2017년 3월 1일 수요일

A Lady of England 27

A Lady of England 27

‘_March 31, 1865._
‘MY DEAR GOD-DAUGHTER,--I shall like to think of you
particularly to-morrow, because it is the Anniversary of the
day when your dear parents in church solemnly presented their
precious little first-born babe to God; and I stood there to
answer for her. Dear Leila, may each return of that day find
you drawing nearer and nearer to Him who said, “Suffer the
little children to come unto Me.” If we could only feel in
our hearts that He really does love us, and that He deigns to
care whether we love Him, what a motive it would be for doing
everything as in His sight! We are too apt to think of our
Saviour as very far off, and with so many to care for that
we are almost beneath His notice. But this is wrong. The Sun
shines and sparkles on every dewdrop in a field, as much as
if it were the only dewdrop in the world. He does not pass it
over, because it is little; he makes it beautiful in his light,
and then draws it up towards himself.... I wish that I could
come and pay you a visit; but I do not see how I am to leave
Grandmamma as long as dear Aunt Fanny is an invalid. I seem
wanted at home.’
It may have been somewhere about this year, or not very long before it,
that Charlotte wrote the following pretty and graceful lines:--
‘Each silver thread that glitters in the hair,
Is like a wayside landmark,--planted there
To show Earth’s pilgrims, as they onward wend,
How nearly they approach their journey’s end!’
A.D. 1864-1866
The afternoon shadows were again to darken around Charlotte Tucker; and
one blow after another had to fall. Her mother was growing old, and in no
long time would be called away. The health of her gentle sister, Fanny,
had begun to fail, never to be entirely restored. But a yet sharper
sorrow, because utterly unlooked for, was to come before the loss of
either her mother or her sister, like a flash of lightning into the midst
of clear sunshine.
Of all the many whom she dearly loved, none perhaps lay closer to her
heart than Letitia, the only daughter of her brother Robert,--the
youngest of ‘the Robins.’ The two boys were now out in the world,
one in India, one at sea; but Letitia hitherto had never left her,
except for visits here or there among relatives and friends. One who
knew them both well describes the contrast between aunt and niece at
this period,--Charlotte Tucker, ‘so upright and animated, very thin,
fair, with auburn hair, not very abundant, but which curled slightly,
naturally,’--and Letitia, ‘grave, with beautiful dark eyes and hair, and
rather dark complexion.’ Another speaks of Letitia as tall and handsome,
with dark eyes, dark chestnut hair, regular features, and sweet smile.
The gravity seems to have been a marked characteristic of this gifted
young girl. From very babyhood she was earnestly religious, and of a
peculiarly serious temperament; though at the same time energetic and
sometimes even lively. She had not her aunt’s spirit of fun; but the two
were alike in generosity and in determination. Perhaps Charlotte Tucker’s
training had especially developed these traits in her niece. A favourite
proverb of Letitia’s was--‘Perseverance conquers difficulties’;--and it
would have served equally well for A. L. O. E.
Letitia was also very fond of little children, and she worked much among
the poor. She was an exceedingly good and fearless rider; and at twenty
years old there was already promise of a literary gift. Her passion for
reading was so great that Hallam’s _History_ was a recreation in her
eyes. She had written at least one short story, which had found its
way into print, and many pretty, simple verses, chiefly of a religious
character. One of her hymns, composed at the age of eighteen, may be
given here:--
‘My soul was dark, for o’er its sight
The shades of sorrow fell;--
In Thee alone there still was light,
Jesus, Immanuel!
‘And all around me and above
There hung a gloomy spell;--
I should have died without Thy love,
Jesus, Immanuel!
‘For in my sinking heart there beat
An ever-sounding knell;--
But still I knew the “promise sweet,”
Jesus, Immanuel!
‘I looked to Thee through all my fears,
The pain and grief to quell;--
Thy Hand hath wiped away my tears,
Jesus, Immanuel!
‘I heard a low, “a still small voice,”
Soft whisper, “It is well”;--
And knew the Saviour of my choice,
Jesus, Immanuel!
‘And still, o’er all life’s changing sea,
In calm or stormy swell,
I’ll look in faith straight up to Thee,
Jesus, Immanuel!’
On November 28, 1864, Letitia left English shores, to join her uncle, Mr.
St. George Tucker and his family, in India. Letters of Charlotte Tucker,
referring to the event, have not come to hand; but she must have felt
the separation very keenly, whatever might have been the precise reasons
which led to the move. Letitia had now been practically her child for
eighteen years; and a close tie existed between the two. But no doubt
Charlotte looked upon the parting as of a very temporary nature; as
merely sending her child away for a longer visit than any preceding. The
real anguish of separation came a year later, when suddenly the young
girl was summoned to her true Home.
The few following extracts lie between these two dates,--the going of
Letitia to India, and the tidings of her death.
‘_Jan. 3, 1865._
‘Many thanks, my dear Leila, for your affectionate note.... There
was another nice cheerful note from my Letitia to-day. She
wrote it when on the Red Sea, which she evidently found very
warm, for she described the ship as a “hothouse,” and said that
she and her fellow-passengers would be “fine exotics” before
they arrived. There had been two Services on board on Sunday,
and Letitia had heard two excellent sermons. Mary Egerton had
her harmonium on board, which had been brought up from the
hold, so there was nice hymn-singing too. How sweet the music
must have sounded on the water! I think that, steaming over
the Red Sea, one would have liked to have raised the song of
the Israelites--
“Sound the loud timbrel o’er Egypt’s dark sea,
Jehovah hath triumphed, His people are free!”
‘My dear sailor is to leave us on the 17th or 18th for China.
I believe that he is to travel part of the journey in the
same vessel as the Cuthbert Thornhills, who were to have
taken charge of Letitia had our first arrangements held good.
They will have one Robin instead of the other. Poor dear Mrs.
Thornhill, what a sad parting is before her! I had a loving
note very lately from my Louis. He fears that he will not get
leave to see his dear sister for a twelve-month.
‘The weather here has been chilly. None of the ladies have
ventured out of the house since Saturday; but Charley has in
vain longed for skating. Ice forms, then melts again. Dear
Grandmamma keeps wonderfully free from cold; but then she
remains in the house.’
TO MRS. HAMILTON. (Undated.)
‘My loved boy left us yesterday, quiet and firm, shedding no
tear. We (Mamma) had a little note from him this morning,--such
a simple one,--you might have fancied that he had only left us
for a week. Dear boy! I trust that he is going into sunshine;
above all I hope and pray that his Father’s God will ever be
with him. It would not have been well for him to have remained
much longer in London with nothing particular to do. Active
life is most wholesome to a fine strong man like my Charley....
‘Dear Mother keeps well. Sweet Fan I cannot give so good an
account of. I have urged Mother to have further advice; and I
believe that there will be a little consultation on Friday; but
perhaps you had better not write about this, except to me.’

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