2017년 3월 1일 수요일

A Lady of England 54

A Lady of England 54

A.D. 1877-1878
Though Miss Tucker had by no means fallen in love with Dalhousie during
her former visit to the Hills, she was again this August to be, as she
said, ‘almost trapped’ into going there. Mrs. Elmslie, albeit in need of
rest, could not leave a child in the Orphanage who was dangerously ill,
perhaps dying; and Miss Wauton, worn out with heavy toil through the
very hot weather, imperatively needed change, yet was in no condition to
manage the long distance alone. Miss Tucker therefore resolved to go with
her; and the two started off in company, Miss Tucker in her duli, Miss
Wauton on a pony. They travelled slowly, with frequent rests by the way,
so as to extend the usual two days’ hard journeying into six days of easy
advance. On August 22, before leaving Amritsar, Miss Tucker wrote:--
‘Man has been described as a “laughing animal,” “a cooking
animal,” to distinguish him from the lower creation. I
would suggest “a packing animal,” for neither birds nor
beasts--except the elephant--have anything to do with filling
trunks! What an amount of packing I have had in the last two
and a half years! Of course, these thoughts are suggested by my
present business of packing for the Hills.
‘One must be prepared for all sorts of weather, for burning
heat, bitter cold, or furious rain. One may have all three in
the course of a week. Then one must prepare--as for an attack
of cavalry--for a dinner-invitation from the Commissioner’s
wife. One is pretty certain that one will meet some worldly
folk, who are inclined to think Natives “niggers,” Converts
hypocrites, and Missionaries half-rogues and half-fools; so
that one must not “appear as a scrub.” I do not wonder that the
weary Emily wants to keep in the jungle as long as she can.
Ah! if we could but keep in the jungle _all_ the time, I need
not pack up my “Conference Cream,”[69] nor my faithful moire
antique. There would be some fun in meeting with a cheetah or
a hyena,--I should not like a bear unless there were a kud[70]
between us,--but I shrink from the world and his wife. However,
Missionaries, like sailors, are bound for all weathers....
‘If it won’t shock dear ----, I think that I must give you a
laugh over a funny little story, which was told me the other
day as a true one. A very attractive Scotch clergyman was
teased in the same way that the Energetic used to be. At last
a--one can’t call her _lady_, actually wrote to offer him “her
purse, her hand, and her heart.” The cream of the story is the
clergyman’s reply. He wrote to his silly sheep: “I advise you
to give your heart to God, your purse to the poor, and your
hand to him who asks for it.” Was it not clever? I hope that
the lady profited by the pastoral rebuke, though she can hardly
have enjoyed it....
‘Thanks for the paper about the Telephone. But I hope that we
may _not_ hear our Queen’s voice by it, if it is to sound like
a trombone.’
From Dinaira, a place some twenty-two miles short of Dalhousie, she
‘There is something more soothing to the eye in the softly
wooded mountains in which we are now cradled, than in the cold,
stern white peaks, seen higher up. The great want is water.
One sees the rough, almost precipitous, channels of mountain
torrents, but there is not a drop trickling in them. The land
suffers sorely from drought. The early crops were partly
spoilt by furious storms, the second crops are threatened with
destruction by the failure of the rains. A peasant saw me
yesterday very slowly getting down rather a rough bit, and with
kindly courtesy came and offered me the help of his brown hand.
He almost immediately afterwards began to speak of the want
of rain; it is the uppermost thought amongst the poor, dear
‘I feel that I was rather ungrateful last year about
Dalhousie. Though I do not like the place much, it is a very
great blessing to have it.’
* * * * *
‘DALHOUSIE, _Sept. 3, 1877_.--This ought to be a good day for
letter-writing; for it is like an exaggerated November day in
England: rain more violent; wind more furious.... I amuse our
ladies by my indignation at one of our best hands, Miss H. of
J----, deserting us for matrimony. Merrily laughed the bonny
blue-bell at my proposition that, in addition to the fine of
£100 imposed on Mission Miss Sahibas who marry within three
years of coming out, it should be part of the contract that
they should have all their hair shaved off on the day before
the wedding. Don’t you approve, dear? In the Strathclyde,
beside Miss F. and myself, there were four Mission Miss Sahibas
going out for the first time. One of the four has gone home,
invalided; two have married; only my noble Miss G. remains
in the field! It is a great deal worse when experienced
Missionaries marry; we do not know how to supply their places....
‘You must not fancy that we have always weather like this in
the hills. When we first arrived, and for days afterwards, the
weather was lovely, July in the middle of the day, October at
night. The scenery was glorious. I hope, however, that I may
get back next week. I intend to travel rapidly, as I travel
A few days afterwards saw Miss Tucker back in Amritsar; and later in
the same month she went all the long journey to Murree, giving herself
only six days of absence, to be present at the wedding of her nephew,
Louis Tucker. Thence she again returned to Amritsar. Exciting events had
happened at Amritsar during even that absence, in the shape of fresh
Baptisms and fresh persecutions. In October she was once more off on a
short itinerating tour through villages. A letter written on the first of
October refers to the Batala work, of which her heart was full.
‘Mr. Beutel told me with regret that Mr. Baring, on account
of low funds, had desired him on Nov. 1st to stop two
village-schools near Batala, in which 50 or 60 boys are
receiving instruction. I had my Laura’s £5--grown to £5,
10s.--half of her handsome gift, of which Margaret has the
other half. This will keep the village schools going till
April; and by that time, please God, others may send help....
People do not seem to care for _village_ schools. Government
does not. And the people--our dear Natives--are so anxious to
have them. The nicest boys seem the village ones.’
An undated letter belongs, probably, to about this time.
‘I think I mentioned to you that a troop of guests invaded my
poor Margaret almost in the middle of the night, 3 A.M. She
had too much bustle, too much discomfort. She fell ill, as was
almost to be expected; but I left her up again, and going to
work. When she was lying on her sick-bed,--lovely she looked,
with her soft pink cheeks, and her long golden hair hanging
loose,--I went and had a chat with her. She has had too few
chats with those whom she loves since going to live at the
Orphanage.... Says Margaret, “What caps are you going to take
to your nephew’s?” “Oh, killing caps,” said I. Perhaps they
would look killing if Margaret wore them! She would not believe
me,--her playful banter, her arch smile, so reminded me _of my
Laura_! Margaret went on exactly as you would have done. She
was certain that my velvet cap must want a new ruche; would
I send over a whole set of caps for her to improve? It would
amuse her, she said. The Doctor came in, when I was having
one of my playful chats with Margaret; and he highly approved
of my giving her a little laugh.... She called me “sparkling
champagne.” There is a fine name for a Missionary Miss Sahiba!
Fancy my discovering one day that, in her crowded little
dwelling, she had so emptied herself of needful comforts,
that she had not so much as a basin to wash in. If she wished
to wash her hands, she must stoop or kneel to perform the
ablution in her bath! Off went I to the city, and procured a
toilette-set for our house in Batala, which Margaret has the
use of till we go,--when I hope that she will return to the
The above must have been written before her visit to Murree, already
mentioned. By the middle of October she was on the point of again
starting for Batala; and she wrote cheerily beforehand, on the 15th:--
‘Many, many thanks to my own sweet Laura for the pretty sketch
of what was once to me a very happy home. I am so pleased that
your hand has not lost its skill. I am in great hopes that,
like myself, you may have renewed vigour as you walk down
the incline of life’s hill. My companions here wonder at me.
In another month I shall have been two years in India,--only
two months, journeys included, spent in the Hills; all the
remaining twenty-two in the Plains, with one peculiarly
unhealthy season, and another of unusually prolonged heat;--and
yet I am just as strong and well as if I had been just
sauntering about an English garden all the time....
‘I am considered to have a wonderful constitution; and as my
Laura is my own sister, I always hope that she has one also....
‘Take no fears about Batala. Fear is another thing with which
Missionaries should have nothing to do. It seems to me that
English folk in India rather change in character. I never
imagined the effect of being in a land like this, where you
belong to a conquering race. I must not just say that no one
seems afraid of anything, for that would be an exaggeration;
but physical courage seems to come quite naturally. Those
who might be timid girls in England fearlessly travel at
night, quite alone--save for the company of wild-looking
natives,--through lonely mountain-passes, perhaps through
lightning and storm, with the possibility of meeting cheetahs,
bears, and snakes. I feel no more afraid of being at Batala,
with or _without_ Mr. Beutel, than you would of sleeping in a
London hotel.’
‘_Oct. 18, 1877._
‘I have just returned from seeing our darling off to Batala.
I know you will be sorry to hear she has gone there again;
and Miss Wauton, Mr. Clark, and I have tried hard to prevent
it,--in vain! She thinks it her duty to go, and she makes it
her pleasure. How we miss her here, I cannot tell you. She is
beloved and honoured by rich and poor, young and old. She is
our Sunshine. Her bright fancies, her quick perceptions, her
wise suggestions, are invaluable to all of us in the Mission.
‘While she frets over her want of power in speaking Urdu and
Panjabi, we are rejoicing, not only in her power of writing for
the people, but in her wonderful perception of the national
character, her insight into the weaknesses and also into the
virtues of our Native friends, Christian and heathen. Her
loving, unselfish ways are wonderfully soothing and sustaining;
and life has seemed to me a different thing since God brought
her to us.
‘She has been wonderfully free of fever during the past year;
and the excitability which used to make me anxious has quite
passed away. I think she has been looking quite lovely of
late; the __EXPRESSION__ of her dear face has been so restful, so
sweet, so angel-like. She has been a little less thin too, and
has been wearing more becoming caps and bonnets. We find it
necessary to look after her in such sublunary things; and many
a laugh she has at our anxiety about her appearance. You asked
me to tell you of anything she ever needs; and I think you may
like to know that she has no intermediate dress for everyday
use; nothing between the dark green cashmere and a very pale kind of Chinese silk.

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