2017년 3월 1일 수요일

A Lady of England 61

A Lady of England 61

At Batala, as in thousands of other Heathen and Muhammadan cities, things
are widely different. Sharp lines of demarcation are drawn between the
Christian and the non-Christian,--between the Church and the heathen
world around. It was so most markedly when Charlotte Tucker lived in
Batala. There, as in Early Christian days, was the great mass of those
who neither knew nor cared for the Names of God and Christ; and in their
midst was the Infant Church, a tiny body of brave men and women, who had
come out from amongst the Heathen and Muhammadans, to be known as the
servants of Christ.[88]
And the step which led from the one to the other stood clear and defined,
with no possibility of a mistake. The marching-orders which our Lord and
Master issued were not _only_ to go forth and teach. Here is the fuller
version: ‘Go ye therefore, and teach’ (_Rev. Ver._ ‘make disciples of’)
AND OF THE HOLY GHOST; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
have commanded you.’
That was the great order given; that was the command which had to be
obeyed, whether at Batala or elsewhere. And however easy a matter Baptism
in England may be, it is no easy matter in the Panjab for Converts
from Heathenism or from Muhammadanism. It is a step of overwhelming
importance. It means leaving the world of idolatry, ignorance,
superstition, behind, and entering the Church of Christ. It also means
too often leaving all things earthly that have most been loved. It means
persecution, beating, cruelty, hard words and harsher deeds. It means
wives separated from husbands, mothers separated from children, loss of
money, loss of the means of livelihood, danger not seldom to life itself.
It is the passing of the Rubicon.
Again, in that Infant Church at Batala,--or, one may equally say, in the
Church at Amritsar, and throughout the Panjab,--we find reproduced the
various elements which existed in Early Church days. There are strong
Christians and weak Christians; there are whole-hearted ones and wavering
ones; there are the true and the false. What wonder?--when the very
foundation-stones of the Church of Christ included a Judas. Wheat and
tares will grow together until the end; and bad fish as well as good will
be caught in the net. The Church planted in a new place is seldom long
without her Demas, who loves this present heathen world, and goes back to
it again.
But for one who is unfaithful, for one who turns his back upon the Light,
after seeming to be indeed a Convert, there are many who stand firm,
persevering to the end, despite difficulties, discouragements, and bitter
oppositions. These brave brown brothers and sisters of ours, who are
still in the fires of persecution, from which England has been so long
delivered, deserve our warmest sympathy.
In giving the story of Charlotte Tucker, and of the growth of the Church
at Batala, with which she was so intimately associated, it is of very
real importance to show frankly both sides of the picture,--the dark
side, as well as the bright; the cloudy as well as the sunshiny. There
were of course disappointments as well as encouragements. There were
goings backward as well as pressings forward. Missionary life is no
more one of unbroken success, even at its best, than any other kind of
hard-working life, with a high aim before it; and to present it as such,
by omitting to describe failure side by side with success, would--and
often does--produce only a sense of unreality. The story of the Church
throughout the ages has always been a chequered tale.
Hard as Miss Tucker toiled, she had not the delight of seeing many
individuals won to Christianity through her own efforts. Results of what
she did, still more of what she was, were visible enough to others,--but
rather in the shape of a general and widespread influence than in the
shape of conversions directly due to her labours. The worth of any work
can never be truly gauged by the amount of success which may appear to
follow within a given time; and to measure the extent or the effects of
her loving influence, alike among younger Missionaries and among Indian
Christians, especially among the boys in the Baring High School, is
utterly impossible.
No less impossible is it to measure the results of her years of toilsome
work in Zenanas. Some here are disposed to assert freely that she
accomplished very little. One Native Christian, sending a few slight
memoranda, goes so far as to say: ‘I feel sorry to have to add that she
signally failed as a Missionary, if by that term is meant the preaching
of the Gospel to the heathen of India.’ A very great deal more than mere
preaching is, of course, meant by the term; but in any case this would
be a most rash judgment for any man to venture to pass, were he English
or Indian. No _man_ could have entrance into the scores upon scores of
Zenanas which she visited, to test for himself the effects of her work;
and we all know what hearsay evidence is worth. Even if he could find
entrance, he would have no Divine power to see into the hearts of the
people there. The fact that she herself saw few results says nothing; for
the best results are often slowest in appearing. Judging from apparent
results is always a defective and a shallow proceeding.
From beginning to end she never so far conquered the languages of North
India as to speak them with ease. Grammar and construction she might
and did to a considerable extent master, but colloquial fluency was not
in her case attainable. Still, though she never became actually fluent,
it is a matter of unquestionable fact that she did both understand and
make herself understood, despite occasional verbal mistakes. There are
testimonies from all sides which abundantly prove this.
Her mode of working in Zenanas was peculiar to herself; and though she
always held to it, she did not put it forward as a model for every one
else to imitate. She made no attempt at systematic instruction, probably
feeling her knowledge of the languages unequal to the task; and this in
itself was a drawback. ‘In point of fact,’ as one says who was associated
with her, ‘she never considered herself as a teacher, but rather, like
St. John the Baptist, as a “voice crying in the wilderness.” Her visits
were almost always short,’--though to this rule there were evidently
exceptions,--‘she seems to have gone in, greeted the people, given her
message, and taken courteous leave. She always deprecated any attempt
to judge of her work by the number of Zenanas on her visiting list; and
indeed it would not be fair to do so, as she did not undertake regular
teaching in them.’
Zenana-visiting was only one portion of her work; regarded by herself
as the more important portion, but not necessarily the more important
because she thought so. We ourselves are poor judges of the comparative
worth of the different things which we have to do. She was also a warm
and true friend to the Indian Christians, entering into their trials and
difficulties, throwing herself into their interests, doing her utmost
to help them onward, to lift them upward. In this direction she had a
remarkable degree of influence; and in her intercourse with them she was
absolutely without pride, she was full of kindliness, consideration, and
With the schoolboys, as already seen, she was in her element. The
old spirit of fun, the old devotion to games, were invaluable here;
neither having faded with increasing age. One of her dharm-nephews, Dr.
Weitbrecht, writing about the High School in Batala, says:--
‘From this time for years to come Miss Tucker was a mainstay of
the Boys’ Boarding School, teaching the elder boys the English
language and history, taking a motherly interest in all their
pursuits, writing for them Batala School songs, inviting them
in the evenings to little social entertainments, enlivened by
parlour games; visiting the sick, comforting the home-sick
new boy; mothering the young convert, who had been sent to
Batala not less for spiritual shelter than for instruction;
and upholding the hands of workers in the School and Mission
generally; besides carrying on without fail her regular
visits to the town and villages, and her literary work for
publication, both in England and India.’
One of the former schoolboys, now a Native surgeon in India, Dr. I. U.
Nasir, writes on the same subject:--
‘Her good influence on the young minds cannot be overrated. Her
Bible Classes were eagerly looked for and well attended,--it
may be, for the sake of lozenges and bits of cake which she
distributed at the end, but also for the interest she made
everybody feel in the meeting. She would begin by asking the
verse and subject of the morning sermon, and the various points
of interest worth remembering. This led to the habit of closely
attending to the sermon.... Then every one had a choice of a hymn
to be practised for the evening services of the week; a short
verse of the Bible was repeated; and Sunday enigmas from the
Bible were solved.’
And also with reference to social week-day evenings:--
‘She amused us with stories, comic songs, historical anecdotes,
making anagrams, giving riddles to be solved, and several
amusements of the kind. Many an evening was spent in Miss
Tucker’s drawing-room, playing various indoor games, of which
chess and word-making and word-taking were her favourites. In
the latter game she would consider it a great triumph to have
made such long words as “Jerusalem artichoke.” But she took
particular delight in showing her old scrap-album to any one
who desired to see it. Many an interesting incident was dropped
in connection with her relatives, as she turned leaf after leaf
with her old slender fingers. She never got tired of this. Then
she would select good scenes from Shakespeare, whom she called
“The Poet of Conscience,” and give us lessons in recitation and
Charlotte Tucker had a profound belief in the good _moral_ influence of
Shakespeare. She is said to have greatly wished that the Indians could
have the benefit of Shakespeare translated into their Native languages.
In addition to the Baring School boys, she had a never-failing interest
in the lads of the Mission Plough School, started mainly by herself, and
afterwards endowed by her with the sum of £50 a year. She constantly
visited there, and taught the scholars, knowing many of the older boys
by name, and asking them from time to time to pay her Sunday afternoon
Moreover, outside all these occupations, A. L. O. E. was still an
Author. For some years, indeed, after her arrival in India she wrote for
India only, and not especially for England. When, however, it became
gradually clear that books suitable for Indian readers were not adapted
for England, she found time to accomplish separate volumes for home
publication. Some would say that her writings for the Native population
of Hindustan are by far the most important part of her whole Missionary
work. By her pen she could reach thousands, even tens of thousands,
where by her voice she could reach at most only dozens. Her tiny Indian
booklets, published by the Christian Literature Society at very low
prices, are among the most widely selling of the Society’s productions.

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