seem like easy-_________ people. I'm surprised how open-_______
most of them are.
Gail: Very broad-minded. Did you notice how some of them like to show ______ their knowledge of current affairs?
Nuria: Especially Drik. He comes _______ as a ______-it-all.
Gail: Yeah, but he's a nice guy. It's funny how _______-minded he can be.
Nuria: Yes, I noticed that he kept forgetting where his drink was. And what is it with Mindy? She kept checking the food on the table and cleaning up after everyone.
Gail: Oh, Mindy, she's a real go-________ about everything. And you should see what a _______-pincher she is.
Nuria: In what way?
Gail: She's always worried about how much things cost. Sometimes it gets so annoying when we go out that she's almost a party _______.
Nuria: That's too bad. She should learn to be more laid-back about things!
Answer> going/ minded/ off/ across/ know/ absent/ getter/ penny/ pooper/

Describing things and situations

8. He was in almost regular possession of up-to-the-minute facts and figures about his rival company. (변리사 00)
(a) interesting (b) secret (c) preliminary (d) latest (e) reliable

up to date--modern, current 현대적인, 최신의 정답: (d)
The president of the United States constantly has to be kept up to date on international affairs.

9. It is a purely cosmetic measure. (CPA 98)
(a) wise (b) fantastic (c) operative (d) structural (e) superficial

cosmetic--dealing only with the outside appearance rather than the central part of something
These changes in the law are purely cosmetic and do nothing to deal with the real problem. 정답: (e)

out of this world--wonderful, fantastic, perfect 환상적인
Our trip to Hawaii was out of this world. We can't wait to go back again.
brand new--in perfect, new condition 아주 새로운
Baron spent several thousand dollars on his 1945 Ford to make it look brand new.

10. A good teacher should be able to take in his stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with children has to endure. (입법고시 98)
(a) deal calmly with (b) be upset by
(c) participate in (d) take into consideration (e) perceive secretly

take in one's stride--to accept something as natural or expected 참고 넘겨주다 정답: (a)
It was a very rude remark, but Mary took it in stride.

11. Convincing arguments for participatory form of democracy were put forward by Rousseau, an eighteenth-century French philosopher. His influential political theory ___________ the direct experience of political participation. (변리사 00)
(a) hinged on (b) had nothing to do with
(c) called off (d) kept out (e) made up for

hinge on--entirely depend on 달려있다. (hinge는 문과 벽을 연결하는 경첩) 정답: (a)
A lot hinges on how we are viewed by overseas investors.

12. The thought of rescuing the boss's daughter didn't inspire many employees to put their lives on the line. (행시 95)
(a) lie down on electric wires (b) risk their lives
(c) join their lives (d) switch their line of work
(e) quit their work and face starvation

on the line--in danger, at risk, at stake 위험한 정답: (b)
A professional boxer must be very well-prepared for each fight because his or her life may be on the line.
The swimming coach put it all on the line when he guaranteed a winning season to the fund-raising alumni of the school.

13. We cannot set at naught what the lady said about it. (세무사 96)
(a) tolerate (b) ignore
(c) accept (d) trust (e) bring all for naught

set at naught--not to care about or not fear 신경 안 쓰다 정답: (b)

come to naught--be unsuccessful, fail 수포가 되다
Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to naught.

14. The extra turn of speed which gives one individual an advantage over another in escaping from wolf or lion will also stand the whole species in good stead. (사시 97)
(a) put up with (b) be much helpful to
(c) bring up wholesomely (d) get rid of (e) be supportive for

stand someone in good stead--to be of good useto someone when needed
좋은 입장에 놓이게 하다 정답: (b)
The experience you have gained here will stand you in good stead in later life.

15. After a slow start she took ________ and finished first. (00 세무사)
(a) the lead (b) the last (c) the front (d) the speed (e) the head

lead 1. [C] a guiding suggestion or example; I'll follow your lead.
2. [the] the position ahead of all others
The English team was in the lead (=winning the game) at half time.
He's playing the lead (=the most important acting part) in the new play.
Japan has taken the lead in car production. 선두를 차지하다 정답: (a)
(=is now producing more than any other country)

Arguing and Complaining

16. In the give and take of everyday existence, people are bound to rub us the wrong way occasionally, to take unfair advantage, to be thoughtless or ungrateful. (행시 96)
(a) irritate us (b) soothe us (c) discourage us (d) dishearten us (e) flatter us

rub someone the wrong way--to irritate and annoy repeatedly 자꾸 괴롭히다
What an unpleasant person your boss is. He rubbed me the wrong way right from the start. 정답: (a)

eat at--to bother, to continue to irritate 계속 괴롭히다
The silly mistakes Joe made on the final exam have been eating at him for days.

17. I had words with Aunt Alice. I felt terrible about it later. (외시 95)
(a) promised (b) quarrelled (c) declared (d) agreed (e) appointed

have words (with)--to argue (with) ~와 말다툼하다 정답: (b)
I didn't want to have words with my boss, but when he insulted me again, I had to say something.

18. Susan Jackson made a scene with her husband the other day. (입법 96)
(a) went to the movies (b) wrote a drama
(c) made love (d) became a good wife
(e) had a violent argument

make a scene--to show anger of feelings, esp. between two people in public 소동을 만들다
I'm ashamed of you, making a scene in the restaurant like that! 정답: (e)

blow the whistle--to report another's wrongdoing to one's superiors 비리를 밝히다
The disgruntled employee became a whistle-blower when others were paid for unauthorized overtime. (disgruntled; discontented 불만족한, 심기가 편치 않은)

19. John was taken to task over the poor quality of his work. (입법 96)
(a) given (b) paid (c) praised (d) fooled (e) scolded

take somebody to task--to speak severely to someone for a fault or failure 질책하다
He's been taken to task for his habitual lack of punctuality. 정답: (e)

20. Ken swore he would get even with Terry one day. (기시 93)
(a) give his due to (b) put the screws on
(c) run after (d) take revenge on (e) hand it to

get even with--to harm somebody as he/she has harmed you 보복하다 정답: (d)
He cheated me, but I'll get even with him one day.

Everyday life

21. On April Fool's Day people, newspapers, radio programs, etc., tricks on people by making them believe something that is not true. (사시 01)
(a) set (b) play (c) take (d) stand (e) invent

play tricks (a joke) on somebody--to make a joke that tricks someone
The children played a joke on their teacher. 정답: (b)

play ball (with)--to cooperate
The crime witness wouldn't cooperate with the police at first, but after a talk with her
lawyer, she agreed to play ball.
play favorites (with)--to treat one person better than another person 편애하다
A supervisor should never play favorites with office workers, or discontent will inevitably
play it by ear--to adjust plans as events develop 계획하지 않고 상황에 따라 하다
The Andersons don't like to plan a vacation in advance. They prefer to play it by ear.
play it safe--to be careful, to avoid danger 조심하다
The rain is coming down so hard I'm afraid there will be flooding on the roads. We should
play it safe and stay home.

22. I did some odds and ends around the house before I turned on the TV. (기시 94)
(a) mutual exchange (b) various reading
(c) accumulating papers (d) important reading (e) miscellaneous tasks

odds and ends--various tasks that need to be done around house; household chores
This weekend I stayed home and did some odds and ends around the house. 정답: (e)

live (life) in the fast lane--to lead a very active social life
How's life in the fast lane, Van? You're gone so often I hardly see you anymore!
have a ball--to enjoy oneself greatly, to have pleasure; have a good time 즐겁게 시간을 보내다
Thanks so much for inviting us to the party. We really had a ball.

24. 밑줄 친 부분과 그 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? (행시 01)
A : How can we possibly let people hear the news?
B : Leave it to me.
(a) I am leaving the people. (b) People are leaving me.
(c) I will take care of it. (d) People will take care of me.
(e) I will depart from my word.

Leave something to somebody--to give someone responsibility or authority for ~에게 맡기다
Instead of doing most of the work herself, the single mother should leave more of it to her two teenage sons. 정답: (c)

25. 다음 대화의 흐름상으로 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 적합한 단어를 고르시오. (CPA 00)
A: What's up? You look quite upset.
B: A car nearly hit me. It was a close _________.
A: Did you get hurt?
B: No. I just got startled.
(a) prevention (b) call (c) post (d) space (e) vacancy

a close call--a dangerous situation that could have been worse 위기일발 정답: (b)
Before the pilot found an open field in which to make an emergency landing, she had a close call with a tall pine tree.

Choose the statement in the right column that best responds to each question in the left
column. Write the appropriate number in the blank.

1. Why are you cleaning out the garage today?
2. Would you like me to fix lunch for you?
3. Have you put away the old photographs we were just looking at?
4. Can I go outside to play, Mom?
5. Do you like keeping house now that your wife works full-time?
____a. No, they're still on the coffee table.
____b. First I want you to tidy up your room.
____c. Of course I don't like it, but it's important to share the chores.
____d. That's OK. You don't know what kind of sandwich I like.
____e. I can't fix up the shelves if I don't take out the junk first.

Answer> 1-e/ 2-d/ 3-a/ 4-b/ 5-c/

Chapter 1 Negotiations

We met with representatives from the other company for over 4 hours yesterday. Jerry didn't waste any time. He took the bull by the horns and gave them our list of concerns right away. Then he asked for a list of their concerns and put both lists on the white board, so he could be sure we were all on the same page. He told the group that we were going to have to think out of the box and suggest creative solutions. We talked for over an hour. Jerry likes to shoot from the hip, which makes some people uncomfortable because he's very direct. Because we have such different corporate cultures, I didn't think the two groups would ever see eye to eye on the goals. However, during the second hour, Jerry said he was willing to bend over backwards and work very hard to address their concerns. I think that impressed them. He talked about the advantages of the deal, and then he really laid it on the line and left the next move up to them. At one point, I thought the other company might back out and leave the table, but Jerry kept the discussion going. There was a lot of give and take; they finally met us halfway, and we cut the deal over dinner that night. I was surprised that our relationship as competitors didn't get in the way. Jerry was able to convince them to look at those old conflicts as water under the bridge. He got them to focus on the future, and the result was clearly a win-win situation for both companies.

1. Take the bull by the horns
(A) directly confront a problem or challenge
(B) avoid a problem or challenge
(C) challenge a bull with horns

2. Be on the same page
(A) read the same book
(B) turn the page at the same time
(C) have the same understanding about the situation/information

3. Think out of the box
(A) be creative
(B) assemble boxes and use them to solve a problem
(C) very carefully think something over

4. Shoot from the hip
(A) be very direct
(B) shoot the gun from a holster on one's hip
(C) talk in a very diplomatic way

5. See eye to eye
(A) look someone directly in the eye
(B) avoid looking in someone's eye
(C) agree
6. Bend over backwards
(A) hurt one's back
(B) try very hard to please someone
(C) participate in a stretching exercise

7. Lay it on the line
(A) speak something frankly
(B) lie down on the line
(C) line up a series of things

8. Back out
(A) walk backwards
(B) park the car in the driveway
(C) cancel an agreement or arrangement

9. Give and take
(A) something that was given to someone and then taken away
(B) cooperation and compromise
(C) political fundraising

10. Meet someone halfway
(A) meet a friend at a place halfway from his or her home
(B) compromise
(C) meet someone at noon

11. Cut the/a deal
(A) cut up or shred a document
(B) come to an agreement
(C) arrange a deck of cards

12. Water under the bridge
(A) a present concern that one chooses to ignore
(B) a past issue that is no longer a concern
(C) something that moves quickly, like water under a bridge

13. A win-win situation
(A) a situation where everyone likes playing games
(B) a situation where everyone benefits
(C) a situation where the winner is awarded a prize

Answer> a, c, a, a, c/ b, a, c, b, b/ b, b, b
Chapter 2 Meeting Work Deadlines

We have a lot on our plate. For example, we've gotten three new projects just this week, and I don't know if we have the bandwidth to finish the work on time. There's only one experienced engineer who really knows the ropes. We have two new employees who catch on quickly, but this is a very heavy schedule. We need to do a dry run with the prototype before we release the software to the customer. It's critical that we have enough time to troubleshoot problems in this program and then get the bugs out before the release. The marketing department is already advertising this software as plug and play, so it has to be trouble free and very easy to install. We can probably finish the first job by next Friday, but I think the next one will be down to the wire because we only have three days after that to finish it. I gave Don a heads up and told him to be ready to put in some overtime for the next several days. We'll need a few days off after it's over so no one gets burned out.

1. On one's plate
(A) work one has to do
(B) food one has to eat
(C) dishes one has to clean

2. Have the bandwidth
(A) have the capacity/capability to do the work
(B) have the correct radio frequency
(C) have a waistband that is the right size

3. Know the ropes
(A) know how to tie special knots
(B) be familiar with the job process
(C) be familiar with ropes

4. Catch on
(A) keep up with new information
(B) catch the ball
(C) understand something new

5. A dry run
(A) a practice session
(B) a run without water
(C) a run in the desert

6. Troubleshoot something
(A) get rid of problems in a system/process
(B) prevent problems in a system/process
(C) identify problems in a system/process

7. Get the bugs out
(A) remove the insects
(B) fix the software problems
(C) clean the machine

8. Plug and play
(A) very easy to install and use
(B) very fun to do
(C) very complicated to install and use

9. Down to the wire
(A) at the end of the wire
(B) past the deadline
(C) close to the deadline

10. Heads up
(A) a look in an upwards direction
(B) a warning that a change is coming
(C) a reminder to relax

11. Be burned out
(A) to get too hot and not want to continue an activity
(B) to feel very tired and not want to continue an activity
(C) to extinguish a cigarette

Answer> a, a, b, c, a/ c, b, a, c, b/ b
Chapter 3 Challenges/Difficulties

I'm feeling very frustrated. I have so much work to do, and I'm still waiting for tech support to upgrade my system to improve the processing speed. I feel like I'm doing the job of three people. I tried multi-tasking, but even when I talk on the phone and read and answer my e-mail at the same time, I can't get everything done. I'm also having problems with my staff. I have one person who always makes waves and causes arguments with the rest of the staff. Whenever there's a bottleneck and work builds up so that we fall behind schedule, she's usually responsible. Our budget has been cut, so I have to find ways to save money; this means I have to cut corners on hiring, so I can't bring on any new people. I just have to make do with the current team. I was talking with Joe, the other supervisor, during a break. He's in the same boat. He says his job has become a pain in the neck. His boss is always in his face about something. We both feel like we're between a rock and a hard place. My wife is going to have a baby, so I need to have a steady income. Joe is about 25 years older than I am. He was planning to retire next year, but he put all his eggs in one basket and invested in a high-tech stock that was supposed to make him a million dollars. Then the market went south and now he's really up a creek. He doesn't want to tell his wife about his bad investment, so now he has to keep working for a lot longer than he expected.

1. Multi-tasking
(A) doing someone else's work
(B) giving work to many people
(C) doing more than one thing at the same time

2. Make waves
(A) cause trouble
(B) cause the water to be rough
(C) wave hello to someone

3. A bottleneck
(A) the narrowest part of a bottle
(B) a place or person that stops or slows the easy flow of ideas or products
(C) a place or person that speeds up the flow of ideas or products

4. Cut corners
(A) not finish something
(B) delay something
(C) save money or time by substituting inferior materials or people

5. Make do
(A) get the job with available supplies or people
(B) replace staff or materials
(C) hire more staff members to complete the job

6. Be in the same boat
(A) be in the same situation
(B) be in a different situation
(C) be on a trip together

7. A pain in the neck
(A) a sharp pain in one's neck
(B) a warning of a future problem
(C) a difficult problem or person

8. Be in someone's face
(A) have something on one's nose
(B) smile at someone
(C) make someone uncomfortable/ confront someone

9. Be between a rock and a hard place
(A) be in a difficult position
(B) be in a type of rock formation
(C) be in a situation that frequently changes

10. Put all one's eggs in one basket
(A) invest in something risky
(B) put all one's money or energy in one place
(C) spend too much money

11. The market goes south
(A) the financial markets are on holiday
(B) the best investments are in South America
(C) the value goes down/ declines

12. Be up a creek
(A) be in a difficult situation
(B) be on a trip on a river
(C) be far away from home

Answer> c, a, b, c, a/ a, c, c, a, b/ c, a
Chapter 4 Sales and Marketing

A. Did you attend Sally's presentations?

B. No, I missed it, but I read her e-mail.

A. It was great. No one expected her to be so plugged in to be customers' needs. She really blew them away. I think the new product release will jumpstart our sales this quarter. It's a long shot, but I think we may reach the 5 million dollar mark.

B. The new program is very user-friendly, which should increase sales.

A. I agree. I think that the new management has a good game plan. First of all, they have an excellent team. The new vice president has hired really good salespeople who interface well with the customers. She knows that good customer relationships are critical to our success. She's also spending a lot on this new marketing campaign. She wants to go for broke.

B. She certainly works hard. She put in about 90 hours last week. Even if she does strike out and the campaign fails, I think she'll go down swinging. I love her positive attitude. I hope she hits a home run. If she does, we'll all benefit when the stock goes up.

A. It's possible. I think she is really dialed in to the customers. She seems to be able to anticipate the market, which helps her to stay ahead of the game.

B. I agree. This could add up to a win-win situation for all of us.

1. Be plugged in/be dialed in
(A) be connected/to be knowledgeable about the situation
(B) be very successful
(C) closely follow procedures/rules

2. Blow someone away
(A) make a big mistake
(B) say goodbye to someone
(C) greatly exceed the goal/ exceed expectations

3. Jumpstart
(A) do something to get an activity or institution working better/ faster
(B) do something too soon/do something before it's appropriate
(C) finish something at the last minute

4. A long shot
(A) an impossible goal
(B) a very difficult goal
(C) a long distance away from something

5. Be user-friendly
(A) make friends easily
(B) recommend something to a friend
(C) be easy to use

6. A game plan
(A) a strategy to achieve a goal
(B) a strategy to play a game
(C) a military strategy

7. Interface with someone/something
(A) face someone directly
(B) interact/communicate with someone
(C) go between two people

8. Go for broke
(A) lose all of one's money
(B) attempt to reach a very high goal/ gamble everything
(C) solve a difficult problem

9. Strike out
(A) fail/ make a big mistake
(B) confront a problem/challenge directly
(C) keep score

10. Go down swinging
(A) keep trying until the end/ never give up
(B) be successful
(C) act out in an angry way

11. Hit a home run
(A) have the capacity/ capability
(B) be very successful
(C) give money or favors in exchange for influence

12. Ahead of the game
(A) move too quickly
(B) be prepared for what's coming
(C) begin a new company

13. Add up
(A) put things together to create something/ make sense
(B) put groups of people together
(C) begin a new company

Answer> a, c, a, b, c/ a, b, b, a, a/ b, b, a
Chapter 5 Communication Problems

A. Our supervisor, Sally, called a meeting yesterday to talk about the communication problems in our group. She got the ball rolling by asking us to talk about the problems we were seeing. She asked us not to name names.

B. So did anybody step up to the plate?

A. Not at first. She had to encourage us. She said that we had to identify the problems before we could find the solutions because they go hand in hand. Maria spoke up first. She said she didn't want to step on anyone's toes, but she thought the workload needed to be divided more evenly. Sally said that was a good start and that we were on the right track. We needed to get everything out in the open. She reminded us that no topic was out of bounds.

B. I thought Maria brought the same problem up the last time, but Sally just gave her the runaround then. Sally said she would check with the vice president and get back to her, but she never did.

A. You're right. I think Sally has been getting the same comment from other people, so she's finally ready to listen. Jerry said he was feeling out of the loop because he doesn't get included in the planning phases. Steven got angry about that. He said if Jerry always says he's too busy to come to the planning meetings, then how can he expect to be in the loop?

B. Wow. It sounds like Steven really screwed up when he lost his temper.

A. Yes, I agree. It was very unprofessional. Sally drew the line and reminded everyone that the purpose of this meeting was not to get personal and lay the blame but to try to improve the communication channels. She told Steven to sit down and knock it off. She said she wanted to discuss his behavior later outside of the group. They agreed to take it off-line.

B. That's funny. I thought Sally was the one who usually got angry in the meetings.

A. You're right. She doesn't exactly walk the talk. I think she needs to set a better example.

1. Get the ball rolling
(A) be prepared for what's coming
(B) start something
(C) come to an agreement

2. Step up to the plate
(A) get in someone's way
(B) be creative
(C) accept responsibility

3. Go hand in hand
(A) work together in a cooperative way/ go together
(B) be included in the communication
(C) be in the same situation

4. Step on someone's toes
(A) break a promise
(B) be prepared to move/ react quickly
(C) get in someone's way/ interfere with one's job or responsibilities

5. Be on the right track
(A) be going in the correct/ right direction
(B) follow someone's directions
(C) have the same understanding about the situation/ information

6. Out of bounds
(A) not acceptable; beyond the limits
(B) not required
(C) done too soon

7. Give someone the runaround
(A) ask someone to do extra work
(B) not give a direct answer
(C) estimate/ guess

8. Be in the loop
(A) work in the same office
(B) be included in the communication
(C) be smart/intelligent

9. Be out of the loop
(A) not have the same understanding about a situation
(B) miss the opportunity
(C) not be included in the communication

10. Screw up
(A) be very direct/ not diplomatic
(B) change a decision
(C) make a big error or mistake

11. Draw the line
(A) go around someone to accomplish something
(B) finish close to the deadline
(C) establish limits/ boundaries

12. Knock it off
(A) stop doing something
(B) be familiar with the job process, people, and procedures
(C) miss the opportunity

13. Take it off-line
(A) agree; have the same perspective (on something)
(B) contradict someone
(C) talk about something privately/ keep confidential

14. Walk the talk
(A) confront a problem/ challenge directly
(B) do what you say you're going to do
(C) accept responsibility

Answer> b, c, a, c, a/ a, b, b, c, c/ c, a, c, b

Chapter 6 The New Accountant

A. Have you met Anna Wong, the new accountant?

B. Yes, I met her yesterday. She seems to be really on the ball. I think she's a good choice.

A. I agree. The previous guy, Andy, was nice, but he liked to shoot the breeze. I don't think he got much done.

B. I think Andy pulled strings to get the job. His brother-in-law is the CEO.

A. I heard he was fired for taking kickbacks from one of our customers. Is that true?

B. I don't know for sure, but that's what I heard. The new person, Anna, seems very conservative. She goes by the book.

A. She's also really on her toes. I asked her to help me with a cost estimate. She just eyeballed it and was able to give me a figure right then and there. When I went back to redo the figures, it all worked out.

B. I hope that sales for the new product will put us in the black.

A. Me, too. I know that it's common for a start-up to be in the red in the beginning, but I'll feel better when we reach our sales goals.

1. Be on the ball
(A) be smart or intelligent
(B) be unsure of the situation
(C) be a good soccer player

2. Shoot the breeze
(A) check the air temperature
(B) talk loudly with people
(C) make informal conversation

3. Pull strings
(A) move things around
(B) take advantage of connections to achieve a goal
(C) put all your money or energy in one place

4. Kickbacks
(A) actions taken too soon
(B) goals that are easy to reach
(C) money or favors given in exchange for influence

5. Go by the book
(A) closely follow procedures or rules
(B) be creative
(C) do what you say you will do

6. On one's toes
(A) standing up tall
(B) in someone's way
(C) prepared to quickly move or react

7. Eyeball it
(A) come to an agreement
(B) establish limits or consequences
(C) estimate or guess

8. In the black
(A) in debt
(B) not in debt
(C) a very difficult goal

9. In the red
(A) in debt
(B) not in debt
(C) an easy goal

Answer> a, c, b, c, a/ c, c, b, a
Chapter 7 The Start-up

A. Did you know that Krishna left for a job with that new Internet-based start up?

B. Yes, I heard that. I guess he decided to just go for the gold. They gave him stock options.

A. I heard his wife also left her job to go to the same company. I guess they decided it was time to go for it. They've both become dot.commers.

B. I think they took the risk because last year, he was offered a job and stock in another start-up company, but he said no, and now the company has gone public. He felt he really missed the boat. He would have been a millionaire if he had taken that job.

A. Well, it's a trade-off. I prefer a little more security. I'm not ready to risk it all and go for broke. Some of those Internet-based companies make me nervous. A lot of them won't be around long. You know, some of them have a really high burn rate. They often go through millions of dollars a month in the start-up phase. I prefer working for a bricks-and-mortar business. I think it's important to have a physical presence in the marketplace.

B. You may be right, but Krishna is a nice guy. I hope he lands on his feet and does really well.

A. Well, nobody twisted his arm. He took the chance, and he knows what he's doing. He could always come back here. He was careful not to burn his bridges. He gave two weeks notice, and everyone appreciated that.

B. His wife is a talented researcher. If this venture falls through, she should have a lot of other job opportunities. It's not like they come up only once in a blue moon. There are lots of them around today for people with the right skills.

1. Go for the gold
(A) try for a difficult goal
(B) be very successful
(C) do something too soon

2. Go for it
(A) keep trying until the very end
(B) make an extra effort to meet a goal
(C) be going in the correct direction

3. Dot.commers
(A) people who work in publishing
(B) employees of an Internet-based company
(C) employees of a temporary agency

4. Miss the boat
(A) miss the opportunity
(B) delay the decision
(C) be in the same situation
5. A trade-off
(A) a failure
(B) the beginning of a transaction
(C) the act of giving up one thing to get another

6. Burn rate
(A) the rate at which a job is carried out
(B) the rate at which a business spends money
(C) the rate at which a car consumes fuel

7. Bricks and mortar
(A) a business with a physical building where goods are bought and sold
(B) a new business that is under construction
(C) the materials needed to construct a business

8. Land on one's feet
(A) recover from a problem or difficult challenge
(B) manage or get the job done with available supplies or people
(C) be going in the correct direction

9. Twist someone's arm
(A) give or hand off a problem to someone else
(B) do something unexpected
(C) persuade someone to do something

10. Burn one's bridges
(A) directly confront a problem or challenge
(B) feel very tired and not want to continue an activity
(C) do something that will hurt or destroy a relationship

11. Fall through
(A) fail or not happen
(B) fall down and injure oneself
(C) walk out in anger

12. Once in a blue moon
(A) something that happens rarely
(B) something that happens once a month
(C) something that happens bi-monthly

Answer> a, b, b, a, c/ b, a, a, c, c/ a, a
Chapter 8 A Bad Decision

A. I think we made a big mistake going into this new market so soon. I told Bill not to jump the gun, but he wouldn't listen.

B. I know you did. Bill is an impatient guy. He should hold his horses. We may get burned here, and it could be an expensive mistake.

A. I tried to block this decision, but Bill did an end run and went straight to the president and convinced him it was a good idea.

B. I think the president was being unrealistic in this case. Bill probably convinced him he could have his cake and eat it, too, but I think he blew it when he gave Bill the O.K.

A. This could put the company back to square one. I agree that this decision was really off base.

B. At least nobody can pass the buck on this mistake. The responsibility belongs to the president on this one.

1. Jump the gun
(A) take a gun away from someone
(B) do something too soon
(C) do something to get an activity or institution working better or faster

2. Hold one's horses
(A) slow down or stop for a minute
(B) cause a delay
(C) do something too soon

3. Get burned
(A) feel very tired and not want to continue an activity
(B) not finish or follow through on a task
(C) lose money; get emotionally hurt

4. Do an end run
(A) select the best from all the others
(B) go around someone to accomplish something
(C) save money or time by substituting materials or people

5. Have one's cake and eat it, too
(A) be prepared for what's coming
(B) get everything one wishes for
(C) be very direct or frank

6. Blow it
(A) start over again
(B) greatly exceed the goal; exceed expectations
(C) make a big mistake

7. Be back to square one
(A) to try very hard to please someone/to do something
(B) to have to start over again
(C) to change/cancel an agreement or arrangement

8. Off base
(A) incorrect or inappropriate
(B) difficult
(C) away from home plate

9. Pass the buck
(A) be knowledgeable about the situation
(B) give or hand off a problem to someone else
(C) give money to someone

Answer> b, a, c, b, b/ c, b, a, b

Chapter 9 The Speech

A. My boss just threw me a curve. She asked me to give a presentation to 500 people next week. I never expected I would have to do something like this.

B. If it were me, I'd tell her no dice. I'm so afraid of speaking in front of groups that I couldn't do it.

A. When I took this job, I thought it would be a piece of cake, but every time I meet my goals, my supervisor just raises the bar. It seems like my reward for successfully completing a project is a new, more difficult one. Yesterday, she started complimenting my work. I wondered why she was buttering me up.

B. I guess you found out when she asked you to make that presentation.

A. Yes. 500 people. I've never spoken in front of a group that big. I hope I don't drop the ball and forget everything.

B. You'll be fine. You're a good speaker. You could probably do great if you just played it by ear. But, on second thought, I'd suggest you type it up and practice it ahead of time.

A. Good idea.

1.Throw someone a curve
(A) do something unexpected
(B) throw a ball that is difficult to hit
(C) make a big mistake or error

2. No dice
(A) no gambling allowed
(B) no deal/ no possibility for something to happen
(C) no risk
3. A piece of cake
(A) very advantageous
(B) very easy
(C) a gift to someone

4. Raise the bar
(A) increase expectations
(B) pay for drinks
(C) put all your money or energy in one place

5. Butter someone up
(A) physically injure someone
(B) say nice things to someone to get something from them
(C) hide the truth from someone

6. Drop the ball
(A) fail to finish or follow through on a task
(B) assign a task to another person
(C) lose a competition

7. Play it by ear
(A) reach a compromise
(B) change a decision
(C) improvise as you go

8. On second thought
(A) after thinking it over
(B) in a few seconds
(C) before taking action

Answer> a, b, b, a, b/ a, c, a
Idioms through Dialogue

1. A: Didn't they get married?
B: No. At the last minute, she __________ and canceled the wedding.
(A) broke the ice (B) got cold feet

2. A: When we ____________ our homework, do you want to take a walk?
B: That sounds like a great idea. I need to get out for a little while.
(A) steer clear of (B) are through with

3. A: If you don't take better care of yourself, you'll __________ a cold.
B: All right. I'll take my jacket.
(A) wind up with (B) get a hold of

4. A: Let's _________ at Peter's house.
B: That's a good idea. It would be fun to _______ on him.
(A) drop in (B) get back

5. A: I have so much to do that I'm going ____________.
B: Maybe you need to take a break.
(A) out of my mind (B) dragging my feet

6. A: Do you want to _________ this weekend?
B: I'd really like to, but let me check my calender first. I'll call you back.
(A) get together (B) see eye to eye

7. A: How was the movie?
B: Don't see it. I was _______________. I had my eyes closed for almost the whole time.
(A) scared out of my wits (B) down in the dumps

8. A: There's going to be an earthquake tomorrow.
B: You're __________. No one knows when an earthquake will happen.
(A) pulling my leg (B) in my shoes

9. A: I thought you were reading that book.
B: I was, but I put it down. I couldn't ____________ it.
(A) get involved in (B) get going

10. A: I'm afraid I'm going to fail this test.
B: I know you're worried, but don't try to cheat. The teacher ____________ cheating.
(A) won't stand for (B) won't be up for

11. A: Maybe you should try to smoke a little less every day.
B: That won't work. I have to __________. I'm going to throw this pack of cigarettes into the garbage right now and never smoke another cigarette again in my life.
(A) quit cold turkey (B) get off the ground

12. A: Can you come over for dinner tonight?
B: I'm sorry, I can't. Can I ____________?
(A) take a raincheck (B) get a word in edgewise

13. A: I thought you were going away this weekend.
B: I was going to go mountain climbing, but my brother _____ because the weather is so bad.
(A) talked me out of it (B) kept his fingers crossed

14. A: I'm sorry. I can't talk to you right now. I have to ________ the history midterm. Have you started studying for it yet?
B: Uh-huh. I forced myself to start over the weekend.
(A) go cram for (B) be hooked on

15. A: Please clear your desks. I'm ready to _______________.
B: How much time will we have for the quiz?
(A) hand the quizzes out (B) fill the quizzes out

16. A: What's wrong with her today? She looks so unhappy.
B: She ____________ her teacher because she cheated on her test.
(A) is in hot water with (B) blew the whistle on

Answer> b, b, a, a, a/ a, b, a, a, a/ a, a, a, a, a/ a

List of Idioms (4)

(1) bark up the wrong tree : to make a mistake 잘못 짚다
She keeps asking if I was the one who was spreading rumors about her, but I wasn't. She's
barking up the wrong tree.
(2) be shorthanded : lacking the necessary number of helpers or workers 일손이 부족하다
A lot of people are on holiday this month, so we're a bit shorthanded.
(3) beat around the bush : to speak indirectly 돌려(간접적으로) 말하다
He's not telling me exactly what happened. He's beating around the bush.
(4) blow one's own horn : to praise oneself 자화자찬하다
She's very good at blowing her own horn (trumpet).
(5) bone up on : to study hard for a special purpose 열심히 공부하다
You'd better bone up on the traffic rules if you want to pass your driving test.
(6) brush up : review / relearn 다시 공부하다
I haven't played Starcraft in quite some time. I'll have to brush up on the rules before we play.
(7) catch one's eye : to attract attention 시선을 끌다
I'd like another drink; try to catch the waiter's eye.
(8) chip in : to enter a conversation between other people with an opinion / to add one's share of money 대화에 끼어들다/ 돈을 나누어 내다
John chipped in that it was time to go home.
If everyone chips in a dollar we could get her something really nice.
(9) count for nothing : to have no value at all 전혀 가치가 없다
In light of your actions, your words count for nothing.
(10) count on : to depend on 믿다, (정보를) 신뢰하다
You can't count on the weather being fine.
(11) crack down on : to take strong and severe action to deal with something bad 규제하다
The police are cracking down on illegal gambling.
(12) cut a (fine) figure : to be impressive because of one's appearance 두각을 나타내다
Chris cut quite a figure at the ball last night.
(13) count your chickens before they're hatched : to depend on something you don't have
When he told his mother that he didn't need to study for the exam because he knew he would
got a good grade, his mother responded, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched."
(14) dot all the i's and cross all the t's : to pay attention to every detail 세부에 주의하다
If you want to be the one who gets noticed at work, you need to dot all the i's and cross all the t's on every task that you do.

(15) fall apart (= fall to pieces) : 산산조각이 나다
When her husband abandoned her for a young bar-maid of her daughter's age, her life seemed
falling to pieces.
(16) fill someone's shoes : to take the place and do the job of someone 다른 사람의 일을 해주다
Will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she's left the company?
(17) get hold of : to find and make use of / to find someone for a reason 찾다, 이용하다/ 붙잡다
I must get hold of some more writing paper.
I'll try to get hold of her and ask her where the books are.
(18) get even with : to retaliate 앙갚음하다
Maybe you want to get even with him, but what does that get you?
(19) give someone a lift : offer a free ride in a private vehicle 차를 태워주다
Can I give you a lift home?
(20) give someone a hand : to clap hands in applause 박수를 보내다
When the singer came onto the stage, everyone gave her a big hand.
(21) hinge on : to depend on ~에 놓여있다
The success of the operation hinges on the support we get from our allies.
(22) Hold it! : Stay like that! Don't move! Stop for a moment! 움직이지 마!
(23) hook up : to connect to a power supply or central system (기계를) 연결하다
The BBC is hooked up by satellite to the American network in order to broadcast the
President's speech.
(24) keep it to oneself : to cause it to remain known only to oneself 비밀로 하다
I'm resigning - but keep it to yourself.
(25) keep up with : to remain level 따라잡다, 다른 것(사람)과 수준을 맞추다
I can't keep up with these changes in fashion.
(26) let sleeping dogs lie : to leave something alone 가만 놔두다
She thinks she should confess what she did, but no one really seems interested in knowing.
Instead, she decides to let sleeping dogs lie.
(27) like trying to swim upstream : really difficult or frustrating 어려운 일을 하다
Every time he puts the toys away, the children just take them out again. Keeping the house
clean when the children are there is like trying to swim upstream.
(28) look before you leap : to think before you act 덤벼들기 전에 생각하다
Before you accept the position, you should find out everything you can about the company. You
should look before you leap.
(29) look out for number one : thinking only about himself 자신만을 생각하다
He took the best portions for himself and didn't leave enough for the others. He's just looking
out for number one.
(30) lose touch with : lose contact with 연락이 끊기다
I'm trying to get in touch with my brother; he emigrated Australia, and I lost touch with him.
(31) make a scene : to show anger or feelings between two people in public 소동을 만들다
I'm ashamed of you, making a scene in the restaurant.
(32) toast : 건배
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.
(33) meet (the demand) : to satisfy 충족시키다
Their new model of car is so popular that they have had to open a new factory to meet the
(34) mug : to attack and rob someone 노상 강도질 하다
Somebody jumped out of an alley and tried to mug me.
(35) on the line : at serious risk / in danger 위태로운
Work hard: your job is on the line.
(36) pull someone's leg : to make playful fun of someone 놀리다
You're pulling my leg. (= You're kidding)
(37) rub someone the wrong way : to annoy someone by dealing with them without proper care or thought / antagonize 신경질나게 하다
Peg seems to enjoy rubbing Terry the wrong way.
(38) set something at naught : not to care about or not fear / disdain 무시하다, 얕잡아 보다
She set my plan at naught.
(39) set store by : to consider that something is of the stated amount of importance 중요시하다
He sets little store by his sister's advice.
(40) set the seal on : to bring to an end in a suitable way 적절히 마감하다
This international award has set the seal on a long and distinguished career.
(41) stand on my own two feet : to do it myself 스스로의 힘으로 하다
When I asked my friend to do some of my work for me, she replied that I would have to stand
on my own two feet.
(42) stand someone in good stead : to be of good use to someone when needed 도움이 되다
The experience you have gained here will stand you in good stead in later life.
(43) steer clear of : to keep away from / avoid 피하다
I should steer clear of the fish stew; it's not very nice!
(44) strike while the iron is hot : to take advantage of a good opportunity 기회를 잡다
You've been offered this job, and the offer may not remain on the table for too long, so you'd
better take this one while you have the chance. You need to strike while the iron is hot.
(45) take it easy : to remain calm without too much effort, hurry, or anxiety 진정하다
Just stay here and take it easy for about an hour. I'll be back as soon as possible.
(46) take something out : to obtain officially (공식적으로) 얻다
Have you taken out insurance on your house yet?
(47) take the lead : 선두를 차지하다
Japan has taken the lead in car production.
(48) turn green : to become very jealous 시기하다, 부러워하다
He turned absolutely green when he saw my new Jaguar car.
(49) turn over a new leaf : to start over again 다시 새로 시작하다
He finally got a job; he could not continue to sit around doing nothing. He had to turn over a
new leaf.
(50) You could have heard a pin drop. : It was really quiet. 매우 조용하다
"What was it like when the announcement of the disaster came over the radio?" "You could have heard a pin drop."
(51) You said it. (= You can say that again.) : That is true. / You are correct. 맞아!
"The champion Chang put up a good fight. We are really proud of him." "You can say that again."


※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
1. (사시 2003)

A : I'm feeling very, very angry right now!
B : Why don't you go into the other room and ?
We can talk when you feel less angry.

① put on ② cool off ③ get ahead
④ take after ⑤ make away with

2. (사시 2003)

A : I was really looking forward to the game.
B : Me, too. Too bad it was rained out.
A :
B : No, I guess not. What are we going to do instead?

① That's life. ② So it goes. ③ What a nuisance!
④ Well, that can't be helped. ⑤ Let me put it another way.

3. ※ 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (사시 2003)

We must face up to the fact that there is a great deal we cannot know.

① deny ② avoid ③ accept
④ decline ⑤ conceal

4. ※ 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (사시 2003)

John Roberts came down with malaria when he was traveling in Brazil.

① consoled ② conferred ③ convicted
④ controlled ⑤ contracted

5. 문맥상 밑줄 친 ㉠에 가장 알맞은 것은? (사시 2003)

The 1100s saw clothing production undergoing transition. People began to form guilds, and individuals set up shops as shoemakers, weavers, and tailors. Under the guidance of the weaver's guild, the quality of cloth improved. Tailors began to cut and stitch garments into fitted vests, shirts, and trouser for men. Women's shapeless tunics ㉠ long dresses that were tightly fitted to the upper body. Clothes went from simple coverings for the body to the beginnings of fashionable apparel.

① took over ② called off ③ put up with
④ gave way to ⑤ made use of

6. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오? (행시 2003)

A: I've got a new job! I'm going to live in New York.
B: You are? I lived in New York five years ago.
A: Did you like it?
B: Not very much.
A: ________________
B: Well, there were too many people, and there was too much noise.

① Which one? ② What for? ③ When?
④ Where? ⑤ How come?

7. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오? (행시 2003)

A: I hear the Barglows are closing down their shop in West Street.
B: Surely not! They've got a fine business there.
A: Well, a number of people have told me that the Barglows are feeling the pinch, and _______________________.

① there is no smoke without fire ② Rome was not built in a day
③ two heads are better than one ④ a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
⑤ birds of a feather flock together

8. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현 중 가장 적절하지 않은 것은? (행시 2003)

A: Could you walk my dog while I'm away?
B: _______________________________________________.

① I'm sorry, but I really couldn't. ② Well, it depends.
③ I'll certainly give it a try. ④ Don't bother. Every dog has its day.
⑤ Sure, if it's once every couple of days.

9. Choose the one that has the same meaning as the underlined expression. (입법고시 2003)
After that failure, people called his names.
① abused him ② spoke well of him ③ punished him
④ encouraged him ⑤ got along with him

(10-11) 밑줄 친 단어 또는 어구와 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (CPA 2003)
10. The idea has been around for ages without catching on.
① being popular ② being reported
③ being verified ④ being implemented
⑤ being canceled

11. In the 1960's the upper level of Pennsylvania Station in New York City was torn down and replaced by Madison Square Garden. (CPA 2003)
① detracted ② demoted ③ distended ④ dismantled ⑤ duplicated

12. Could you help me do up this parcel, please, Tom? (CPA 2003)
① wrap ② lift
③ open ④ send out
⑤ lighten

13. 대화의 흐름 상 빈칸에 가장 적절한 표현을 고르시오. (CPA 2003)
A: Are you coming to the party tonight?
B: _____________________
A: Great! I'll look forward to seeing you.
① No, thanks. ② I am afraid I can't.
③ You bet. ④ Yes, you may.
⑤ Of course not.

(14-15) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (CPA 2003)
Many years ago I was married (A)to/with a man who used to shout at me, "I do not give you the right to raise your voice to me, because you are a woman and I am a man." This was frustrating, because I knew it was unfair. But I also knew just what was going on. I ascribed his unfairness (B)for/to his having grown up in a country where few people thought women and men might have equal rights. Now I am going out with a man who is a partner and friend. We come (C)from/to similar backgrounds and share values and interests. It is a continual source of pleasure to talk to him. It is wonderful to have someone I can tell everything to, someone who understands.
14. 위 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
① The author has never met a person who understands her.
② Her previous marriage failed because she couldn't adjust to a foreign country.
③ She has no idea about why her previous marriage had to fail eventually.
④ Her new partner is a better communicator with her than her previous husband.
⑤ She is happy with her new partner despite not having many things in common.

15. (A)와 (B)와 (C)에 가장 적절한 표현으로 이루어진 것을 고르시오.
① to -- for -- from ② to -- for -- to
③ to -- to -- from ④ with -- to -- from
⑤ with -- for -- to

16. Jason’s job was on the _______ last month, but he proved to his boss that he was too valuable an employee to lay off. (변리사 2003)
① set ② board ③ hand
④ situation ⑤ line

17. A: As you’ve probably heard by now, the grant for additional funding was never approved by the committee.
B: I guess we’ll have to __________ with what we have on hand in our department.
① make for ② make off ③ make do
④ make up ⑤ make over (변리사 2003)

18. 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현은? (기시 2003)

You might _________ into him one of these days.
Ronald tends to let his jokes ________ on too long.
I didn't think he'd _________ to you with the story.

① make ② run ③ take ④ see ⑤ have

19. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 적절한 표현은? (기시 2003)
A: The Rainbow Restaurant is on First Street.
B: That's right. Is it a nice place?
A: Oh, it's a wonderful place. Uh, rather expensive _________.
B: I don't really mind the price.
① at that ② but ③ all over ④ though ⑤ already

20. 다음을 영작할 때 밑줄친 곳에 가장 알맞은 표현은? (기시 2003)

그는 반쯤은 농담조로, 반쯤은 진지하게 그렇게 말했다.
--> He said so half in ______________, half in earnest.

① simile ② slang ③ gesture ④ jest ⑤ jargon

21. 다음 대화에서 A에 대한 B의 대답으로 가장 적절한 것은? (기시 2003)

A: Is Jane available?
B: ________________________.
A: OK. I'll try again.

① Availability is limited ② Jane's hard to please
③ I'll hold ④ No, she's just stepped out ⑤ It's easy

【문22~23】Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (세무사 2003)
The Chinese government had tried to impose a news (A)blackout in China so that the Chinese people would not find out about the student massacre in Beijing. It did not allow any Chinese television or radio stations to broadcast news of the crisis and the almost 4,000 people who were killed in Tiananman Square (B)when the government cracked down on the students demonstrating for democracy and freedom.
【문22】What does the word (A)blackout mean?
① spreading information ② preventing the release of information
③ relaying information ④ distorting the truth of information
⑤ providing information for one's sake

【문23】What is the result of the incident described in (B)?
① a successful revolution ② a cold war ③ a demonstration
④ a massacre ⑤ a civil war

【문24】Choose the one to fill in the blank. (세무사 2003)
Students who sign ____ for e-learning courses log on to password-protected Web sites to participate in online lectures and chats, and to get assignments and take part in discussions.
ⓛ up ② off ③ out ④ over ⑤ away

정답: ② ④ ③ ⑤ ④/ ⑤ ① ④ ① ①/ ④ ① ③ ④ ③/
⑤ ③ ② ④ ④/ ④ ② ④ ①

문 25. (사시 2002)

A: Hey, Bill! I haven't seen you with Judy these days.
Where's she been hiding?
B: She's been traveling overseas for the past two months. To tell you the truth, I never thought I'd miss her so much.
A: Well, they say that ___________.
B: It sure seems true in my case. I didn't realize how much she meant to me until she was gone.

① after the feast comes the reckoning
② absence makes the heart grow fonder
③ you can't teach an old dog new tricks
④ the rain falls on the good and the bad
⑤ you should never cross a black cat's path

문 26. 다음 대화 중 자연스럽지 않는 것은? (행시 2002)
① A: Thank you so much. It's just what I wanted.
B: I'm so glad you like it.
② A: Is there a coffee shop near here?
B: Walk two blocks and turn right. You can't miss it.
③ A: I shouldn't have done it.
B: It doesn't matter.
④ A: You haven't changed a bit.
B: So do you.
⑤ A: I'm afraid my English is not very good.
B: Don't be silly. It's wonderful.

27. They are working round the clock to keep the runways clear. (입법고시 2002)
① without looking at the clock ② very quickly ③ no to be late
④ day and night ⑤ in time
28. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Prince Hotel? (사시 2002)
B: Sure. Go down this street two blocks. It's on the corner. __________________.
① I'd be glad to. ② That's all right. ③ You can't miss it.
④ Many people do so. ⑤ Mind your own business.

29. In a country where women still occupy few positions in the top level of business, they have often been the first to get the axe when restructuring starts. (행시 2002)
① the pink slip ② the pay raise ③ the promotion ④ the award ⑤ the sword

30. There is more concern about the costs of recruiting people, training them, and then the cost of laying them off if production slacks off. (경찰간부 1999)
① picks up ② is discontinued ③ halts ④ becomes slow-moving

31. It's a criminal act to tamper with official documents for the purpose of fraud. (경찰간부 1999)
① take away ② steal ③ alter ④ make a copy of

32. It is out of the question to describe the accident in detail. (경찰간부 1999)
① easy ② impossible ③ questionable ④ obscure

33. - Five thousand pounds a year sounds quite a lot until you begin to measure it ____________ other kinds of expenditure.
- Are you for or ________ my opinion?
- My mother was _________ my accepting the inheritance. (기술고시 2002)
① for ② with ③ in ④ against ⑤ through

34. A: Hello, personnel department.
B: Could I speak to Mr. Robert Jones, please?
A: I'm afraid there is no one by that name in this department. You must have the wrong number.
① Oh, I'll call you back one hour later. ② Could you take my message, then?
③ Oh, I'm awfully sorry. ④ That's all right.
⑤ No need to be so rude.

35. Read the following and answer the question (경찰 간부 1999)
Kim: Judo is an art well worth knowing. You should try and learn it, too. It would make a fine souvenir to take back to the United States with you.
Tom: Do you think I'm physically qualified to ____________ the sport?
① get back ② see ③ watch ④ take up

36. The demonstration sputtered out after a few scuffles with the police. (기시 2002)
① ended ② ensued ③ spread
④ expanded ⑤ intensified

Little boys and girls love to (ㄱ) tear around on bicycles that Justin Lebo made.
His family (ㄴ) foraged food from the fields, looking for anything they could eat.
(ㄱ) (ㄴ) (기시 2002)
① destroy rummaged
② move quickly in all directions searched for
③ play so hard they rip their clothes obtained
④ play so hard they rip their clothes collected
⑤ move quickly in all directions planted

38. (기시 2002)
A: What kind of movies do you like, Bob?
B: Let me see. Well, I really like science fiction and action movies.
A: Do you? How about horror movies?
B: Oh, ________________ They're usually really dumb!
① I really enjoy them. ② it sure is. ③ that's behind the point.
④ I can't stand them. ⑤ I find that hard to believe.

39. 괄호 속에 들어갈 가장 적당한 말은? (입법고시 2002)
Hence legislators wish to discover whether the supposed improvements ( ) the status quo are worth these costs.
① for ② at ③ to ④ by ⑤ over

40. 밑줄 친 부분과 그 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (입법고시 2002)

She waved to us, and we waved back like anything.

① far away ② to say a good-bye ③ like mad
④ as if we were angry ⑤ with two hands

문 41. (CPA 2002)

Students who click their ballpoint pens in class drive me up a wall.

① enrage me ② enervate me ③ make me laugh
④ make me diffident ⑤ make me enthusiastic

문 42. (CPA 2002)

During the dot-com era, America was on a roll.

① at a standstill ② at a high point ③ totally flattened
④ under a serious condition ⑤ reduced to a previous level

문 43. (CPA 2002)

The most optimistic Latin American boosters proclaimed that the rise of world-class economies was _______ view. And, for a time, the rosy scenarios seemed _______ reach.

① in 󰠏󰠏 in ② beyond 󰠏󰠏 in ③ on 󰠏󰠏 beyond
④ within 󰠏󰠏 from ⑤ with 󰠏󰠏 within

【문44】Now comes the slower, more complex process of rooting out the Qaeda network from dozens of countries, shutting down bank accounts, closing safe houses and arresting suspects.① disputing ② ascribing ③ slackening
④ eradicating ⑤ resisting (세무사 2002)

【문45】Eventually they came across firefighters loaded with gear, trudging their way up to the stairs. (세무사 2002)
① cheered ② volunteered ③ avoided
④ endured ⑤ encountered

46. Malaysia's Prime Minister Mohamad co-wrote a 1995 book with Japanese rightwinger and Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara titled The Voice of Asia, in which they insisted that Asians should be free from foreign domination and -- a popular sentiment in Malaysia today. (변리사 2002)
① fight for subjugation ② depend on others ③ appeal to help
④ be subject to many dangers ⑤ stand on their own feet

47. But time and again leaders have political reforms that they knew were necessary, fearing that any of control would uncork a torrent of demands from dissatisfied citizens --laid-off workers, over-taxed peasants, outlawed religious groups and other aggrieved mainlanders. (변리사 2002)
① clung to … prediction ② kept on … permission
③ gone back on … burden ④ drawn back from … relaxation
⑤ held out on … prevention

48. The sewage will decay and the water will begin to give off odors. (감정평가사 2002)
① deteriorate ② succumb to ③ entice
④ emit ⑤ take hold of

49. To invent a story is to make it . (감정평가사 2002)
① off ② over ③ out ④ away ⑤ up

50. When his friends did not turn up at the meeting point, it on him that he had been fooled.
① dawned ② became clear ③ awoke ④ broke ⑤ fell

51. His mother passed away last year and he cannot come to with her death. (감정평가사 2002)
① recognition ② refusal ③ grip ④ terms ⑤ acceptance

※ 빈칸에 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.(52-55) (감정평가사 2002)
52. A: Hey, have you heard from Jason recently?
B: Yes, I have.
A: How is he doing in his new job?
B: He thinks he is really cut out for the job.
① Then he will be leaving his job soon. ② It's all because of the depression.
③ I hope the injury wasn't serious. ④ He must be so happy to work part-time.
⑤ I am so pleased to hear he finally got the job he wanted.

53. A: What time?
B: Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
A: I can't wait all day.
① Once and for all. ② You name it!
③ It's just one of those things. ④ Can you be more specific?
⑤ That all depends.

54. A: Mom, I'm home.
B: How was the math examination today?
A: It was a breeze.
① You always like windy weather. ② Oh, don't be so overconfident.
③ It's nice out there, isn't it? ④ I didn't know that it could be that harsh.
⑤ That really was quick.

55. A: Oh, gosh! I've lost my credit card.
B: Really? Where?
A: I can't remember. I had it when I left the restaurant.
B :
① Are you sure you signed the receipt? ② You had better report it to the bank now.
③ When is the expiration date of the card? ④ Are you sure you are not overcharged?
⑤ Where did you get the card?

※ Read the following passage and answer the questions.【문56-58】
What are the basic ingredients of good manners? Certainly a strong sense of justice is one; courtesy is often nothing more than a highly developed sense of fair play. A friend once told me of driving along a one-lane, unpaved mountain road. Ahead was another car that produced clouds of choking dust, and it was a long way to the nearest paved highway. Suddenly, at a wider place, the car ahead ⓐ the road. Thinking that its owner might have engine trouble, my friend stopped and asked if anything was wrong. "No," said the other driver. "But you've endured my dust this far; I'll ⓑ yours the rest of the way." There was a ⓒ , and an innate sense of fair play.
【문56】Choose the most appropriate phrase for blank ⓐ .
① called off ② pulled off ③ ran off ④ saw off ⑤ let off

【문57】Choose the most appropriate phrase for blank ⓑ .
① get hold of ② think well of ③ catch up with
④ put up with ⑤ look forward to

【문58】Choose the most appropriate phrase for blank ⓒ .
① man with courage ② man without thought ③ man without patience
④ man with power ⑤ man with manners

정답: ②/ ④, ④, ③, ①, ④/ ③, ②, ④, ③, ④/ ①, ②, ④, ⑤, ③/ ①, ②, ①, ④, ⑤/ ⑤, ④, ④, ⑤, ①/ ④, ⑤, ④, ②, ②/ ②, ④, ⑤//

I'll keep my fingers crossed for your success in the test!
Take good care of yourself!

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